Hello guy´s, I´m not a fantasy player (yet, because i DO love the minis) and have developed these 3", 5" and flame templates for the other sci-fi game. And as a fantasy noob i ask for your help, are any of these used in fantasy? And if so are they interesting to use or more well suited for any particular armies? Thanks for the help! here are the dudes:
Yes, those are legal for Fantasy. They are also very cool! They fit really well with a Salamander unit. Also, welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the reply Arli, very usefull to know. I have had a late start with wargames, but i´ll get to fantasy yet
Glad you like them We started a little company making these and other similar stuff called Pyrkol (http://www.pyrkol.com) and we are making these available on ebay at http://www.ebay.com/usr/pyrkol any questions or sugestions, just let us know.