8th Ed. Mazdamundis Command Revealed *SPOILER ALERT*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    His fluff also mentions that he wishes to end all races that doesn't have a place in the plan.
    Exodus means to travel and leave a place, using it for a war declaration is simply not correct use of language, so unless GW has made a booboo in their dictionary I dont thing its what it means.

    Im still thinking..

    1. leave planet using the ship in the City of mists. (or surface? look closely in the background of the image on page 23)
    2. activate the doom weapon mentioned SOMEWHERE in our book (can anyone find it?)
    3. come back and start over.

    leaving for good wouldn't make much sense to me neither.....if they end lizardmen for good I am turning my back on GW permanently...which even means ill skrap my ideas of a Vampire army.
  2. heuningby

    heuningby Member

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  3. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Lizardmen won't get killed off.

    But what it could mean is that they start showing up across the Old World, transporting or raising new temple cities? If qe assume that all future End Times books will involve pairing up armies, this is the most logical way of integrating the otherwise isolated Lizards with another faction.

    Who is anyone's guess. I'd have thought High Elves, but there was a suggestion that they will be joining up with their cooler, edgier cousins. Wood Elves? Empire? Brettonia, in a throw back to the old box set?
  4. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    "Yo....rat people.......ahm......could we.....ahm.....NARHWAY SCREW THIS!"

    I could in all serionsnes see them working with Nagash (or maybe raising their own legions) in an attempt to kill of other races.

    Slann aren't unfamiliar to necromancy...look at Kroak for one. I also read a passage from a novel where a skeletal Slann awakens and raises an entire legion of saurus skeletons with him (cant remember the context, wasn't in lustria).

    ^I doubt it, but it could happen fluffwise...just as about any other race I bet.
    Fluffwise its High Elves....but that "the Great Plan has failed" seriously turns EVERYTHING concerning Lizardmen on its head. It would be the same as if the pope stepped forward and said "God no longer works".

    What I would LOVE would be a CATHAY OUT OF NOWHERE AND NOW THEY TEAM UP BECAUSE DRAGON AND BECAUSE SCALES! ...................also we made these Samurai Saurus with No-Dachi's.

    Anything can happen......
    The wait is killing me.
  5. Geth

    Geth New Member

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    Of course GW would use the term wrong in this case, but i hope it's the way they will go. Taking the Lizards out of the Lore because they leave the planet would be lame, just like they would eradicate all life and then start allover again....On the one side we would lose our army in a really unspectacular way, on the other....well, everything else would go by pressing the reset button.

    Samurai Saurus....the incarnate of AWESOME :D
  6. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Like most have said, I'm really hoping GW is using the word "exodus" wrong. GW has been known to click the thesaurus button unnecessarily when typing their books to insert big fancy words.

    The idea of them just leaving is very disappointing. I'm really hoping it was a poorly worded declaration of war. We're going to march out of Lustria, wipe out the hated Skaven, maybe purge some lesser races along the way to facing Chaos head on. One can hope...
  7. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    Marching to war =/= Exodus.

    Exodus means getting the hell out of Dodge.

    Not saying it will actually happen, buy my guess is that Mazdamundi plans to fire up the space ships and leave the world to catch up with the Old Ones somewhere and fight the Necrons.

    I could see them loading up the ships, kicking in the Engines with a big F-U to the world, and then getting shot out of the sky, coming down all over the globe and being forced to team up with or fight the races they landed near.
  8. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    I don't know im pretty sure GW knows how to use the term Exodus. The Exodites are Eldar who left the craft worlds to colonize other planets. Pretty sure this Exodus dealy means the Lizardmen plan to leave the world. The only things that could change that from happening is:

    The ship in the city of mists either can't be worked or is destroyed thus forcing the LM to fight till the death cause their retreat has failed.

    Another race steps in and aids the LM, which seems unlikely due to the only 2 races I could feasibly see doing that are on their last legs (High Elves, Dark Elves)

    Or the rest of the Slann don't agree with Mahzdamundi and decide to fight despite his order. Which has Mahzdamundi leaving with legions of Saurus and Skinks and stranding the rest of the Slann and Lizardmen in Lustria to attempt to correct the current events.

    I don't know this new advancement in the story is really screwing the LM over. If GW screws my favorite faction over I think I'm done with Warhammer. It's like they're forcing you to play VCs, Chaos, or a human army.
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    exodus doesn't necessarily mean leaving the planet. Exodus is just the mass leaving of a place.

