8th Ed. Defeating The New Nagash

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by captainslaughter, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Waah

    Waah New Member

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    I think we are missing out on the best part of Nagash though: that unstable nerd who rages too hard. How great is it gonna be the first time you see someone lose with Nagash, especially if it's one of those game over miscasts, and said nerd rage cause Nagash to be spiked on the floor/table/wall.

    With as big and awesome and frail as that giant model is, knowing that you caused someone to rage like that will make you so smug. Plus you get to watch the cycle of destruction,remorse, and maybe even renewed anger.
  2. dms505

    dms505 New Member

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    Yea brain fart on carpet. I haven't used that combo in years. I would probably go with the cloak of feathers and add an extra temple guard.
  3. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Wow, and I thought i knew some horrible players. I've only once seen someone throw one of his models, and that was because his expensive Shadowblade wiffed all of his attacks and died for the fifth time in a row. He was pretty pissed about that.
  4. Phoenix1986
    Jungle Swarm

    Phoenix1986 New Member

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    Ive played 2 games against Nagash and have found that he will typically be more threatening out of combat, if he stands in the middle of a 6' wide board he can summon his units pretty much anywhere on the board and as the game drags down to the last turns his army just continues to grow.

    Most of the miscasts have almost no effect on him so 5 and 6 dice casts at summoning packs of Vargeists or Vampire Lords is common also as far as dispeling goes he can summon characters that can carry Arcane items.

    And whoever said if he loses his weapon he cant kill a Carnosaur um he is W7 and S7, 3's and 2's vs the dinosaur followed by a thunderstomp on a now standing Saurus.

    I get the feeling that you may see the odd game where he goes down but unless that happens its tough to win (well at 2500 points)
  5. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Going purely by the rules, you have to remember that he is still limited in number of magic items. He can't summon infinite amounts of dispel scrolls, for example.

    And with a properly kitted Slann, i haven't really seen how he is such a monster in the magic phase. Lots of casters are on his level of magic dominance, his abiity to summon like he does is his only benefit, a benefit countered by throwing everything you have at him, which you should anyway.

    And never engage him without magic support if you can help it. And the benefit of Carnos and other monsters is impact hits - autohits bypasses his high WS, and grants valuable bonus combat res, which translates into more wounds if you manage to win be a reasonable amount. 3 ranks + banner of war + rear charge, sprinkled with impact hits, and whatever your Saurus characters can do to him, and his few attacks will have a hard to making up for a minimum of 8 combat res. even if he reduces wounds caused by unstable with 2, that's still a whole of wounds he needs to cause, and if you force him into a challenge with a 4+ ward-saved, magic buffed Saurus character with a +1 armour save (which still helps)), and his attacks are unlikely to do enough to save him from dying prematurely.

    Some armies struggle, while others have little to no options against him.

    And then you have the armies capable of instantly locking him down without any problems. Banner of the World Dragon.
  6. Astral Crusader

    Astral Crusader Member

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    I guess it takes a hoard to stop a wizard with a dumb looking hat. If you do this please tell how it goes. :beaver:

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