8th Ed. Whats your favourite lizardman unit

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pepticsalve, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I agree. I've run him in nearly every game since the new release riding on looks alone. I thought there was no question about being a complete failure. In all the games, I think about all it has gotten me is 1 or 2 casting dice. 1-2 wounds and 8-12 extra predatory fighter attacks. And ofc causing X units to flee by getting blown up, outright killed, or just running away. Hardly seems to be worth it if it costed 1 point. BUT I am not a tournament quality player. And I have been told he isn't nearly as bad as I think. He has even been used effectively on flanks vs light cav AND changed games with his roar in crucial game deciding combats where magic has been shut down... I call BS... :shifty:

    But, since it is a thread on Favorite Lizardmen Units, I have to give him honorable mention for his fantastic model! I do run him on that alone. So he is still probably my favorite unit of the release. Somehow I can't just let him sit on the bench.
  2. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    I would be proud to join that club Gary_M! Long live SWAS! "We may be slow as molasses in winter, but we still matter!" The motto might need some work...
  3. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Skink chief.

    Foot, mounted, anything really as long as he doesn't mount himself on a monster (a stegadon), that ain't skinky agile skink heroish, that's skink monsterhandler sskinkish, and not really based on the skink as much as the steg.

    In particular i like the metal model with shield and helmet. That model is simply beautiful, and i find myself brining that guy only because of the model.

    He doesn't swing battles, and he isn't priced competitively since he shares a slot with Scar vets, but the nature of skinks fluff wise, and the initiative 6, str 4, toughness 3 skink simply amuses me a whole lot!

    If we're looking at basic units i'd say Skink cohorts, they can be competitive, but i'm more into the massed skink aspect of it... It's a bunch of volcano worshipping lizards that skitter around and flee at the first real sign of danger. How awesome is that? and i'll gladly pay for poison, because, why wouldn't my skinks poison their weapons if they had the option?!

    Things skinks use as mounts are also on my list, be it monster or otherwise, as long as it isn't a hero mounting them, ain't heroic enough!

    My last game a skink Steg rider stabbed a chimera in the eye so it fell death before it could strike (and use it's breath weapon) - he's getting a future promotion, i rolled 4 handler attacks for the steg the rest of the battle because the critter was stuck in it's eye :p

    EDIT: forgot to mention stuff handled by skinks!

    Salamanders and Razordons!

    Especially razordons! I find myself bringing sallies for the old model and because they're good, i find myself bringing razordons because i think they're drop-dead gorgeous! even though i find my unit of 5 does marginally better than the trog i field in the same list :p

    Good thing my regular opponents are rats with 1 of each nasty warmachine, hellpit and wheel, and a bell + 2 slave hordes and a warriors of chaos player that always brings his flying demon prince (doesn't use death though <3) who uses either nurgle or tzeentch has a clutter of 30 WoC, chimera, and shrine - all of the nasty stuff, and doesn't bring anything marginal.

    YAY! (i rarely win anything though i did have one game where aforementioned warriors failed panic from the sallies, and failed rally to leave the board)
  4. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Great question. I've been surprised by the Trog lovin'. I might be tempted to give it a go because the model is just brilliant.

    My favourite unit is probably the Stegadon (in all guises) - it's also still an amazing kit. The number of builds is great and on top of that you get a Skink Chief and a Skink Priest model as well.

    My favorite individual model is the new Skink Chief. I think its expression is great and it's so dynamic. I'm also a huge fan of the old Skink Priest model with the dino helmet.
  5. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    I love all of my Lizardmen children, but the ones who are the most precious to me is the Temple Guard, Troglodon, Chakax, Tehenhauin and Slann.

    I love the fluff and models of those and I have big plans on my TG and Slann!

    I also don't mind if people don't like to run Troglos on the field, I love those models and I don't play so competitive so I like to put atleast one Troglo on my list if I have many Saurus/models with Predatory Fighter or a Slann.~ I have also ran a list with two Troglos :')

    My most common opponent, my BF who plays with OnG, doesn't seem to like Troglos very much even though they're not so nasty in combat :D
  6. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Bring back the Skinks on Horned Ones!
  7. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Were these fast cav? I have to say (as a HE player) I do feel that the one thing lizards are missing is a decent cavelry option. Cold one riders are cool, but I'd rather have a fast cav option...
  8. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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  9. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Oh yeh! I hadn't noticed them (I'm new to the LM army). They should provide a useful harasment/warmachine hunting unit :-D
  10. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    They are pretty awesome
  11. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Game wise it's focus of mystery w/channel combo. You can win every game you play if you roll average and think ahead. Makes so many units in our army better and the choices are endless and interesting.

    Fluff/model carnos and stegs. Admit it, it's why most of us went with LM in the first place. They look amazing and eat stomp bash and terror. Everything you could want, cept for a cannon save
  12. Astral Crusader

    Astral Crusader Member

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    In fluff I like Kroak since s/he is such a powerful wizard even with one spell. The fact that Kroak is fated to endure the fate of the universe(move over Alduin) makes him/her the arguable protagonist of the warhammer setting. A title no other character can claim. Now whats the story behind his Skink friend?

    Crunch wise I like the in someway opposite unit the Slann Mage Priest since they are powerful wizards and also the player planty of options to chose from.

    I also the Slann Mage Priest model I bit more so Slann Mage Priest WINS!!!!

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