8th Ed. Behemoth of the Old Ones, AKA the Thunder Lizard!

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by TheGreatFatSlann, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    Behemoth of the Old Ones

    Special Unit, 1250 pts.

    M – WS – BS – S – T – W – I – A – Ld – Type
    8 – 6 – / – 10 – 10 – 10 – 1 – 4d6 – 6 – Unique

    Special Rules: Always Strike Last, Bloodthirsty Abandon, Cold Blooded, Fall of the Behemoth, Impact Hits (3d6 + 3), Puissance of the Behemoth, Scaly Skin (1 +), Swiftstride, Terrible Terror, Thunder!, Titan Target, Toll of the Behemoth, Unbreakable

    Bloodthirsty Abandon: During their first turn of the game, the Lizardmen player has full control over the Behemoth of the Old Ones. At the beginning of their second turn, the Lizardmen player rolls a d6; on the result of 2 +, the Lizardmen player loses control over the Behemoth of the Old Ones and from then on the Behemoth is considered to be under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon. Provided that the Lizardmen player had rolled a 1 whilst checking for Bloodthirsty Abandon during their second turn, they automatically lose control over the Behemoth of the Old Ones at the beginning of their third turn, and from then on the Behemoth is considered to be under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon. Once the Behemoth of the Old Ones is under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon, it can be targeted by the Lizardmen player in any manner (shooting, spells, attacks) an enemy unit could be. Furthermore, the Behemoth automatically charges the nearest unit on the board (Lizardmen or otherwise) at the beginning of each Movement phase (provided that the Behemoth of the Old Ones isn’t in close combat). It also gains the Frenzy special rule which grants it 2d6 + 2 extra attacks, as opposed to regular + 1 extra attack.

    Fall of the Behemoth: When (or rather if) the Behemoth of the Old Ones dies, every unit within 6’’ is instantly slain with no saves of any kind allowed, every unit within 6’’ – 12’’ suffers 6d6 Strength 10 hits, every unit within 12’’ – 24’’ suffers 4d6 Strength 7 hits, and every unit within 24’’ – 36’’ suffers 2d6 Strength 4 hits. Furthermore, place a piece of impassable terrain 6’’ wide and 10’’ long where the Behemoth of the Old Ones once stood (move any surviving units as necessary to accommodate for the piece of impassable terrain; we consider they’ve managed to move out of the way in time). Lastly, every unit on the board (Lizardmen or otherwise) that has survived the initial shockwave instantly becomes the target of the Chain Lightning spell from the Lore of Heavens, regardless of their distance from the Behemoth (Ethereal units suffer 2d6 Strength 6 hits, instead of the regular d6 Strength 6 hits, but units with the Fly special rule do not suffer an additional d6 Strength 4 hits. Also, the rule that a unit can only be the target of Chain Lightning once per Magic phase is ignored in this specific case. Units in close combat are also struck, and the Chain Lightning can "jump" even from Lizardmen to non-lizardmen units, and even if any of the units in question are in close combat (with each other or with anyone else).

    Puissance of the Behemoth: If the Behemoth of the Old Ones is ever the target of an attack that has any sort of special rule (Poisoned Attacks, Killing Blow, Heroic Killing Blow, Multiple Wounds, etc.) any and all special rules of the attack are discarded, and the attack is only capable of dealing a single wound to the Behemoth (provided that it hits, wounds, etc., of course). If the Behemoth should ever be momentarily slain as the result of a spell or bound item (a failed strength check, a failed initiative check, etc.), it instead suffers a single wound and any and all additional effects of the spell or bound item are discarded. In addition, any attacks made by the Behemoth of the Old Ones that roll a natural 5 or 6 to hit count as having the Heroic Killing Blow special rule (the Behemoth devours the warrior(s) in question with its massive jaws).

