Apparently Razordons are the Holy Grail of the Lizardmen world. I can't find them anywhere. The two on eBay for $65+ is a joke. I have about 150 old bow skinks, most still on sprue. Is there anything I can do with those to make a "counts as" razordon? I thought maybe something silly like putting 6 or so on a 40mm base and making it a "skink swarm" with all the now shots a close enough corollary to Razodon shots, but that sounds lame :/ Are there any smaller GW Dino's I could make a mini-howdah out of and fill full of the handlers? I'm a complete novice with green stuff, so any hopes of doing major resculpts of salamanders, flesh hounds, etc, are pretty well off the table.
The new salamanders and razordon look enough alike. You could just tack some spiky bits from any number of loose kits and call it a razordon. Plus you have the added benefit of being able to strip all that stuff off and still have a salamander which in my opinion is more useful. I have toyed around with the idea of using razordons as chaff/chaff eliminators and they do very well in eliminating most chaff, but skirmishers as alaways are better priced and more reliable... The mechanic for their shooting is a bit of a let down; the fact that half of the artillery dice are subpar results is just sad. I wish it was just a 2D6 with 2's and 12's eating handlers... It's the same ratio for misfires vs. shots, but a little more forgiving than ending up with 4 or less/misfire half the time.
you could convert there fellows for razorz