Hey all, Ive jumped back into the cold blooded cauldron after a hiatus with High Elves. I have started a new army and need some help/feed back or general pointers and advice or criticisms. Please make any comment you wish, all are helpful Here we go - Favourite model ever - Gor Rok, loved painting this! let me know your thoughts Next up my tester Saurus warrior. I cannto decide on shield colour so testing a few out but here is the chap so far - Thoughts welcome More posts will follow soon
Hmmm.... Those are actually quite good. I can tell you put some time into adding washes to the metals, and everything seems to be shaded and highlighted nicely, the basing is decent, and I even like your color scheme. (allthough I though you might have been sick of black and purple by now)
Thanks, you seem a bit shocked about the fact I have painted them ok. Lol. Were you expecting less?? My High Elves were Red and White so this is a nice break. Bit of a challeneg bringing the colours up from a black primer though. I need to get a light or dark grey one really but want to use this up first. Still struggling with shield colours though. Not sure what goes well with purple and black. Red is ok but a bit...standard. Yellow is too OTT, blue isnt enough of a contrast....... grrrr, one day ill decide. Lol. For now its on to the Stegadon
I supose you could split the difference and go with Orange? Edit: PS. my bad I thought you said you painted Dark Elves.