    Terrible Terror: Whenever the Behemoth of the Old Ones charges a unit, that unit must immediately take a Leadership check as the result of Terrible Terror, regardless of unit type (even the hardiest of Monsters dread the sight of the Behemoth coming their way!). At the beginning of each Close Combat phase between the Behemoth and a unit(s), that unit(s) must make a Leadership check as the result of Terrible Terror, regardless of unit type. At the beginning of every Movement phase, every enemy unit within 12’’ of the Behemoth (regardless of whether the unit itself or the Behemoth are in close combat or not) must take a Leadership check as the result of Terrible Terror, regardless of unit type. Any successful Leadership checks made as the result of Terrible Terror must be rerolled, and if the reroll is also successful, they must be rerolled once more (twice in total). If the Leadership check made as the result of Terrible Terror is passed, all is well and the brave warriors have summoned the courage not to run for their lives; if the test is failed, however, the unit(s) that failed it must immediately Flee directly away from the Behemoth, even if it means going through an enemy unit(s) (the unit would rather get cut down by enemy weaponry than stand another second in the Behemoth’s bloodcurdling presence!). If the Behemoth is under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon, Terrible Terror affects both Lizardmen and non-lizardmen units. The Terrible Terror special rule does not affect other units with the Terrible Terror special rule.

    Thunder!: At the beginning of the controlling player’s Magic phase (regardless of whether the Behemoth itself is in close combat) the Behemoth of the Old Ones automatically casts the Chain Lightning spell from the Lore of Heavens (it’s an innate spell which can’t ever be failed or dispelled) on the nearest enemy unit, regardless of their distance from the Behemoth or whether they are in close combat. If the Behemoth of the Old Ones is under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon (regardless of whether the Behemoth itself is in close combat) it automatically casts the Chain Lightning spell from the Lore of Heavens (which can’t ever be failed or dispelled) on the nearest unit, Lizardmen or otherwise, regardless of their distance from the Behemoth or whether they are in close combat, at the beginning of every Magic phase. If this is the case, the Chain Lightning can ‘jump’ from Lizardmen to non-lizardmen units, even if they are in close combat with each other (or with anyone else) but the rule that a unit can only be the target of Chain Lightning once per Magic phase still stands. Ethereal units suffer 2d6 Strength 6 hits from the Chain Lightning, instead of the regular d6 Strength 6 hits, but units with the Fly special rule do not suffer an additional d6 Strength 4 hits.

    Titan Target: The Behemoth of the Old Ones treats all other units (except for other units with the Titan Target special rule) as Infantry for any and all purposes, including its Thunderstomp. The Behemoth’s Thunderstomp deals 2d6 + 2 hits, instead of the regular d6 hits. Also, the Behemoth of the Old Ones treats all terrain as Open Ground and may never take a Dangerous Terrain test (whether as the result of a spell or otherwise), but if it ever comes into contact with a piece of terrain other than a Building or Impassable Terrain, roll a d6; on a 4 +, the piece of terrain is destroyed and immediately removed from the board (forests are crushed, walls brought down, even rivers drained away through the humongous footprints the Behemoth has left behind). If the Behemoth comes into contact with a Building, roll a d6; on a 5 +, the Building is destroyed and immediately removed from the board. If the Behemoth comes into contact with a piece of Impassable Terrain, roll a d6; on a 6+, the piece of Impassable Terrain is destroyed and immediately removed from the board. In addition, all shooting and close combat attacks made against the Behemoth of the Old Ones receive a + 3 bonus to hit, and the Behemoth may never take any sort of cover behind terrain or other units. Lastly, the Behemoth of the Old Ones cannot be the target of spells (either friendly or foe) that might cause it to move any number of inches across the board (such as Wind Blast from the Lore of Heavens or Walk Between Worlds form the Lore of High Magic) nor can it be the target of movement hampering / restraining spells (such as Net of Amyntok from the Lore of Light).

