8th Ed. worst games..

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Wreckr, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Wreckr

    Wreckr New Member

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    So simple thread I wanna no your worst games..

    I'll start with my most recent game I made was me vs warriors now before you go saying how did you loose to warriors well he had the normal Flying DP and 3 chimeras, I was looking good but horrible magic phases.. 1&1, 1&2, 1&3 and an ancient steg loosing combats to 1yes 1 marauder horsemen... The being caught in overrun by that horsemen.. As I rolled a double 1 for flee.. Added to this horrible overall rolling... And above average on his part.. OB w/GW missing all his attacks or wounds 2rounds in a row.. Led to almost my worst game to date.

    Its OK tho as I feel I learnt a lot stayed positive and wen the dice are against u.. Yerrr..

    So let's see if anyone beats that haha
  2. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    Worst game ever I was playing against dwarves with a life slann and he ate my throne of vines. I fly my feathered skink upclose and irresistable dwellers on his hammerer unit suck the slann down the hole and obliterate my TG. Whoops... his first turn one shots my EOTG, my other ancient steg and hits my saurus block with a grudge thrower they fail panic without the re-roll and flee off the board. We just restarted the game... I wish I could say he was warmachine crazy, but the two cannons and the thrower were all he had; I've seen worse gun lines.
  3. Wreckr

    Wreckr New Member

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    Brutal man.. Gunlines nuff said man.
  4. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Every game is the worst game if u have a bad loser at the end of the table.
    Or if the other player is just sad after losing a game. I mean, this is 1 vs 1, other one is bound to lose. If i beat ur cheeseHE List, you dont have permession to be sad/angry about it. Jesus.
  5. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Heh! My first reaction to hearing someone (especially a Lizardmen player) losing to a 3-chim+FlyDP WoC list is far from,

    "How'd you lose to Warriors, man?"

    That's a pretty tough army to play against, because it's incredibly easy for it to beat most non-tailored lists.

    I have a few all-comers lists that I'm able to regularly win with, and not one of them stands a chance against that kind of army.

    I can only imagine what upcoming games are going to be like with two flying DPs on the board... or a Daemon Prince AND Throgg, or just whatever. I'll have to update my list-building strategy, I suppose.

    Anyway, my worst game also came against WoC. It was an early one.

    I'd been used to 40k rules at that point, and had assumed that Fantasy would be pretty similar in practice.

    As such, on turn 2 I had my units positioned in such a way that pretty much guaranteed some solid CR res in exchange for some pretty normal charge rolls, plus a couple scattered redirectors.

    One of the redirectors (a Skirmishing unit), I'd placed caddywompus behind a combat between a poisoned Skink Skrox block vs. Chimera combat (they were winning handily w/ Flaming Attacks). Behind his Chimera, a block of Warriors.

    I'd basically set up the unit to make him fail his charge automatically, thinking that charges were... y'know... legitimately measured (if it were the case, then wheeling & such would have made the charge something like 19").

    After that failed charge & ensuing combat, the Cohort would bait the warriors and the Skirms would be in great position to redirect.

    Unfortunately, he measured the closest corners, which turned out to be about 9" and charged. Wasn't huge, but it did ruin my plans. Chalked it up as experience.

    Then, my Slann rolled a '3' for the Winds of Magic, and failed every channel attempt despite having the gosu-channeler build. I tried to 3-dice the comet in front of some Skullcrushers on the flank that I'd set up for bait with my priest & a big group of Razordons, and it failed.

    Well, not bad. My 6 Razordons would probably put holes in them before getting killed off anyway.

    Every die (improbable as it is) misfired in shooting, and he made his charge @ 20". In the Stand and Shoot, I was rolling epic 1s and 2s. It was terrible. That charge pretty much sent the Skullcrushers through my flank.

    The worst part was that my opponent was super-impressed with himself despite all the thinking being on one side of the table, and didn't waste any time before gloating about how well he'd done. -_-

    He put his units down (poorly), moved them forward (not considering Frenzy or Flaming Poison), and their statlines/incredible (un)luck basically carried him to a win.

    *shrug* Warriors, man. No room for mistakes. The list he fielded was similar to yours, minus one chim.
  6. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    This 2000pt game popped in my head right away:

    Empire had a level 1 Death wizard who managed to roll for Purple Sun. He had 1st turn, ran his wizard out into the middle of the field, taking 6 dice and irresistibly cast a large Purple Sun. It instantly killed my tooled out Slann and just about all his unit (there were 4 left). Even though I moved everyone away from it, it then passed through and killed most of my unit of Saurus.

    He wiped out over half my army before had even begun. I didn't even cause a wound on him :rolleyes:

    Guess what. That wizard survived his miscast :rage:
  7. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Working on a battle report now for this one. 2500 Pts. vs. dwarves. By the end of turn 4 I had 3 scar vets and 4 CO Riders left. I had only wiped out a single dwarf unit (normal infantry). The battle report is taking so long to write because it was a combination of my bad tactics and his unreal dice rolling that caused it. Just a depressing battle to think about. :(

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