is there anyplace that you can individually order the extra snake bitz that come with the Bastiladon? I'm trying to see if I can get my Jungle Swarms to visually match the serpents from the Ark of Sotek. I've found lots of places that sell individual bitz, and even ones for the Bastiladon, but can never seem to find just the snakes. thanks!
If I were you I would make a bunch of green stuff spaghetti. Snakes like that should be relatively easy to sculpt and any imperfections can be hidden with bunching of multiple snakes and coiling individual snakes They sell out pretty fast though, you're not the only one making those conversions
Haha yeah I know. I would say bitsandkits is your best bet. They restock on a regular basis, so check in every now and then. You can also apply for a mail informing you of restocking. I have ordered on several occasions with them, worked out fine.
I have also used Bits and Kits and can recommend them. Had no problems and they seem to get new bits almost every week. And what's best, the prices are good, but they also quite often have special offers on everything.
I'll trade you a kit's worth of Bastilladon Snakes for some Saurus Drummer left arms. I need them from Temple Guard, Cold Ones, and the Saurus kits.
Just a quick update. I got an email from Bits and Kits, they have just gotten more parts for several models, including Bastiladon.