    Toll of the Behemoth: If the Behemoth of the Old Ones is part of an army, the controlling Lizardmen player may only take a single Lord that must serve as their General. Furthermore, that Lord may not take any Magic items of their own, but instead possesses a single Unique Magic item: The Scepter of the Old Ones. If the Scepter of the Old Ones is ever destroyed or the Lord wielding it slain, the Behemoth of the Old Ones immediately succumbs to its primal instincts and is from then on considered to be under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon. If it is already under the effect of Bloodthirsty Abandon, this has no effect. In addition, the controlling Lizardmen player may not take any Hero choices on his list if the Behemoth of the Old Ones was chosen (no Hero is brave enough to fight beside this fickle, unpredictable harbinger of the apocalypse).

    To whoever's read all of this, i can say: good job! Do comment what you think of this horrendously overpowered, yet tragically unpredictable unit which GW shall never create.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I think I found the perfect model for it... Godzillia !!!

  3. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    Looks about right
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    ontopic, the death of the monster will be crazy :S
  5. heuningby

    heuningby Member

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    lol it's more like a nuke than anything else.
  6. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    lol yeah, that was kinda the point; a unit that ignores like half of warhammer's rules and is really just a walking time bomb. the victor of the match where the Behemoth would be present would probably win due to pure luck, but it would still be fun to participate against such a creature.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I like the general concept, but given how random this guy is, I don't think he's worth 1250 points.

    Instead of making it a unit selection, what if you made it a special scenario? Place an altar, holy hill or some other terrain MacGuffin on the board. For more fun, make the MacGuffin a SMALL sacred creature that runs around the table making it harder to stake out and guard.

    Let the each side try to rest control of the Thunderlizard by seizing the MacGuffin (which could either guarantee control of the monster or giving a bonus on the roll to gain or maintain control of it.

    If one side starts out with the MacGuffin, that side should start out with fewer points (though probably not 1250 fewer points).
  8. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    What an awesome idea! Ive never thought of that, but it would be very fun.
    Say the McGuffin in question was an entitled skink (something along the lines of T'qatti, Nimble One of the First Spawning)
    with M 10 and swiftstride. He would be holding the Scepter of the Old Ones. He could not be shot at, but once a unit came into CC with him (he would always have to flee when being charged), it would be considered they have captured him and have gained control / a bonus to their roll for the Behemoth.
    If the unit controlling T'qatti ever loses combat, a D6 is rolled; on 1-4, the Nimble One is freed and makes a flee reaction in a random direction away from the unit; on a 5-6, the victors of the combat capture T'qatti.
  9. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    This is Brilliant, right up until the enemy fields cannons, with the special scenario version could you take magic items cause if yes then I know the one I want and it could be the 'Terror of the Jungle' scenario and it's kill or control the Thunder Lizard whoever kills the Thunder Lizard or controls the skink two turns after he's capture gains 1000 victory points and the game ends
  10. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    I dont think enemy cannons will do much since its immune to multiwounds, but they might slightly whittle the thing down.
    I agree that whoever kills the Behemoth gains 1000 VP and the game is over, but i think 2 turns of controlling the skink is just too lenient; the skink should pose a liability till the end of the game, and therefore the controlling player should struggle with keeping it under control (and not losing it to the enemy) for all 6 turns of the game
  11. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    And yes, you could take magic items, i dont see why not. Which one have you got in mind?
  12. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    It would probably have a 2+ ward so the Blade of Realities would be what I want
    But if the skink's captured on turn 6?

    Hang on, how about if the skink is captured then the game continues D3+2 rounds and whoever controls the skink (Or kills the Titan Lizard) gains 1000 Victory Points meaning that you can still win when someone gets too many 6s
  13. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Also Carnosaurs and Stegadons (not ancient) would be extremely useful
  14. Nahuontl
    Jungle Swarm

    Nahuontl New Member

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    The best way to kill it would be to take loads of really bad cheap troops and kill the behemoth through sheer weight of numbers
    Eg 10*40 skavenslaves

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