8th Ed. Second 2400pt army - Trying to be competitive MarkII

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Minigiant, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    First i want to thank everyone who has responded to the threads i have posted, they have all been helpful in there own ways. I took everything i have learnt and added some other tech i have learned from my other warhammer experiences.

    I tore my first list apart and rewrote it. The following is my new army list with a small description of its roll

    Here is the list i have settled on that i will be testing over the next two weeks, 12 games, 2 of each mission

    So onto the new list 14/08/2014:

    Characters: 899 Points

    LORD - Slann Mage Priest:
    Battle standard bearer, Standard of Discipline
    Channeling Staff,
    The Harmonic convergence, The becalming cogitation, Reservoir of Eldritch Energy
    Lore of Life

    HERO - Tetto'eko:

    HERO - Scar Veteran:
    Great Weapon, Cold One, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone

    HERO - Scar Veteran:
    Great Weapon, Cold One, Gamblers armour, The Other Tricksters shard

    Core: 620 Points

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers:
    Javelin and Shield

    CORE - 10 Skink Cohort:
    Musician, Standard bearer

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers:
    Javelin and Shield
    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers:
    Javelin and Shield

    CORE - 36 Skink Cohort:
    Musician, Standard bearer

    CORE - 10 Skink Cohort:
    Musician, Standard bearer

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers:
    Javelin and Shield

    Special: 293 Points

    SPECIAL - 6 Chameleon Skinks: 78 Points
    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points

    SPECIAL - Bastiladon: 150 Points
    Solar Engine

    Rare: 584 Points

    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns
    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns

    RARE - 1 Salamanders: 84 Points
    +1 Handler

    There we have it, my list updated for the better i think. Tell me what you think?

    There we have it, i feel like my list has come a long way since my first list.
    Let me know what you think
  2. Lindel

    Lindel Member

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    Looks great! It's definitely come a long way since your first draft. :) My main concern now is that you're funneling a lot of points into Temple Guard. Temple Guard aren't bad, certainly, but perhaps you might consider dropping one unit in favor of an Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods and Sharpened Horns. This gives you a lot of useful tools. A decent magic missile, ward save for nearby models, and a slight advantage in the magic phase. If you could find the points, I'd also recommend buying the Razor Standard for your Temple Guard for added punch. It's up to you of course, but you said you liked the idea of two big dinosaurs, and the Stegadon is certainly big!
  3. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Thank you. Would the Engine of the Gods really be worth it? The Arcane Configuration is only really being utiilised by the Skink Priest and is X points really worth the ward save? Just a few questions that arise from that idea.

    That does also lead me to think what is the best lore for this army, i have stuck with the idea of High magic but the idea of (another Dinosaur) the engine of the gods seems i would be more suited to a Wandering Deliberations Slann build

    Edit: The other thing i keep forgetting to consider is what law for my Scroll Caddie
  4. Dunya
    Chameleon Skink

    Dunya Member

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    I don't really think the Engine is worth it in this edition of the book. Not that its terrible, but you have to remember you are sacrificing the 2 Giant Blowpipes which are brilliant at clearing chaff.

    I do agree that 2x20 Temple Guard is probably a little over the top. I like the idea behind the sacrificial Skink Chief though, that actually is a very good strategy as he can't easily be picked off when inside a unit.

    Generally I think going for a single scouting or vanguarding unit is a poor setup, it leaves the unit kinda isolated. I usually go for 2-4 or none at all.
  5. Lindel

    Lindel Member

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    For the lore on the Priest, I'd say Beasts. Wyssan's can work very well with Temple Guard. As far as the Slann question, it's up to you. I think Wandering Deliberations or High Magic would both work well with your army. Wandering Deliberations give you plenty of smaller spells, which lessens the danger of miscasts a lot. But you're already compensating for that by bunkering him with the Skinks. High Magic has some harder hitting spells, but the Lore attribute also gives you some versatility as well.
  6. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    The second unit of TG seems a bit much to me as well. Have you considered any fliers? They are a good secodary option when chameleon skinks get blocked and they are fast enough to be where you need them and not so expensive they don't just add to your chaff in scenarios. I like to include a skink chief cowboy on teradon to be a warmachine hunter etc. On the other hand though that bastilladon is a lonely large target I would probably go for an ancient steg; and skip engine of the gods. Too many bound spells just pull dice form the slann. As a general rule of thumb when running high magic if ever I cast apotheosis I swap that for a life spell as you use the lore attribute to the spell cast; so hopefully a useful spell and a free wound to boot. Best of luck to you.
  7. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    1x24-27 temple guard is more than enough.

    You need at least two scar vet cowboys. drop the skink chief, they are pretty useless.

    Personally I would also drop loremaster of high magic. I'm not a huge fan, if you want buff spells for TG and saurus unit go with life or light. If you want flexibility go with WD. If you want Pew Pew go with metal or death.
  8. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Users on this forum sure do respond quickly and constructively, so thank you everyone

    Small update

    - Skink Chief
    - 2 x Temple Guard

    + Ancient Stegadon without Engine of the Gods
    + 2nd Unit of Chameleon Skinks
    + Kroxigor

    - Changed Set up on Cowboy. Previous Build was better vs Core, i needed something better against Characters.
  9. Dunya
    Chameleon Skink

    Dunya Member

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    I actually don't like Kroxigor without Light or Life. They are sort of glass cannons that strike last, so you need to swing the odds a bit so that they are either harder to hit or harder to wound.