    Wordplay. It's working, it's making us all think about it more than we need to.
  10. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Problem is, Exodus CAN'T mean "go to war", which is the problem people have with his "command". So basically, they are leaving Lustria to go... where, exactly? Unless they settle down near, I don't know, the ogres maybe, they will be going straight into a war zone, which is like the exact opposite of what an Exodus means.

    I sincerely hope they aren't pulling anything stupid here. Lizardmen is like my only interest in WHFB.

    My current hope is that Mazdamundi leaves with his old Slann buddies, and the younger Slanns change course. Maybe giving skink priests more power (both in terms of level and lores available), and so on. Basically pulling them out of the "Everything must go according to the Old Ones' Plan!"-mentality, and shifting them towards a more "Screw this, we are part of this world, and we might as well just accept that, and start working more closely together with the other races."-mentality.
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    It could also be for story telling purposes only. Where a command of "up and leave" is issued but cannot be carried out for one reason or another.

  12. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    I think this is the most plausable scenario....
  13. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Ocean-bottom sounds pretty calm in all this! :D

    "The Great Plan has failed. Get out the snorkles."

    Scrapping Kroq-gar to live beneath the ocean, where ancient legend tells of the great warrior,

    "Jar-Jar Skinx"!!

    I wonder where we wind up...
  14. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    Another idea has occurred to me aswell. It seems many heroes that lack models/have old sculpts are being killed off in this End Times. People are saying GW has been planning on getting rid of these particular characters for awhile now thus the lack of new models. Notice how the Slann haven't been givin new sculpts with our past update but Skink Priests have? Sknink characters are even needed to stop the crappy auto pursue of Predatory Fighter. Seems like Skinks are slowly taking presidence over the Slann.

    Maybe it's not the Lizardmen that will make a great Exodus, maybe th Slann much like the old ones before them will abandon the Lizardmen, leaving the Skinks and Saurus to their own devices. Perhaps Slann will be a thing of the past. The Skink priests will have to take over the leadership roles. Perhaps the only Slann left will be the Relic Priests. Maybe even they will be taken aswell. If the Slann leave then Sotek would be the primary Diety of the LM as the voices for the Old Ones would be gone. The LM may become more savage like the ones on the Dragon Isles. The Skink Priests may inherit knowledges from the Slann of magic thus becoming stronger. The LM being bred to enact the Old Ones will would instinctually continue to fight Chaos.
  15. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    How about the southlands?


    This could also open up for new potential units. We already have seen a new proper unit for the new "army".

    I find it unlikely that GW kills off the LM army entirely or remove the slanns.

    With that said I also struggle to see where our faction, like the skavens, belong on what would be a new world with merged armies. I've heard rumours of united elfs and chaos. Human + dwarfs could be united as well maybe OK and O&G?

    But due to the nature of our faction I really don't see us mingle too well with others not to mention the aesthetics. It's believable to merge the other armies, but lizardmen and army X? Nope. Fluff wise maybe high elfs, but that would look ridiculous as well.

    Sooo.. Yeah, dunno really.
  16. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    If things go this way I could seriously leave Warhammer. I love my lizzies, who live in Lustria and are led by Slanns. And even if I'll keep playing Warhammer, GW will never see my money again. Never.
  17. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I had the feeling that it was the Slann leaving too...but the way you put it out...wauw...ambivalence!

    It makes perfect sense modelwise as you say. The new skink priest looks way more lordish than the previous ones...and Tetto ekkos model that cannot be used outside Special Characters? it does smell rotten.

    If Slann goes, Lizardmen MUST become a CC army.
  18. chimaira2s

    chimaira2s New Member

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    GW wouldn't be SO stupid as to remove the slann from the game, or implement 'exodus' as a real change for lizardmen playability. So far the End Times only really mean additions, not real changes to the game. Come on we just got our new book.
    However Lizardmen are noticably absent in the End Times book (compared to the coverage of other races), I recon we will get tons of interesting stuff at the next installment (this would be a great moment to re-introduce our spawnings; they already have their showcase models lying around)

    The very first page of the first End Times book talks about the temples of the Old Ones as the first target of doom and damnation though... or something along those lines.
  19. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Maybe it means they are finaly taking the floating temple out for a spin ? :meh:
    * Yea, we totaly have a floating temple... it's on he map. :jawdrop:
  20. chimaira2s

    chimaira2s New Member

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    Oh HA! I wouldn't mind a Necron-like monolith lizard spawning hovering temple

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