Hello everybody =) After lurking here for quite some time, i decided to register here. Excuse me, if my english is rather bad, but the english lessons in Germany are rather....well....crappy. When it comes to playing, i am still a noob, since i have only played 3 games so far. But, to keep my motivated at painting at least, i wanted to show you my lizzies. I work better under pressure, so My painting skills are rather mediocre, i guess. Any advices are welcomed. The Slann has so come first, of course. The little Skink to his left has not been painted on this picture, but in the back, ones can see his little sidekick. Here is my Oldblood. As i said, i am a new player and the combination of Fencer's Blades and Armour of Destiny seems not bad to me. Last but not least, here are my first 5 Warriors. I finished 4 more lately, but i have not touched a brush in a long time. I hope to change this, but with exams and research papers in mind.... I hope you like my Lizards so far. Updates come as soon as possible =) Greetings, Geth
Your English is fine, but you'll have to excuse mine, I'm an Americian so my English is terrible. You maybe a noob at playing, but I can tell you aren't a noob at painting minitures. Great conversion on the Old Blood, indeed that is a good combo by the way. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Welcome to the forum. Excellent painting and basing, especially the Oldblood. I tend to use Fencers Blades and the Glittering Scales myself, but I can see some appeal in Fencer's Blades and Armor of Destiny. Ich spreche ein bischen Deutsch, aber mein Deutsch ist sehr rustig. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you have for rules, painting, or tactics!
Thank you all for your kind words =). Well, i guess it's a common phenomenon, that every painter beefs about his own work, trying to get better. My friend, who taught me how to paint, has the same problem, never being fully satisfied with his own miniatures. Looking through my pictures, i found an older one of my Skink priest and hero. The hero has been crushed by my VC playing friend (by him, not his army), as he dropped the little guy from his desk unfortunately. I'll try to paint at least one hour a day from now on, so i don't lose the touch. And since i have to finish my lizzies and my second army (Ogre Kingdoms), i really should get started. Der Satz ist aber gut zu verstehen.
welcome welcome! i do love the bright colours of your lizardmen, and particularly impressed by your oldblood, i think that's a great idea, and i know how you feel with the whole lack of time thing with exams and such, but you will find a way!
Welcome to the jungle! Your English is fine and your painting looks good too. I look forward to seeing more of your army as it is painted.
Excellent painting work thus far! Also, like the red on the lizards, it looks mean! Sorry to hear about your Skink Hero getting stepped on, maybe you can resurrect him sometime in the future??