Hey Guys. Im doing some kroxigor for a local tournie, well 2 unit of 6, and I didn't really want to pay the £33 for 3!!!! So I came up with these, 12 for around £32. Just getting them ready to paint, sorry for the side pics, damn iphone!
Re: Start of my Kroxigor Convertion Looks promising.... where did you get the bodies from? and do thay have tails ?
Re: Start of my Kroxigor Convertion Sadly no tails, but the bodies are models called Mantic Ogres. You get 6 for £16.50, they come with really good hand weapons and shield as well. Simple Temple Guard head swap and boom, some Kroxigor. Don't get me wrong, I love the new Kroxigor models, but cant budget right now so this was the option a took. I will post some better pics once I finish green stuff and undercoat.
Re: Start of my Kroxigor Convertion Did a little work today, undercoat and tried to do a test for colours.... still more work on model but you sould be able to get the feel of what im after.
The models are available on eBay, that's where I grabbed them, search for Mantic Ogres by Kings of war.