8th Ed. Why Bastiladon?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Drmooreflava, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    I see some lists with multiple bastiladons. Why do people do it? I was considering one if any at all.

    Why take one over other monsters, more skinks, flyers or saurus?

    Can I get some pros and cons with real game examples?

    I just don't find it threatening enough to the enemy to demand attention where almost everything else, if not everything else, in the lizardmen book demands that it be killed or suffer the repercussions. I don't find a bound spell lazerbeam to be as threatening as it looks on paper especially with how PD needy slanns are.
  2. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    I find that the bastiladon is a fantastic investment for the points. He's only 150 points, that's just a little more that what can be considered chaff. For those points you get a laser beam bound spell that can scare opponents with its potential, trust me it works. Str. 4 may be lower for a monster, but he still causes terror and thunder stomps. For toughness 5 and armor of 2+ and three skinks that can also shoot is pretty good for 150 in my book. Btw, he's a cannon magnet that can take attention away from more valuable units. I think one is a safe bet, haven't used multiple but I love running him.

    Last thing, when a bastiladon gets into combat in the flank alongside saurus or a steg charge, he is very effective. In battles, he either sits out for a lot of the battle, but in others he is a freaking star. Just depends. I would recommend one.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    He's a good supplement in an army with no slann. There's a 50% chance for his spell to do 2D6 S5 flaming attacks or more.

    He can be used as a defence against purple sun on our templeguards as well.
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with this. But you also have lore of light and high that can buff this as well.

    Another thing to note is that bastiladon doesn't have flanks or rear, so you can charge block with him pretty effectively as well.
  5. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    I'm sold on him having good games and bad but I am not sold on him being reliable. The only reason I am even considering one is because I'm planning on a 2 skink priest list without a frog. T5 and 2+ AS isn't very tough in my book. Over 50% of the enemies you see in warhammer are str 4 or higher. Sure you can talk a tough game with him and try to make him seem like more of a magnet than he really should be but in reality if your opponent knows the bastiladon rules, he won't be putting the cannon shots into him over other more priority demanding monsters or solo scarvets.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I consider the Solardon an essential component of Slann-less lists. A useful but optional component for BRB Slann lists, and dead weight for a Slann with Focus of Mystery or Wandering Deliberations. I consider it's usefulness dependent on the Beam of Chotec spell. The Initiative boost is siutationally nice to have but not worth building a list around in my opinion.

    I see less use for the Arkadon. The ability to generate Swarms is very hard to use well since a Swarm nearby an Ark of Sotek is generally not in a good position to provide They're Everywhere buffs to a block of Saurus Warriors nor is it generally in a good position to stall enemies. The real power of the Arkadon is it's slew of automatic "shooting" hits that don't take power dice. To get mileage out of that you have to be fighting blocks of poorly armored Toughness 3 enemies such as Elf or human Core infantry, Goblins, or Undead. Actually Goblins and Undead are expendable enough that the damage they receive is almost negligible.

    Either way I tend to prefer to buddy them up with Saurus or Temple Guard blocks. Otherwise the non Stubborn low leadership giant dinosaur will often run away from static CR alone.
  7. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    => That's awlays good to remember. Plus, it's fun to move him out ahead and turn him away from the enemy, presenting his tail. Not only will this tempt some opponents to charge him (especially those unaware that he has no rear for combat resolution), but it will allow you to actually make use of the one extra awesome attack.

    => This is definitely his biggest problem.
  8. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    I run two in my double horde and monster mash lists. I like the initiative buff and since they are both slannless it gives me something to chuck dice at since I'm just trying to cast irresistably. The double horde has a beast priest so sometimes I have less dice and it seems less worthwhile, but they do help with target saturation. I really wish he was stubborn...
  9. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow Member

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    Is the bastiladon a skink priest option? and if so could they use their leadership to assist with CR and lack of Stubborn?
  10. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Now, ordinarily, I'm a big fan of Blasty the Blastiladon. But he's just unreliable. At a 5 game event I cast his lazer beam at least once per game, and often twice or three times. Did not roll more than a 3 each time.
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I can attest to this. I cast it at least twice (to coax some dispel dice). But my opponents are used to my abysmal luck and let it through so i can reliable do 1 Strength 3 hit.
  12. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Skink priests only mount is the stegadon with engine of the gods. Nothing in our book can take the bastiladon as a mount, unfortunately.

    I wish there were more mount options...
  13. Morewar

    Morewar New Member

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    Often with the Bastilodon, what it does is unimportant. What matters is what your opponent think it can do. In most of my games he either eats a cannonball, gets magicked to death, is raped by fast cav, or rolls terrible for the beam. The thing is in the potential. Although in my opinion far from reliable, my opponent is never allowed to get complacent, because that's when the Bastilodon shines. If you don't like the idea of a unit being useless/MVP depending on the game, I would not take it, although 150 points is a small investment.
  14. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    You've got to accept that the Bastiladon is not a superstar (should you intend to take one).

    It provides support. Period. Anything else that it does is a bonus.

    First, 'Terror+ Fear.'

    It's always nice to have, and only gets better with hexes.

    The Bastiladon may not be our only monster with Terror, but no other monster can fill the Bastiladon's shoes.

    Second, 'Impervious Defense + Thunderous Bludgeon.'

    No need to cast the Beam? Good news - no flanks or rear!