    Alternative to them could be a couple of units of Rippers, more Scar-Vets or even another Stegadon.
  10. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    The more i think about it the more i think Life would be awesome in this list, which would save me a nice X amount of points.

    I would love another Stegadon but would i get away with it not being an Ancient?
    I do not have the points allowance in Rare for a 2nd Ancient
  11. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Sorry for double post. I am trying to drop my Saurus and squeeze in another unit of Krox/Stegadon/Temple Guard etc. To run a 2nd Ancient Stegadon i need to drop a Salamander, what other units in the book fill a similar role to Salamanders?
  12. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    For competitive list, I think your core should be 600pts of skinks. If u wanna infantry block, u should take Temple Guards instead.

    Also Chameleon skinks could be like 5x, 5x, 6x (unless comp pack forbids it)

    Dont know meta of area you are from, so it's pretty difficult to say what to take.
  13. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Trust me i am working on it. My playstyle likes 3 Blocks/Combat elements. Very hard to include when none of them count towards core requirements, but i think i am getting close
  14. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    LORD - Slann Mage Priest: 385 Points
    Battle standard bearer, Standard of Discipline
    Channeling Staff,
    The Harmonic convergence
    Lore of Light

    This is a standard set

    HERO - Skink Priest: 90 Points
    Level 1 Heavens, Dispel Scroll

    Scroll Caddie and eyes for the Slann

    HERO - Scar Veteran: 145 Points
    Great Weapon, Cold One, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone

    Cowboy, everyone knows what this does

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield

    Slann Bunker in the more mobile platform, that still grants a lot of protection without being ridiculously expensive if my miscast kills half of the unit.

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield
    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield
    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield

    These run disruption and redirection in front of the main battle line

    CORE - 30 Skink Cohort: 160 Points
    CORE - 30 Skink Cohort: 160 Points

    To break Steadfast

    SPECIAL - 6 Chameleon Skinks: 78 Points
    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points
    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points

    Warmachine hunting

    SPECIAL - Bastiladon: 150 Points
    Solar Engine

    Increases my Initiative on my battleline and adds firepower

    SPECIAL - Stegadon: 235 Points
    Sharpened Horns

    Baby Steg because you cannot have 3 Ancients

    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns
    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns

    Main Damage output

    RARE - 1 Salamanders: 84 Points
    +1 Handler

    Extra handler incase they decide to have 3 snacks all at once. There role is to soften up the enemy infantry before my blocks engage
  15. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    you could run 4x15 skinks w/musics instead of 2x30

    baby steg could be mounted vet and u would have points for 2nd salamander

    Im a fan of "all sigs" on slann, IMO its better than 4 spells from light
  16. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    individual points cost are not allowed to print down.

    You can however post the total points for each category. For example. 630 points core, 800 special and so on.

    Good luck with the list building. Starts to look nice. :)
  17. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Im tempted to run
    4x10 Skirmishera
    2x10 Cohort with Banner&Musician
    14 Cohort Banner&Musician (Priest goes here)
    15 Cohort Banner&Musician

    This more than doubles my fortitude

    I wouldnt have points for a 2nd Salamander as im basically all out of rare allowance
  18. Lindel

    Lindel Member

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    Looking good! :) Tons of monsters, gives enemies with cannons no obvious priority in targets, which is nice. Be sure to let us know how it goes!
  19. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I liked having 1 temple guard block and again, I really think you need more than 1 cowboy
  20. Minigiant

    Minigiant New Member

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    Here is the list i have settled on that iwill be testing over the next two weeks, 12 games, 2 of each mission

    LORD - Slann Mage Priest: 385 Points
    Battle standard bearer, Standard of Discipline
    Channeling Staff,
    The Harmonic convergence
    Lore of Light

    HERO - Skink Priest: 90 Points
    Level 1 Heavens, Dispel Scroll

    HERO - Scar Veteran: 154 Points
    Great Weapon, Cold One, Armour of Fortune, The Other Tricksters Shard

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield

    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield
    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield
    CORE - 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Points
    Javelin and Shield

    CORE - 14 Skink Cohort: 90 Points
    Musician, Standard Bearer
    CORE - 15 Skink Cohort: 95 Points
    Musician, Standard bearer
    CORE - 10 Skink Cohort: 70 Points
    Musician, Standard bearer
    CORE - 10 Skink Cohort: 70 Points
    Musician, Standard bearer

    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points
    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points
    SPECIAL - 5 Chameleon Skinks: 65 Points

    SPECIAL - Bastiladon: 150 Points
    Solar Engine

    SPECIAL - Stegadon: 235 Points
    Sharpened Horns

    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns
    RARE - Ancient Stegadon: 250 Points
    Sharpened Horns

    RARE - 1 Salamanders: 84 Points
    +1 Handler

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