So, being currently unemployed, with a lot of time on my hands I've been thinking that I'd like to start up a commission painting service. It seems to be a very trust-based business however, and in my research I came across a few horror stories of scams and untrustworthy or just downright lazy painters. The good ones seem to have an established reputation to rely on and this is where I need some help - just starting out I need a good rep. My idea - I will paint a few projects for free. I'll do this to establish a benchmark of quality in work and service, earn a reputation and gain some experience (kind of like an apprenticeship). If you're interested, contact me via PM or just post here for any questions etc. Feel free also to offer advice or just plain tell me if this is a bad idea. Details. Let's keep it small to start with. The commissioned project must; - Be infantry. - Be no more than 10 models if a unit. - Citadel (Games Workshop) produced. Character models are my specialty, I enjoy them the most. The project doesn't have to be Lizardmen, but Fantasy is preferred. Small conversions are welcome so long as they aren't too ambitious. I'll update this post once I whip up some reference pictures, for now I'll just link to my recent work
I personally like painting my own models so this idea isn't that appealing to me personally. Although having a really good looking slann is tempting indeed and I can see this appealing to others. Especially those who want to play the game with good looking models but don't have the time and/or patience to make that happen. So all in all a good idea to keep you occupied and productive during your unemployment. You do slightly limit yourself though to just doing models. What about terrain? You have some really good looking terrain in your photos and good looking terrain is hard to come by. I am personally very interested in getting some sweet jungle-themed terrain but so far I haven't seen anything good. GW doesn't have much fantasy terrain and no real jungle terrain at all. This is something you like doing or could do similarly to painting models?
I had another look through your thread and I think you'll do well in your ventures. But in doing commission work, I suggest that you open yourself to all armies and game systems. You'll get more work that way
ye id say that is a good idea doing the whole building up trust exercise, that way people can certainly see how good your painting is and such, though as already said possibly a good idea to branch out, as im guessing its hard to find people up for it in just one army but who knows
I suppose it depends on where you live, but if your local hobby store has a display case and is open to the idea, see if they will let you display some of your work. The hobby store in my town does that and while I personally enjoy painting my own models, I know plenty of guys who would rather just play the game and pay to have their armies painted.
I guess you are USA based. I'd love to have a model of your painting standard in my army, but I guess having some chump in Northern Europe raving about your models does not work as a great advertisement. However, I have no doubt that you can do it with your skills. I think looking for a gaming shop that lets you display your models. Of course conventions and even tournaments would be great places to connect with customers. Don't forget big internet forums like Dakkadakka, Cool Mini Or Not and Warhammer Forum either. Good lunch with your venture!
Just a quick shout out to all the people who have contacted me via PM. Thanks for the support! Actually I'm in the UK. Location doesn't matter to me, Ill provide the service to anywhere possible. Northern Europe? Not a problem. Next step will be the big forums definitely. My only local is Games Workshop unfortunately. I doubt they would let me officially advertise there, but I like the idea. I nearly always have a model in their cabinet because they run a monthly painting competition (which I always lose!), and I often spend a lot of time talking to people about my painting. Might be a good idea to mention my enterprise there.