Hello! I am (somewhat) new to Lizardmen, having owned a large number of saurus for a long time and only now devoting to them the time they deserve. I have been a WHFB player on and off and have only just recently begun playing in earnest. I am eager to learn how to best use my Lizardmen, and where to go collectionwise, building up my roughly 1500 points to a 2500 point Tournament worthy force. I am based out of Austin, TX, and play at the Dragon's Lair there. Any advice on how to add to this collection? I'd like to try to build a Slann-less list if possible... ~50 Saurus (30 spears, 20 hw/sh) 18 Temple Guard 7 Cold One Cavalry 2 Jungle Swarms 1 Skink Priest 1 Old Blood/Scar Vet on Foot 1 Old Blood/Scar Vet on Cold One 3 random metal skinks with bows that I intend to convert to Chameleons I like the Bastiladon, have zero experience with Skinks, and can't seem to make myself like the Stegadons because that is clearly a Triceratops, not a Stegasaurus. Nice to meet you all
Welcome to the forum! I have converted a number of plastic Skinks to Chameleon Skinks. Okay I didn't convert them much but I painted them in a Chamo scheme. Stegadons are poorly named. Our special characters are even worse though. Tiktaqto? A frog named Kroak? I just tune out names for my sanity. I don't use Stegadon very often myself, but that's more personal preference than anything. The only way to really understand Skinks is to practice with them. I take two units of 10 or 13 Skink Skirmishers in most lists. A lot of people take far more than that. This tactica should help you get started. Even if you decide you want to go light on Skinks you'll probably want at least one Skink unit to bunker your Priest. I take 20 Cohort Skinks in most lists but I'm a minority for that. I like the Skinks to occupy a building and be a general annoyance. Most people use minimum sized Cohorts (10) as redirectors or very large blocks (50+) to tarpit enemy units. If they bother to use Cohorts all that is. Both Bastiladon builds are good but the Solar Engine tends to outperform the Ark of Sotek. In a Slann-less list it's often a good idea to take two Solardons. They also work well as support units for Saurus Warriors and Temple Guard (TG). You probably want more TG eventually but most opponents will be okay with you filling the back TG ranks with regular Saurus Warriors. Let us know if you have any questions about rules, painting, tactics, or whatever.
Welcome to Lustria! I usually do run a Slann in my army at the higher point levels. Going Slann-less you may also want to consider another Skink Priest along with using Skink Cohorts or more skirmishers. I just got my first bastilidon and terradon kits, so I am looking forward to building and using them in my army.
Thanks for the advice! I did actually pick up another skink priest in the last couple days. it is the new sculpt with the feathers. Amazing model imo. I will hopefully be putting some painted models up on the painting section soon. I am doing a sort of asian theme. Red skinned guys with white shields, bronze armor, and jade icons and speartips for the spears. Also tossing around the idea of doing all of my monsters and mounts in a terra cotta soldier style. Thanks for the warm welcome!