When did you...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Toastee, May 2, 2009.

  1. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    First get into the hobby?

    I first got into it at the end of 1995 after watching school friends play it at the boarding school I was at.

    My first army was Imperial Guard, followed by Dark Angels.

    I remember weekend long sessions of all of us around a table painting and converting.... and the Wednesday night wargaming club every week. :smug:

    Awesome days.
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I've been collecting mini's since I was a kid, but I got into it seriously only about 3-4 years ago now. With a bunch of friends from university and we play almost every second weekend since then.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    1999. I played the demo of Dark Omen, then happened to wander into a Games Workshop and got hooked. My first trial game to learn the rules was me as lizardmen vs my brother as bretonnians defending a castle, my siege equipment just swamped him. For some reason I got hooked on 40k to start with though. Dark eldar and chaos followed by marines, but the last 4-5 years I have been WHFB exclusively (aside from a few cool massive apocalypse battles) and intend t ostay this way inclined.

    LM will almost cerytainlybe my last army though. When they are done.. No more buying for me. ForgeWorld has some very very tempting models at the moment though.... Grrrr GW and their models!
  4. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i started in 1999 my friend's cousin had an obscene ammount of 40k stuff he built his own chapter of marines and had a tyranid and eldar and ork and guard army to match them we all just used his models and kept adding to them we started playing WHFB about 3 years ago after a long stint of not playing for a few years cause of the rules change in 40k from 2nd ed to 3rd ed and have been steadily increasing our armies since
  5. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    My first venture into the hobby was Necromunda in '97. My friend bought the big box set and I ran Delaque. I think he had Goliath. We played maybe three times then he moved away. The I got into the edition of 40k that had the cards (I think it was 2nd), and played that for a few games.

    I didn't touch it for a few more years until about 2004-5 and started running a small Tyranid army. I only get to play a few times a year when I visit my brother, but I enjoy wiping the floor with his silly Marines.

  6. Corbechev

    Corbechev New Member

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    It was about 8 years ago, my friends played 40k and convinced me to buy into it, so I got some Tyrannids and played that for a while, after a couple years I bought some Vampire Counts and built that army, I only started actually played about 1 year ago, since then I have bought an Ogre army, and my current love, my Lizardmen army.

    I am only about 200$ away from finishing all three (maybe a little more.. ogres are expensive) then will start WoC due mostly to the fact that I inherited about 1000 points worth when my friend moved to the west.
  7. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    I started about 8 years ago. My dad grew up with model tanks and such and one day came across a GW store and bought the fantasy starter box, Bretonians and LM. He gave me the LM to do and then went and started his own unded force, since then I've been developing my LM army slowly over the years. Had a few years where I didn't do a lot of warhammer at all, started a space ork army, also have an eldar army, started learning to play but had trouble finding opponents in my town, the nearest GW store is a 40 minute drive away...
  8. Corbechev

    Corbechev New Member

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    Our nearest is about 4-5 hours.. thankfully we have FLGS that stock warhammer and provide tables to play on.
  9. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    There's no GW store in the state I live in. The only game store that carries GW stuff has old miniatures from before even 6th edition, maybe 10 different paints, and 3 army books. Suffice to say, I'll be ordering my stuff from online.

  10. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    When you guys put it like that, you make me sound fairly petty and trivial lol

    Point taken, after my exams I shall go to the effort of driving all that way lol

  11. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    In 1996, I went to a model exhibition and I saw some warhammer and 40K models on display. I was immediately hooked. From the exhibition I picked up a couple of leaflets (which I nostalgically still have and treasure) which gave a brief intro and basic idea of the GW systems.

    In 1998, after 2 years of pondering (it is an expensive hobby so I wasn't sure how I was going to go about asking my dad to buy me an army which would cost quite a bit) I finally convinced my dad to buy us (my brother and I) the starter set which contained the LM and Bret models. Guess which models I took?

    I've been hooked ever since, though I only started playing regularly in 2001. The last couple of years were a bit slow due to university, however I try to keep up to date, even if I don't get to play much. Now that exams are close by warhammer fever has just set in :)

    LM have and always will be my favourite army. I have dwarfs and ogres but nothing compares to the scaly folks!
  12. johnh

    johnh New Member

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    I started with Wargames when I was 16, Avalon Hill (the Old Avalon Hill) will always be my favorite) however, that being said, in 1996, I was going through a bad break up, and a friend of mine had gotten the box set with Bret's and Lizzies. I played Brets against him on his kitchen table, no terrain or anything.

