8th Ed. Most Epic (ie Lucky) Events In Games...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Gary_M, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to hear from fellow Lustrians about situations where they acheived an epic result in a game (magic or combat).

    I'm not talking about the result of the game itself, just one small portion of it.

    To give you a flavour of what I mean, two examples from me:

    1. Played vs Orcs recently. Had a unit of 10 skink skirmishers, who got charged by his general (riding the flying carpet). Decided to stand and shoot (no where to run to!) and rolled 3 sixes. Orc player then said he'd be fine as long as he didn't roll 3 ones. That's exactly what he did , and then proceeded to fail the ward save he had. Ended up I lost the game though.

    2. Playing my son who has Dark Elves. Block of c20 Saurus buffed to T8, against Malekith on CO and c3 cold one knights (unit originally 10, but taken down by Razordons/Sallies). He only killed one SW (thanks to the buff), but he lost the rest of the unit, and therefore combat. On leadership of 10, he rolled 11 and fled. Only to be run down by the plodding Saurus!

    Obviously very, very lucky both times, but as mentioned above, would love to hear your tales of epic incidents in games.

    So lets hear about your Troglodon slaughtering a Demon Prince!

    Over to you all....
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    We've had similar threads before but here goes:

    A SV with armoured destiny and GW in 1500pts army against nurgle prince. He whiffed all his attacks and I rolled 2 x 5 and 2 x 6. My PF attacks was another round of 5/6 so I got 6 attacks through the To Hit phase. Lost 1 in To Wound and killed the prince in one round of combat.

    A friend of mine charged a unit of skink skirmishers in a forest with elyrian Reavers or whatever they're called. He rolled seven 1s out of 10 in dangerous terrain. Unfortunately his frost bird also charged so my skinks died horribly, but holy hell did those fast Cav have a hard time riding through the forest
  3. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    I had a game vs Vampire Counts last year where my lowly Skink Priest annihilated the Vampire General in a turn two challenge by using the Egg of Quango. My opponent had no idea I was packing such potential on a priest and he paid the price for it.
  4. ColdB1ood

    ColdB1ood New Member

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    This happened last night playing against a khorne chaos army.
    The Deamon prince with 2 wounds left charged my salamander.
    Fluffed his attacks even with sword of striking. the salamander then rolls 2 6'so to hit and both wound.
    The Prince then fails his 3+ armour saves and fluffs his 4+ ward.
    An the 80point salamander dropped the deamon prince.
  5. C-row Rogi
    Jungle Swarm

    C-row Rogi New Member

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    In a game against Ogres one of my Bastiladons aimed the laserbeam at a unit of 4 maneaters (one of them with a single wound left). Rolled a 6 for the beam, proceeded to rolling 11 hits, only missed one 'to wound' = Maneater BBQ.
    In the same game, a Bastiladon later took aim at a unit of 6 Leadbelchers. Rolled a 5 this time around, wounds another 10 times = they panicked and never rallied. :) I lost the game (damned gutstar!), but nevertheless I've really grown to like my Bastiladons. Oddly enough, my Bastiladons (I usually run two of them) seems to be interdependent - if one dies it is almost guaranteed, that the other one will either go the same way or run of the board during the game. On the other hand, if one is doing really well, the other one seems to try and compete for the better part of the glory :) .
  6. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    I dual charged my girlfriend's saurus block + bsb scarvet inside with a unit of bulls + SM and 8 ironguts with bruiser bsb. I win combat by a truck load. She rolls double 1s. Next turn she charges in with her stegadon, the stegadon I would have pursued her saurus into... 7 impact hits with sharpened horns... I'll leave you with that.
  7. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Friend casts purple sun with 5 dice. no IF. rolls like +20. I have two DD left. roll two sixes.
    Next turn same thing. Purple sun, High roll, no IF. I have three DD left. roll six-six-one.
  8. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Last Saturday, playing T&T agians DE and VC with my Lizards while failing to bring magic weapons :D . The two units I fear the most end up in CC (two Cairn Wraiths and a Banshee charge Morathi on her pegasus). The DE's next magic phase sees Morathi miscast, roll a Calamatous Detonation, killing all three ethereal models in the unit as well as a Cold One Knight. Morathi then had the decency to summon a Warp rift and jump in. In one turn my biggest threats were gone and I didn't have to lift a finger. :D
  9. Eyeless1

    Eyeless1 Member

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    Playing a 4000 point game agaisnt dwarves and WOC. Their first turn the dwarf player takes out my reg stegaddon with a cannon. On my turn the priest riding the EotG cast "Amber Spear" with IF at the cannon and obliterates it. He clearly shot at the wrong stegadon...
  10. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    When playing doc once his great unclean one was in combat with my oldblood cowboy. We both started the combat with no lost wounds.

