8th Ed. Questions from someone pink

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Pinktaco, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    This questioned came today.

    Does the terradon unit drop the rocks based on how many models that flew over a unit or do they all drop the rocks even if only a single terradon in the unit passed the opposing unit?

    **Thanks hdctambien**

    More questions:


    Say a salamander have 1 skink left. 5 attacks wounds and are distributed so 4 of them goes to the skink and 1 to the actual salamander.

    Do the remaining wounds from the skink carry over to the salamander or are they considered lost?
    - is it considered the same as with characters and monsters where wounds doesn't carry over?
    - Same question can be applied to kroxigors with skinks.


    Two units charges two different models, however only one can fit because of surroundings. Does one of the unit then fail the charge and if yes can it be redirected OR do we play it (if possible) as a "closing the door" circumstance where the unit being charged moves up a bit?


    aaaaannnd that was it. I have more, but I cannot quite remember it. A lot of the questions that arises are very situational specific.

    I'll try and write them down next time I'm in a game..
  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Re: Question about terradons dropping rocks

    They all drop rocks as long as at least a portion of one bird flys over a portion of one target model!
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Got a few more questions :)
  4. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I believe the order of operations for a Salamander taking a wound is:

    1) Opponent rolls to hit & to wound
    2) Salamander rolls 5+ save for all wounds
    3) Salamander rolls 5+ Monsters & Handlers save for unsaved wounds (removing skinks as necessary)

    I think that means if the salamander has 10 unsaved wounds and has at least 1 handler, you could conceivably roll 10 5+'s to kill all of your handlers and cause no wounds to your Salamander.

    I've never run into this situation though. Usually my handlers die by meal-time.

    When it comes to the Kroxigor and Skinks, any overkill is lost. If attacks are attributed to the Krox (or randomly assigned from shooting) then they must be applied to the Krox.

    The first unit that rolls high enough to make it into the combat will block any further charges, causing them to fail their charge (same principle as the double flee, your unit is now blocking the path of your other unit). There is no door-closing to allow a second unit to complete a charge.

    Once you're in the "move chargers" phase you can no longer redirect. Redirecting can only happen in response to a "Flee" charge reaction which happens during the "declare charges" phase.
  5. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    1: Salamanders: I don't think the rules cover that part to the letter. But I think that the rule says something like "any wounds suffered is randomised", and because of that I think you loose the sallies wounds if all the skunks are dead.
    The kroxigors/skinks are randomised before "to wound" is rolled, and is therefore lost in case of overkill.

    2: what hdctambien wrote.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Arh well thanks a lot guys. I'll probably update this post from time to time with new questions. I feel like I know the BRB quite well after a year, but there is always something when I play, usually it's these super weird situations such as last game where I had two different sallies lose 3 skinks before combat and in combat I rolled a ton of 5s and 6s leaving us kind of baffled.

    Btw the dice I bought from this site have been nothing but awesome. I've never rolled as high as I do now haha.
  7. twistedmagpie

    twistedmagpie Member

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    With Sallies you'll roll for all hits to see if it hits the Salamander or skinks first. Wounds over models are lost.

    Picture it like this.....A unit fires 20 arrows at the Sally unit...some fall short (Miss all), others hit target (Sally) while the rest fall behind the Sally and kill their handlers. After the arrows are let fly they won't change direction just because all the skinks are dead.

    however if another unit shoots after that and there are no skinks left then you can't randomise.
  8. Dyvim Tvar

    Dyvim Tvar New Member

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    It comes down to timing. If all the attacks are coming at once--such as shooting by a single unit or combat attacks at the same initiate step--then you can end up overkilling the skinks and losing the excess wounds.

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