I have decided to finally paint my army but i am unsure as to what colour scheme i want. i want to base my army of of dragons because, well you know an army of mini dragons lead by a bigger dragon riding a massive dragon. any how, any suggestions would be great and pictures would be appreciated as well.
It all comes down to personal taste. I have done mine in a similar scheme to the one from the 'Eavy Metal team, but giving the saurus coloured crests. It depends on what you like, how you imagine them, things you want to associate them with in real world. You need a starting point before I (or anyone else) can help you with ideas and techniques.
Maybe this will help... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/
Yeah, unfortunately dragons aren't much help as a starting point for a color scheme. As imaginary creatures themselves, they can be be whatever color you want. Unless you have specific dragons in mind? Otherwise, I'd suggest looking up some pictures of real reptiles, and starting there.