I have a unit of skinks (20 + standard + musician + hero) to paint. I started with one to decide a settle on a scheme for the unit. I want to go with green skin with orange accents. Ended up using yellow and orange for my accent color. And after reading some of the posts here decided to also try fading to an orange tipped tail. So ignoring the base details I wouldn't mind some thoughts and criticism before i start tackling the ranks and files.
Well... it's not exactly blended (faded)... more like green yellow blended would be green green/yellow yellow nicely blended would be green yellowish green green/yellow greenish yellow yellow you could go over that part of the tail with a 50/50 blend of your green and yellow, mixed with a little water untill its somewhat transparent. and apply that to the area for a better fade.
As N810 says blending your colours with some water will make then fade better which could improve the tail green/yellow overlap abit. Otherwise the colours are good and remind me of the old lizzies back when they were all green! As a side note, whenever i dig up an old skink and paint it, it just never turns out nearly as good as the new skinks for some reason. Maybe the mini itself lacks details or something.
Added a little mix of yellow+green. Helps soften the transition a little. Going to wash all the models as well before painting since they have been sitting in storage for over ten years. This may have affected the paint job as well. Seeing some of these newer skink models I agree my older models lack flare. I want to get my current stash of lizards painted before growing my ranks with some of the newer models. Though I am really looking forward to getting a unit of chameleons, they look pretty cool and I think would be useful on the battlefield.