8th Ed. Lizardmen vs. Warriors of Chaos

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Ixt, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    VC and Skaven tend to dominate my area. Lots of expedable points that hold up a WOC army while you warmachine/magic your slaves or blender lord anything and everything. Disrupting your opponents battle plans is always the first step. I have success against WOC when I field 6+ units of skirmishers, camos and fliers in special and sallies in rare. Lots of redirection and sheer volume of poison shots and templates against blocks. Frenzy bait his crushers away from battle swing units around behind him and evntually he'll just be spinning in circles and chasing fleeing charges. I like to run high magic on a slann for walk between worlds for extra mobility for whateve block you use as bait may as well be saurus (keep it cheap) He'll be so hungry for that 250 pts; that he overlooks all your 70 pt units he can't really deal with anyway since he has no volume of fire shooting. It's also fun to use lore of shadow and play like pesky wood elves. It's impossible for him to win if he can't get into combat and this lore imcreases movement and makes his units weak. Lore of death is also useful with the ability to snipe characters and reduce leadership for redirect and reforms etc... I honestly think a skink cloud can work well against any army that can't horde cheap units and most of the time they don't unless they are VC and Skaven so more skinksis probably your best foot forward. Best of luck.
  2. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Sorry if I'm necrothreading, but my list is up.


    I'd appreciate any further suggestions & critique.

    Thanks for all the help, y'all!

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