In need of clarification: how many choices should we select? What is the poll's intended priority for your choices? Example: If we are to select a maximum of 2 choices, do we select the top two based on the percentage of games played? Or do we select the top two choices based on list intentions? I almost always play casual games using tournament all comers lists to prepare for the big tournaments I regularly attend. I'll also play casual games in a campaign, regularly play games in a major tournament, rarely battle report tournament games, I painted my own models for my battles, etc. etc. Or is our selection based on each person's own criteria, no matter what that may be. Free to answer by our own viewpoint.
I voted Casual Gamer before remembering I haven't actually played any games outside a few introductory games at GW and a few games at Gamesday 2012 (goddamnit GW give us aussies Gamesday again!). Also fluff author and armchair (office chair) general.
As a Causual Gamer, looks like I've got safety in numbers! I'd like to have a go at Competitions and do battle reports, but real life always gets in the way (plus the fact that about 95%+ of my army is yet to be painted)
voted casual player, painter (casual as well) and arm chair general. I play roughly once a month, sometimes even less. I did not pick tourny player although i do join our local store tournies when i can. But those are like 6 to 10 players max and are still extremely casual as the small gaming crowd here in Ankara is rather new and unexperienced. I tend to paint also quite casual. Sometimes i dont do anything for months. But latelely i paint a few hourse per week. And i tend to be an armchair general on a few forums (most notably on Da-warpath).
I am a casual gamer who likes to paint, and who tries to make some battler reports. Life makes doing these things a bit less frequent than I would like. Some of the friends I play do go to tournaments and paint. One is not a painter but pays to get his minis painted. Another likes to paint, but rarely plays.
casual here atleast for 40k since I havnt actually played a game with my lizzies yet but I doubt the attitude will change I have a habbit of using whatever I think looks fun or im in the mood for (which is why my chaos army is undivided because i dont like being shoehorned into one playstyle plus it gives me more colour variation)
Or does a lot of theory hammer and Math hammer, but probaly not a lot of actual games. something like that.
Casual player! "What do I feel like throwing on the table/what looks cool" always beats out "Will this list choice be useful at all?"
Same, hahahaha. Nothing cooler than Lizards who don't care about their friends dying, they'll just march forwards swinging their clubs until you say stop!
I am not trying to be a tournament-only player, but it seems like all my non-tournament games are in preparation for tournaments, so I suppose I am. I also try to play uncomped so that I get the most 'standard' experience that I can.
I am a casual player, and like Sleboda, my friends and I play without any comp system. I am losing most of my battles right now as a beginner and adding new units. I do enjoy playing by the actual rules without any comp type system. It does help me learn the strengths and weaknesses of different units much better using the standard rules.
Okay so there are five fluff authors on this poll. Bob and I are two of them. Would the other three of you (whoever you are) be interested if we set up a short story contest similar to what the Skaven do? Basically the parameters would be to within a month (or maybe two) write and submit a fluff piece between 500 and 2000 words based on Lizardmen and a broad theme chosen by a third party non-writer (probably a moderator). The winner would be determined by a poll. There'd be no prize besides bragging rights or maybe some commemorative Bob artwork (though he does art for most people who ask). Also there would be a stickied thread documenting contest winners. If we can get assurance of at least three or four writers, It is my wish to make our contest late this year or early next year. PM me or respond if somewhat interested.
My type of casual play is usually "lets throw in as many random variables as possible". e.g. random encounters, wild weather effects, winter battles... basically, I like a bit of Chaos in the mix xp