8th Ed. Mazdamundis Command Revealed *SPOILER ALERT*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Give mé time to Readi the actual fluff :p

    There's a slann fighting a hell pit. Looks wicked. No mentioning I. The actual scenarios as far as I can see. They're supposed to be from the actual book so I wouldn't be too optimistic. I'll write when/if more fluff appear.
  2. StarFyre

    StarFyre Member

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    confused from all this:

    so what happens to Kroq-Gar?

  3. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    As far as I know, he asked for reinforcements, but Mazdamundo countermanded the order...
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Not much but the first actual mentioning of lustria :

    In lustria, the vast rift in the heart of Xahutec was torn anew. Although the lizardmen had long prepares for that moment and surrounded the ancient ruins with troops and wards untold, the onslaught was only contained, not defeated. As the days on unrelenting battle ground on, the saurus cohort were gradually driven back.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Got my hands on the book this morning also.

    The first pages are about the lizardmen, and everything that has just been mentioned.

    Kroq-gar calls for the Thunderscale cohort, which is an elite unit ment to defend one of the cities.
    2 skink priests/officers waits for Mazdamundi to awaken, and is about to detach the cohort.
    Then he awakes with the word "Wait" and floods one of the skinks mind with terrifying visions of raining fire and destruction across the would.

    then he utters the command.

    end of lizzie fluff. Havnt read more, so thats it in a nutshell so far.
  6. Bragar
    Jungle Swarm

    Bragar New Member

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    Am fairly new to all the fluff/lore but 2 things to point out. Exodus could be everyone else leaves the city. Maz then teleports himself and the city right on top of kroq-gar and into the middle of some chaos wasteland and they then use that as a base to fight from, kroq & maz on the front line together. unlikely as he would probably take all the population with him as a last all out frontal assault. (full city teleport was an exaggeration but a city coming under attack could be likely if in the middle of the wastelands, the exodus could be to take all the relic's/plaques and go to Itza (and i honestly cant remember if its broken still but he might order them to rebuild it, if it isnt broken then to another city that is...))

    Another option is they up and leave in search of the lost lizardmen tribes that got cut off from the geomantic ring in the early days, these could be ice lizzies or desert lizzies or anything, forming very new specific units based on their environment, lava spawning pools instead of water spewing forth lavagors (lava based kroxigors) just one example not based on anything except my own thoughts of what could be cool. This would give them options rather than a specific alliance with a current army. GW could go to town on anything that the lizardmen might find on their travels from the early days when lots of knowledge/artifacts were lost.

    However, considering the two options above and a few previous posts regarding portals to a new world based on one tiny bit of text with no real context around its meaning we wont know more until whoever decides its direction gives us more info.

    Personally i think the command "Awake!" that was in one of the very first few posts if not the first could have fitted the "everyone gets resurrection/summoning/similar" theme well, it could be a command that maz could give that brings some almost stone like ancient elite unit (that was mentioned in the new fluff). It could also have been to awake all the slann as a last all out march to war unlike exodus and get the entire lizzy army to march to kroqs aid instead of just one elite troop. but that is an aside point as that wasn't what the command said.

    Seems to be a very negative spin in this thread but considering anything might happen i think the two i mentioned above would at least cause some excitement for the army. None of this based on any fact or anything i have read just wanted to point out as we dont know anything really the story can go in any direction.

    And i also agree with some earlier postings that lizardmen should probably come more into play against chaos, so the next book.
  7. Waah

    Waah New Member

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    Yeah I know it's a lot of negative spin, but GW gives us awesome lore but then forgets about is all the time as humans elves and chaos are all that seem to matter to them (similar to SM, Eldar, and Chaos).
  8. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    The latest rumour in Warseer is that 2015 will be a Year Zero; and 9th edition will bring completely new fluff, maps, etc. some races may change completely beyond recognition.

    So the theorising behind Exodus might not be all far off...
  9. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    I saw someone else say something about Ulthuan sinking below the waves since it's inspiration is Atlantis. Maybe the Exodus has nothing to do with Lizardmen at all. Maybe the Exodus is getting the Elves out of Ulthuan and make it sink below the waves to protect the geomantic web. You figure the Elves are part of the great plan the LM wouldn't want to wipe them out so they evacuate Ulthuan somehow and sink it as a last resort. The Elves would no longer have a home. Maybe the LM would bring them to Lustria to enlist their aid.