    First round he deals 2 wound to me which I could not save even with 4++. I held that round. Next round I manages to save all his attacks and I deals 2 or so wound back. He loses loses combat and rolls poorly on his ld test. That makes him loose all his wounds except one due to instability.
    Next round i again save all his attacks and in my turn I take his last wound.

    Very nice moment and nothing my opponent (or me) and thought would happen.
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I have no stories for this thread. I receive no luck.

    Actually, I did make a charge with my temple guard into a unit of 30(give or take) beastigors. I needed a 10 on dice to get in and did.
    Then my saurus spears and ancient steg charged in. The beastigors were left with characters and 3 men. They would have died eventually, but the temple guard getting there certainly helped!
  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I challenged a sphinx with a Slann back in the days when we had lore mastery available to all BRB lores. I ended up with lore mastery of Light and Death. Needless to say magic power took me for the win.

    I set up a demo game with a friend playing 1500 points of my Empire against 1500 of my LM. I gave my friend the LM I built to be slightly stronger figuring he'd be more likely to joint he hobby if he won. My L2 wizard miscast on two dice, got sucked into a vortex and panicked his bunker unit off the table. Needless to say I got what I aimed for, my friend winning just wished there'd be less laughter involved...

    Also I had some fun in a game where a Skink Priest ended two successive magic phases miscasting with a Detonation while in a unit of Skink Skirmishers. In other words miscasts that did zero damage.
  13. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    I'll never forget this one, and neither will the VC player I was against.

    I had a small skink chief with the sword of swift slaying and the potion of strength - the intention with him was merely to counter any ethereal models he threw my way, and to help the small cohort block actually get somewhere, and earn them a few additional combat res - I6 + ASF will mean rerolls against most things, even a lot of elves, and even 1 turn of S7 would make him very capable of dealing some good wounds to any unit.

    Until I was charged by a unit of mounted knights, lead by his vampire lord, who was his army general/necromancer.

    He only had 4 men left, aside from the vampire, when he charged. Poisoned SaS killed all 4 and did one wound on the lord. I had already written the unit off at this point, but didn't actuallyy mind, because they had already earned twice their cost back, and left the vampire lord by himself.

    The lord was pretty standard. Red fury, quick blood, Armour of Destiny, dawnstone and other tricksters shard, coupled with a great weapon. GW was brought mostly because he knows the greatest threat against him is my saurus characters, and he thought he needed both a lot of survivability, and power, and at I7, he was still vastly faster than them, even if GW makes him lose his ASf.

    It isn't until combat, that I realize I'm actually first because of his GW. I pop my potion, and roll my 3 attacks that, sadly, didn't get rerolls.

    ...And still manage to hit and wound on all attacks. Now, being on this barded nighhtmare or something, he still had 3+ save. With S7. that was reduced to a non-existing save, rendering his dawnstone useless. He fluffed two of his rolls to save with his ward, and died. His face when he realized his uberpowerful lord as killed by a skink chief was priceless.

    He never runs without nightshroud now, even if my Saurus characters almost always have Asf anyway, and always have less initiative to begin with.
  14. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    A game against Dark Elves.

    A Witch Elf horde 60 strong with Cauldron of Blood. The horde had already destroyed the remnants of my Temple Guard unit (they had lost some due to a miscast). The Slann had fled but rallied. In one turn I had 2 units of Saurus charge the horde, one in the flank and the other in the rear. The other flank was in the second round of combat with a Scar Vet cowboy and CO Rider (Scar Vet had killed the Death Hag in a challenge). In the magic phase of the same turn, my Slann successfully cast the expanded version of both Speed of Light and Birona's Time Warp, so they covered all the Suarus and Cold ones.

    61 ASF WS10 attacks with Initiative 10 and +1 Strength. 32 of the attacks were PF. Bye Bye Witch Elf horde!
  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    :jawdrop: You win the contest for most epic. :jawdrop:
  16. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I think kblock wins at everything forever....
  17. Knight Errant

    Knight Errant New Member

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    I was playing daemons and rolled a 12 for winds of magic, summoning a unit of pink horrors. They promptly roll gateway, which I quickly 6-die at a lord on star dragon and ended up vaping the star dragon and lord rider. Totally epic.
  18. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    I don't know if I will ever have another chance like that. But it was so sweet!
  19. Naranek

    Naranek New Member

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    About 2 years ago, I can't remember all the details. Game LM against Tomb Kings at 2500 pts.

    Temple guard with Flame banner & Slann is attacked (or I attacked him?) by a tomb guard unit with a Liche Hight Priest (hierophant). The only combat round were more or less equal for two sides (bad luck on my side, good on his), until I remember Slann has 1 attack (I always forgot it). The support attack of the Slann hits, wounds and by flaming and inflammable, hierophant dies. Ld test and he takes snake eyes ;)

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