Hello from a Student

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ElementZeroUk, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. ElementZeroUk
    Jungle Swarm

    ElementZeroUk New Member

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    Hello everyone (everylizard?). As the title would suggest I am a student in England and am interested in collecting a Lizardmen army.

    I recently went through some stuff in what is the equivalent of my loft and found my old Stegadon ancient from when I thought of collecting some Lizardmen (I was 9). I went to my local GW and bought the new Skink Priest miniature in plastic which I have so far converted and painted and am ready to mount on the Stegadon.

    That is as far as I have got. Any recommendations for what next, or should I post this question somewhere else if i want t answered?

  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum!

    If you only have a Steg and a priest, the best, fastest way would be the Battalion box and a rulebook (if you do not have one already).

    Beyond that, it is up to what type of army you are leaning toward. What kind of tactics do you envision? Magic or no magic? Skink heavy or Saurus heavy?
  3. ElementZeroUk
    Jungle Swarm

    ElementZeroUk New Member

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    I am thinking of a mix. Obviously a slann. Some saurus dome temple guard some skinks with kroxigors

    I really want to use terradons or ripperdactyls but don't know which are better

    Other than that. I have a rulebook and already have the codex.

    Also 3000 pts of Ogres. Lizardmen aren't my first army

    Thanks for the help
  4. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Welcome to the forum!

    I second what Arli said. The battalion box is a great place to start. You will need some core troops for your battles and this set is a good start on that plus some special troops as well.
  5. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Third...ed? Anywho, battalion box is great. Since your a student and GW is always raising the prices, you could look on Ebay and see what's there. Or try asking around at your local hobby store. That's how I sold some of my orc army. Sometimes you can get a great deal.
  6. ElementZeroUk
    Jungle Swarm

    ElementZeroUk New Member

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    I think some of you may have misunderstood me. When i say student i mean under 16

    Anywho, I can acquire the models but U want to know how to arrange them into an army list that would be competitive and fun for everypne at the same time

  7. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Gotcha! Well there are plenty of strategies to be had with the lizards. I would guide you toward the Lizardmen Tactics or Army List sections on the home page. You can see what some of us use and what seems to work best there. Personally, I like to run two units of cold ones with scar-vets in them. Saurus to fill my core requirements and grind with infantry troops along with a couple small clouds of skink. Slann is a must, but I've been known to run a couple skink priests and have a primarily martial army lead by a nasty oldblood on a carnosaur. Lately I haven't been running very many big dinos and it has been working quite well, but everyone has their preferences. Over the last five games I've won 4 and had 1 draw. Now I don't play competitively, but I do play very large point games with people from our hobby store. Usually 3k-5k. Hope this helps!
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    Lordkingcrow hit on the point that a variety of builds are possible. A good overview of the main types of LM armies can be found here. Another one focuses on LM army builds based on lore of magic synergies.

    The Tactica Index has more goodies like that, usually looking at unit choices singularly.

    Let us know if you have any questions about army builds, rules, or anything else.

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