    Even in terms of the games future fluff it would ring high elves into conflict with other races over territory. Or maybe they'd settle in the southlands or in an area where a human race once was (Araby, Ind, Estalia) heck maybe Sylvania goes down and Nagash makes Khemri his new kingdom with unified undead and HEs settle in Sylvania. Much to the Dwarfs dismay :p my stunties wouldn't like it.
  10. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    This may be the end, end beginning of the Warhammer fantasy universe.

    I only realised Warseer mentioned Ulthuan sinking before I did here - I wasn't making as if I was the first to know, we sort of accidentally pieced things together.

    But in the event that occur with Nagash, and High Elves: is he not so powerful to do some major damage to the world with all his 9 books and fancy rule-the-dead-type powers? If so, he becomes another major problem every army must deal with, like with Chaos. If the Nagash scenario is meant to be a change into the 9th edition rules, he's so powerful he couldn't possibly exist through a whole edition of rules, no? Wouldn't he have to be killed off before conquering the whole world?

    I think Mazdamundi could be killed off - he's hasn't been too much help rules wise.

    Maybe after the evacuation of the High Elves, the world is changed and a new age begins.

    I wouldn't mind some interesting and drastic changes. I just really hope WHF does not turn into a skirmish.
  11. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    Ya' know what?

    If GW is trying to combine books for 9th, and an army doesn't fit into any books, what do you think will happen?

    1) The army is split/expanded into two armies to make a book. Orks and Goblins would be an example.

    2) The army would be booted....

    I'm not sure that LM is big/popular enough to have option 1 done.... So that might just leave option 2. :/

    But I have to say, while I don't like the Undead armies.... the new models that are coming out for them are pretty epic. :D

    If only that energy had been used for LM..... *sigh*..... I can only hope that the reason the last few books have been "meh" is because they are saving everything for the 9th run off..... Letting all the epic stuff out for 9th edition.....
  12. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    It's extremely unlikely GW will every completely remove an army. And here is why.

    1) it's a sure fire way to piss off at least some of the existing player base. I know for me, if theres no lizardmen army it means i'm no longer playing fantasy. I prefer it to 40k, but i won't play anything but lizardmen.

    2) a ton of the cost associated with miniature gaming is "front loaded". The designs and molds are already made, if anything they'd simply move to a direct order only format.

    3) It makes the rest of the player base worried that their army might be next. Overall trust and support will go down as fans think "why invest in an army if it'll just get axed"
  13. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    stop talking about lizzies getting booted.

    - We just got an update
    - We got the first pages in the nagash book (including some serious artwork)
    - Lizzies ARE selling well. as far as ive heard its actually top 6 in WHF due to hobbyists loving the models
    (I cant back it up with numbers though)

    Lizards may CHANGE at worst.

    edit: okay...im dead certain I heard someone whisper "...just as planned"...just now!
  14. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    What do you mean?
  15. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    How odd would it be if LM somehow got merged with.... Skavens haha.
  16. heuningby

    heuningby Member

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    Don't you put that evil on me! Take it back, Ricky Bobby. Take it back!
  17. Geth

    Geth New Member

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    After long years of meditation, the great Slann Lord Qu'uak awakens....on top of a screaming bell. He looks down at the ratmen, who are pulling the bell and realizes his incredible headache.

    "Dude....i really should stop drinking. WTF happened?"
  18. Astral Crusader

    Astral Crusader Member

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    And that is how its like to be a Slann.
  19. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Holy shit that's a terrifying thought. Imagine a 50-man Temple Guard unit rolling Stirring beyond the veil. It makes all models in the unit count as being in base contact with the enemy unit. 100 attacks all subject to PF, at S5. Any deathstar unit would shit their pants if faced with that kind of thing.
  20. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    oh god yes........
    If we get paired with another army it BETTER be someone with a buff like mentioned above.
    How would I love to have a Celestial Hurricanum near my krox and or TG.

    a failed tzeentch reference I guess ^^

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