    Turn your 'don around, and bait a charge. Then, target attacks against Character, BSB, whatever - some luck, and the Bastiladon can make its points back.

    Ouch, man! It's worked for me, anyway.

    Whether the +1 To Hit comes in the first or second round, it's just nice to have a S10 attack.

    How many other monsters can boast a Str 10 attack with +1 To Hit @ 150 pts?

    Anyway, you can also turn him sideways - that's fun, too.

    Third, 'Beam of Chotec!'

    I mean, this spell is great.

    Don't need its effects? One-die it.

    Fails? Whatever.

    Passes? Any intelligent opponent will face a difficult decision.

    Need it? Throw two or more dice, I guess! I dunno.

    Anyway, it's got a 50% chance of causing 2d6 S5 Flaming hits. A 6 attributes additional penalties.

    Most people won't let that slide. No opponent of mine has ever let it get through without throwing at least one die.

    That is great! Two dispel die for one power? Just fantastic! C'mon.

    Fourth, "Solar Engine."

    +1 Initiative?

    I mean, this is huge! It's the primary reason that I take one.

    For starters, WD Slann just got a bit better. It effectively gives you a +1 to Melkoth's. Cool.

    I2 Regadon becomes I3 - that is an initiative step higher than most monsters in the game.

    It's a nice feeling to have my Regadon consistently prance away from a monster vs. monster combat, totally unscathed.

    I1 Ancient becomes I2 - you are now fighting simultaneously with most monsters.

    I2 TG are now I3 - Initiative spells like PSun are suddenly less worrisome, yeah? I3 puts you at the same step as quite a lot of infantry. Not bad.

    Skinks, Razordons, Salamanders: all I5 now. Nice.

    Fifth, it's effectively M8 - I meam, why wouldn't you constantly march with this thing?

    It's a roadblock that shoots lasers. No opponent wants that in their face.


    150 pts for so many perks?

    Yeah, man - surely.
  15. Carnozen92

    Carnozen92 New Member

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    Some people vow against the old sun gun.

    I however, love BOTH of mine in my lists. These guys are awesome.

    Why? Here's why:

    - Draining power dice.
    Aim your beams at a juicy target and the fear your opponent has of waxing it off the table usually draws out many dispel dice. Every game I have used these guys in this occurs, especially after it went off once and obliterated a frost phoenix on turn 1. If you have other spells more important in a turn, use these guys to get the up on your opponents dispel dice.

    - TOUGH chaff
    Yes I consider these guys chaff. Much rather have 150 points of T5 2+AS than fast cav any day. They are excellent for holding up units, protecting army flanks, and are surprisingly okay in small combats. Only two out of many games have I lost a basti as your opponent usually has more pressing units to worry about.

    - Subtle heroes
    Do not rely on these guys to win a battle for you! Yes with a few good rolls you CAN turn the tide of an entire game in one turn with their beams, but never rely on them going off as part of your tactics, more of a bonus thing. Use them mainly for +1 initiative, intimidation factor, and protection of other units.

    - Monster flooding
    If you are using a monster mash list, more targets for enemy cannons and spells the better. I run 5 monsters in a 2400 list (2x carno, 2x basti, 1x Anc. steg) and it makes it near impossible to isolate a target.

    If anything else - they look awesome, are super fun to paint, and when you roll a 6 on the dice for the beam it makes it all worth it. It waxes pretty much anything off the table.

    Like I said I use 2 and I love them. I guess it depends how you play and what you like. For me they work a treat and am yet to lose a battle, giving much of the credit to having these 2 bad boys in my lists who have many a time won me the match or saved me from defeat.

    Big tick from me. You really just have to test them to find out. Running 1 however, doesn't seem to work well for me. Might even try 3 at some stage and see how that goes.
  16. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I don't understand how using the solar beam early in a magic phase will force your opponent to drop more than 1 PD in most cases. Most players in 2000+ games have a lvl 4 caster, so even if you roll a 6 like a boss on your beam, they only have to roll a 2+ to dispel (or does dispel always fail on a 2 as well?). So they have a 1/6 chance of failing the dispel whereas you have a 1/3 chance of failing to cast. I suppose if your intent is to 1 for 1 away their DD then it is effective.
    I always wait until the end of the magic phase, that way my opponent thinks they need to hold on to all those dispel dice. Also, if I fluff with the slann, I can throw the rest of the dice into the beam without consequence.
    I primarily bring the bastilladon because he is the coolest looking model I have.
  17. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Not only does a 2 always fail, but if you roll a 1 or a 2 when dispelling then that wizard can no longer dispel (or use a scroll) for that magic phase.

    So, while they only have a 1/3 chance of failing the dispel. That's a 1/3 change of not being able to use their Level 4 to dispel any of your other spells!

    So they can just let the beam go through (yay!), risk not being able to use their level 4 for dispelling, or play it safe and roll 2 dice.... or they can use their Level 2 guy (that is probably their scroll caddy) and risk losing the ability to scroll that turn.
  18. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Ahh, that makes a lot of sense. I never realized that you could not use a dispel scroll after breaking concentration, but that seems so obvious to me now.
    +1 upvote for Bastiladon
  19. Izzetmaster

    Izzetmaster New Member

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    Was this ever FAQ'd or are you still just standing by your interpretation?
  20. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    What are you looking to be FAQ'ed? the flank/rear thing?

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