8th Ed. First game in a long time

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by dreitman, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. dreitman

    dreitman New Member

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    So the last time a played a game of Warhammer was back in 2002 against dwarfs. I think I played one or two games at that time and that was it. Fast forward, I finally got a chance yesterday to head to the local game store and play.

    So I met Jake and he was more than willing to grind my soul into the ground... eh hem... teach me how to play Warhammer again. Jake was fielding an Army of Chaos. So we decided a 1000pt army would be a good place to start and we worked on creating our lists. I came up with the following:

    • * Skink Priest (lvl 2) (general placed in cohort unit)
      * 15 Saurus with spears (full command)
      * 20 Saurus with hand weapons (full command)
      * 10 Skink Cohorts with 1 kroxigor (full command)
      * Salamander Pack with 4 handlers
      * Skink Skirmishers
      * Saurus Scar veteran on coldone (battle standard)


    So after deploying our units I won the dice roll and got to move first.

    Turn 1 (lizard men)

    My deployment was pretty much a straight line... cohorts, sallie, 20 saurus, 15 saurus, skirmishers. For my movement phase I marched my saurus units forward between the house and hill. The cohorts and sallie got moved on top of the hill while my skirmishers moved into the trees. My scar-vet kept close to the saurus units.


    Had I known that the sallie's fire template does not have to originate at the model I would have attempted to fire on his core unit. But alas this is one of the many things I learned later, as in too late to be any good. So with nothing to do I end my turn. Oh yeah, I was able to cast Harmonic Convergence on my 20 saurus unit.

    Turn 2 (Demons of Chaos)

    The demons did not declare any charges and pretty much moved straight forward. His flying evil harpy things flew over the tree cluster and my skirmishers.

    On his magic phase (or maybe it was the start of his turn) He had to roll on some kind of effect table that could be bad for me or him. The result was bad for me. Basically he rolled a single d6 for every one of my units and a six would cause some kind of wounds on that unit. Sorry can't remember what exactly this effect was called but the end result was my sallie took 3 wounds, luckily I rolled and lost only one handler and the sallie took the other two hits.

    His only other action has to use his grape launcher from the soul grinder which misfired and caused a single wound to himself.

    Turn 3 (lizard men)

    I charge my 20 saurus into the soul grinder and my 15 saurus into the core demon unit. The skirmishers march around the flying harpy things to provide cover to the saurus flanks. The cohorts move forward on the hill.

    During magic phase I was only able to get Harmonic Convergence casted on my 20saurus unit. The vile demons snuffed (dispelled) my Iceshard Blizzard.

    My cohorts throw their poisoned javelins at the tall demon general that between the soul grinder and his core units. I score three wounds off that attach but its ward save shrugged everything off. Next my sallie attempts to fire on the big general demon as well... unfortunately that hill climb made him hungry and he decided to eat the three remaining handlers.


    So now things go from bad to worse.

    The soul grinder devastates my suarus unit with 4 wounds bringing me down to 3 effective ranks. My saurus with 11 attack dice manages to only score 3 hits and none of them make it anywhere. Fortunately I still out rank the soul grinder and that suarus unit doesn't flee.

    On the other side my 15 saurus unit takes 7 wounds. And in return with 8 attacks I only manage to take out one demon in his unit. After combat resolution my saurus unit decides to get help and runs the other way. Unfortunatly they are run down and overrun by the demon unit. Also, the skirmishers seeing their big bad bros turning tail decide they don't want anything to do with this and make for the hills as well.


    At this point the store was closing so we had to call it. Though we didn't do an official count victory was clearly in the Demons of Chaos court.

    So looking back at the game.

    • 1> I think I would want to combine my saurus into one large unit with spears. Having the armor save is useless because his weapons are extremely sharp (I forget the name of that feature) and don't allow armor saves. And having the extra ranks of attacks would be helpful.
      2> Inspect his dice. He was rolling a lot of 5's and 6's ;) So I had a little bad luck with the dice. It happens...
      3> Get that sallie to shoot fire in the first two turns. That could have made a big difference early in the game.
      4> After playing a game and experiencing the rules in action. I now have a better idea how to field and equip my army.
      5> Get a couple jungle swarms to add poison to my attacks, also, loose the krox. He wasn't really useful.
      6> Read the tactica for fighting Demons of Chaos
      7> Keep playing, win or loose it was still a lot of fun

    Please feel free to throw me any suggestions...
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    yea that was some bad luck,
    I do think you should have
    soffened up the deamon blocks
    with some skink and salamander fire
    before chargeing in with the saurus.
  3. dreitman

    dreitman New Member

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    Agreed, had i know i would have attempted firing on the demon block with my salamander in turn one. I didn't because I thought the fire template had to touch my movement tray. Also, my opponent thought it was treated like a breath weapon and I would only have one use during the game. We later discovered otherwise while consulting my army book. It was an innocent mistake. But now I know better and will try to use my salamander to its full potential next time and feed him before the battle so he doesn't look to the handlers as snacks.
  4. dreitman

    dreitman New Member

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    Point #8 to remember> Saurus warriors have two attacks and the spawn leader has 3.

    Just sitting around researching for my next confrontation and discovered I only gave myself half the attacks I deserved... ouch... don't want to make that mistake again.

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