New to lizards, not to WHFB

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Pepticsalve, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Hello all - what a great find this forum is!

    Just started building a Lizardman army for my clubs 'tale of gamers' thing that we are running for the next 8 months. Its an escalation campaign where we all encourage each other to build and paint 250pts worth of minis for an army every month - eventually ending up at fully painted 2000 point armies (or might be slightly over for some!). Theres 11 of us participating, all of us building different armies (we have pretty much every Warhammer army covered in the group)

    Been playing WHFB with high elves for a while - but always fancied building a Lizardman army - the models are lovely and I enjoy painting - so what's not to love about them. I also love the Slann - both as a model and as a character in the game.

    I also like that the infantry can get stuck in a bit more - with my elves I'm always concerned about their rubbish strength and toughness - and always running my mages in a supportive 'buffing' mode to overcome their rubbish armour saves and toughness (swordmasters fall apart like wet tissue paper). Flicking through the lizard army book they are such a different army to the high elves - which I'm really looking forward to messing around with. I'll have to get used to never getting the first turn in combat though, or not having much of a ranged attack... Do love the Slann though (have I said that already????)

    Anyway - hoping to grab some good advice on here. My lizards will be a real slow grow army (I'm a bit of a painting obsessive and like things to be 'just right'). Just working on a basic Saurus unit at the moment (with spears, not hand weapons)

  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Welcome to the forum! I love the Lizardmen models and look forward to seeing yours as your army grows. Even though the Saurus are tough, you will still need to buff them for them to be successful in combat. That initiative 1 is a real bummer.
  3. MHK Pathfinder
    Cold One

    MHK Pathfinder Member

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    Run a Light Slann and your combat block will be hitting as fast as High Elves!

    And welcome to the boards!
  4. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Thanks Kblock - I'm thinking Hand of Glory casted by a Slann is going to get a lot of use with the lizards! And I've already got the magic cards as my high elves use plenty of high magic, unsurprisingly...;-) (just have to remember that the lore attribute isn't the ward buff for the lizards......)
  5. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Never really looked at running the lore of light before. There are certain lores that I never bothered with when using high elves, light, metal and fire generally. My go-to lores are always heavens, life and high... But looking at this lore I can see it synergising well with a lizard army!

    I'm sure this should be in the tactics thread, but is the general consensus with lizards to run a slann as the BSB and general rolled into one, and give him a standard of discipline as a magic standard (bringing his LD to 10). Also looks like running a channeling staff and harmonic convergence on a slann looks devestating! 3 channeling dice generating power/dispel dice on a 5 up......

    ...... And I always thought high elves were the best casters in the game! (book of hoeth still rocks though!)

  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to to the forums!

    I think Light is the way to go for beating Elves. High Elves anyway. I haven't figured out what to do about Wood Elves yet and no on in my local area plays Dark Elves (though I have a friend starting DEs soon).

    Escalation leagues are always a good way to encourage painting. Be sure to put your work on the painting forum and give the Tactics forum a look through.
  7. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Welcome! Glad to have you in the fold! My hobby store is also starting an escalation league, only it is designed to promote interest in the hobby. I know a few of us are trying to paint to keep pace with the point increase, but with a job, family, and other responsibilities, painting sadly gets the back seat... or in my case the trunk of the car, next to a pile of other things I get to do once a month. On a side note, look into lore of beasts for a skink priest, good for boosts to your saurus combat blocks!
  8. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Thanks for the welcome guys! I'll post photos of units in the painting section as I get them done. I've just finished a 'test' saurus to try out the colour scheme I'll be using - its fairly traditional - blue scales, turquoise flesh/underbelly, bronze and iron spear with black shaft (or actually very *very* dark brown with black wash - which has more 'depth' than pure black), bronze arm bands with sepia tones and light gold edgelights. I'll post a picture of it tomorrow in the painting section when I get some decent light.

    Compared to the high elves they are an absolute doddle to paint - just as well as I'm sick of spending 6+ hours per model in my high elf core! Base coat, loads of dry brush highlights, a wash to blend, final highlights and edges. Done! :-D Elves are fiddly as they have armour and clothing and stuff - and tiny mistakes show up so easily...should be able to bash out basic core Saurus and Skink regiments pretty quickly - which is always good thing! :)

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