So as the title suggests i'm in the process of converting some DE cold ones (because the model looks x1,000 better then ours.) I have a few ideas on how im going to do this and of course I will provide pics, but I'm having trouble locating one last piece for this conversion. I'm going to be using the OB model that comes with the carno box that I bought, I have one and I'm in need of 2. I would like to do this conversion without buying one more carno set and just having the wrest of the kit sitting around.,(not to mention the 60+ dollar price tag) I have been unsuccessful in finding one for sale on ebay and the bits shop up here is out of stock. If any one on here is willing to do a trade or sell me just the body I'd be most appreciative. Feel free to message me for details.
The best riders for Dark Elf cold ones are the metal Saurus that rode the "battle cow" style cold ones. Look on eBay.
Thanks for the info, I have the riders just working on the OB and SV. I'll buy another crno kit have some ideas of making the SV and OB interchangeable with said carno and clod one. will post pics soon just fabricated a saddle for the carno OB that I think will soot him. Have to reread the posting pics thing think I F@ed up the first time.
THANKS that will help me for when I get home ill upload them to photobuckt! as for up date found several options to go with decided on one and ran with it. Pics will be up today, any ideas on how or where to start painting albino red? tips hints or techniques will be appreciated.