    After that, I was hooked...a friend here in my town sold the Warhammer stuff out of the basement of his other business (a funeral home and yes, eventually I did undead), but I started with Bretonnians and Dwarfs.

    After 12 years of playing nothing but Brets, Dwarfs, Undead, and a brief flirtation with Lizzies and Skaven, i loved the new Lizardmen rules and models so much, I bought in, sold my Brets (could never do same with Dwarfs), and am now hooked on the scaly creatures.

    My girlfriend (who I met because to impress a guy she bought into, and started playing Necrons, has now taken over my Vampire Counts, and is building them up to a workable army, though I get to paint her minis, lucky me, but then, I have a girlfriend who likes my hobby, how lucky is that!? It is definitely worth painting a few more undead, which I like painting anyway, just to have a girlfriend that understands my addiction to the little plastic and metal models which the gamers in my area call......GW crack.

    I am also extremely lucky to have a large number of gamers in the area, and a great shop to play it. Albright's in Lexington, KY has a large gaming area, which he lets us use for free, and he holds a variety of tournaments throughout the year from Fantasy and 40K to the off games like Warmachine/Hordes, Flames of War, and such, all of which I play, and have bought into over the years......

    I try to support my local shop as much as possible, but sometimes economic factors play a role, and I have to go cheaper on Ebay....luckily the store owner is a friend and very understanding.

  13. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    I've been trying to get my girlfriend into the hobby for YEARS but still no result :( Consider yourself verrrrry lucky mate! I sometimes need to fake sick to paint my minis :)
  14. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I think the trick is not to try to get them into it, just go with the flow and assume they aren't interested. Girls are inquisitive and will want to know everything about you, attention will eventually drift to warhammer. :p My current gf decided she wanted to try painting a few of my old models about a year back and is now (very slowly) building up a TK army. I haven't got her to battle yet, but she likes converting and painting.
  15. johnh

    johnh New Member

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    I do indeed consider myself quite lucky, she is a gem, even went to a convention with me last year! We have played 2 games 40K together, and 3 games of Fantasy, which I won every time, but....

    She played in the tourney last weekend with me, and didn't do have bad, she did not place last anyway, that honor went to the High Elves. In fact, in her first game of the tourney, she scored more tourney points than I did!

    And I will say she has put together most of her miniatures, I just do the hard ones that need pinning and such. Can I just say that while I do like the miniatures, the Blood Knights are hell to put together. Though I had lots of fun painting the Varghulf, will have to put up some pics of it this weekend, as part of my next 300 points, since I basically have painted ALL my Lizardmen, which took me about a month, mainly because I had to wait for them to arrive in the mail.
  16. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    Believe me strewart, I tried every trick in the book but none seem to work. Guess it's an 'opposites attract' thing.

    Apart from this (and the fact that I can't get her to watch the lord of the rings no matter the promises/threats I make) got nothing to grumble about the gf :)

    (.... seems to be getting slightly off topic here but what the heck....)
  17. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ah lost cause, if she won't even watch LOTR there is no way she will be interested in warhammer. :p You should have mentioned. My gf loves LOTR, and possibly knows more about LOTR than me.

    Yeah we are getting a tiny bit off topic... I like to think that general discussion areas are a bit more lapse than the army threads, and conversations can branch out and grow more though.
  18. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    Aye... lost cause it is :)
  19. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    uhm i got to know about the hobby when i was like 12, thats uhm in 2000.
    but there were not really any gamers in my region, so i stopped.

    2 years later i saw in a store in the city i lived then a box of wood elve archers ( clones). bought them, painted them and contineud with a treeman. then i found this club in a other city just 20 min with the train. and well since then i come there almost every saterday to enjoy a warhammer game.

    well now im 21, and have been into the hobby for 7 years fanatically, with its ups and downs.
    the new lizardmen where one of those releases that gave me a new upside again.
  20. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Man, I must be a noob.

    I started mid-2007 with TK, and, after buying the old LM vs Bret starter from a retired player, got hooked on Lizards. Especially the Chakax model. :D :smug:

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