8th Ed. Lizardmen and the Lore of Undeath

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Fhanados, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Hi everyone,

    Due to the recent arrival of my daughter (the fact I am the legal guardian of a human being is still astonishing to me...) I haven't had much hobby time. The sleepless nights do give me the chance to do some reading, so I've taken up a copy of the fancy new End Times/Nagash book. I've read some of the fluff, which I love, and the basic rules and I actually like it. Undead legion lists are pretty solid, and a 50% lord allowance means I can effectively make 75% of my army list Carnosaur riding characters, which I find pretty funny (and we can actually field Mazdamundi in a regular game!). The thing that struck me most though was everyone gaining access to the rehashed Lore of Undeath.

    So what do you guys think?
    Would you use Lore of Undeath on a Slann or Skink (skinks can use it right?)?
    What units would you summon to complement your Lizardmen army, or the Lizardmen book in general?
    Do you think Lord Mazdamundi with Undeath could summon enough undead to make his points worthwhile?
    Are you itching to get your Slann in combat with Hand of Dust just to see your opponents face when he insta-kills their character in combat?
  2. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    I can't say for sure, but I think that models who can only use specific lores or spells can't use the Lore of Undeath :/ Don't quote me on it (being a new lizardmen player and all)\

    Still though, rising up hordes of skeletons would be sick :D It would also make an interesting paint scheme, making an undead army.
  3. bugleboy
    Jungle Swarm

    bugleboy New Member

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    In the Nagash book it quite clearly states that any wizard can choose to generate spells from the lore of undeath with the bold emphasis from the book. Therefore you can allow skink priests to use it.

    As for its usefulness I am unsure, but if I was to use it I would likely try it on a slann because at level 2 the skink priest is more likely to get dispelled and to use the lore attribute effectively you would want to be casting as many spells as possible.

    I'm not sure what I would summon, but I imagine a screaming skull catapult to give us a war machine threat that we lack. Perhaps ethereal units if my list was lacking in chaff. A terrorgheist would be something special and terrifying for an opponent. Even skeleton archers would help to increase our ranged threat.

    I must admit I am not well versed in the undead books especially so these are all thoughts from a novice!
  4. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for confirming! I was talking to a guy from my local GW about Kroak using it, since it says in his rules he only knows his one spell. I'd get the book myself but I don't have the funds for it yet :p I agree, a Slann would be a much better pick for Undeath.
  5. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Kroak is the exception. His rules specify he only knows one spell(Deliverance of Itza, to be exact). So no Lore of Undeath for him.

    Though his model would be PERFECT for a Lore of Undeath Slann ;)
  6. Saurian

    Saurian Member

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    I wrote a huge lengthy article on it over at Carpe Noctem on what units are best for what and when to summon what/ tactics etc.

    As a "foreign" army using undeath you don't have access to any of the boosts that Nagash, Arkhan and Mannfred use however, which does limit you quite a lot.

    If you were lucky enough to get Harbinger (summon character/monster) then you could summon a Skink Priest on Lore of Beasts ready to deliver some Wyssan buffs to your troops.

    Shooty units generally tend to be ideal as they can immediately make an impact on the game as they will be able to shoot in the same turn they're summoned. Skullapults and Archers are best for this (you'd get ~15 archers at the 100pt summoning value).
  7. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Personally I was thinking High on Slann and Undeath on a couple of skinks and summoning up a bunch of skeleton archers and boosting their BS with Hand of Glory. Since they don't suffer any penalties for shooting from their fancy arrows, a boost to their to-hit roll seems like a good idea.

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