So long story short, A buddy of mine got me into miniature painting and Warhammer around 2001/2002. I have sixth edition books if that tells you anything. Over the course of a year or so I started buying and painting my chosen army: Lizardmen (as seen in photo there was more buying than painting). I've only actually taken my army to war twice against my friends dwarven dogs. But then life/wife/and kids happened and my army laid dormant for many years awaiting there time to rise once again. So a couple weeks ago i attended GenCon and decided i wanted to buy and paint my pathfinder society characters. So i purchased a paint kit and when i got home started digging out my old supplies and there it was, my Lizardmen army waiting to be brought forth to the front-lines once again. So now I'm going to spend some time getting my army painted, or at least start with the troops needed to make a good 1000 point army. So looking on the internet i see Warhammer is at 8th edition and i'd imagine i need to use that edition if i want to find anyone to play with. I also noticed the price of miniatures has gone up as well which makes me glad I already have a decent start of an army. So I have one question to ask here, do i only need the core 8th edition rule book or the Lizardmen Army book or both?
Do yourself a favor and get the little rulebook on ebay though. It'll save you a bunch over the hardcover beast. Sometimes you can even find the entire Island of blood box set for less than the MSRP of the hardcover if you have any interest in rats and elves. Welcome back to the hobby!
You have a lot of awesome miniatures and a great start for an army of amphibians! Welcome back! Definitely get the small rulebook off ebay for 16-18 euros or download it illegaly as a PDF, and buy the lizardmen book from GW. 9th edition is not that far away me thinks, max 1 year!
Thanks for the welcome and tips, was able to order the mini rulebook for $18 bucks from ebay. A lot easier to swallow compared to the $75 retail cost. Also got the area effect templates for a buck as well. Also picked up the Lizardmen army book yesterday at my LHS. So flipping through the army book it looks like there is not an option for a skink mounted on a cold one. Is this true or am I missing something. In 6th edition rules I had a skink hero mounted on a cold one who acted as my general. I looks a though this is no longer an option which is unfortunate because that was one of my fully painted models
Welcome to the Lustria-Online. You should check the Tactica Index out for game play tips if you haven't already found it. We look forward to seeing your painted models in our painting forum. You can get positive constructive feedback regardless your skill level. To answer your question. Skink Cavalry is no longer official. There's unofficial material for Skinks riding Horned Ones (like Cold Ones only faster and not subject to stupidity). I tend to run my painted Skink cavalry as "skinny" Saurus Cavalry. Let us know if you have any more questions.