8th Ed. Help with loadouts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by rd4, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. rd4

    rd4 New Member

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    So, as the title suggests, I need help deciding some loadouts, and I was hoping that you lovely people could help me with this. Here are my models;
    Scar-vet on cold one (bsb)
    Old-blood on cold one w/ halberd/gw
    Old-blood/Scar-vet w/ great weapon
    Old-blood/Scar-vet w/ hand weapon + shield
    Skink priest
    Skink priest w/ cloak of feathers
    Skink chief w/ bsb
    So, that's everything, anyone have any loaduts for me? Cheers
  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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  3. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Here are some of my usual builds and why/how I use them:

    Skink Chief
    - BSB
    - lustrian javelin
    - LA
    - shield
    - Ironcurse Icon
    - Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza

    I usually drop this though guy in a Skrox block with 3 Kroxigors. He gives some nice spice to the block and is actually pretty though Skink :) I have made a SOBU unit run and die with that block :'D

    Slann Mage Priest
    - BSB
    - Becalming cogitation
    - Harmonic convergence
    - Channeling Staff
    - Egg of Quango
    + some magic standard depending on the situation

    I prefer this build for my Slann since it is pretty strong at channeling/magic. And of course if I use High Magic I give him Focus of Mystery.~ The Egg of Quango isn't really that necessary, but I still like to use it and it had worked OK with me. I nearly never run my Slann without his TG block with Jaquar Standard.~
  4. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Old one with GW

    -cold one
    -armor of destiny
    -dawn stone
    -other teickster shard

    He is my faborite built up
  5. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Saurus Oldblood (266pts)
    Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (4+) (BRB-75)
    Cold One (30pts) (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned (5+) (AB-34), Stupidity (BRB-76)), General, Great Weapon
    Magic Items
    BRB - Armour of Destiny, BRB - Dawnstone , BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard

    Saurus Scar Veteran (153pts)
    Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (5+) (BRB-75)
    Cold One (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned (5+) (AB-34), Stupidity (BRB-76)), Great Weapon , Light Armour
    Magic Items
    AB - Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza , BRB - Luckstone

    Saurus Scar Veteran (164pts)
    Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (5+) (BRB-75)
    Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Cold One (20pts) (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned (5+) (AB-34), Stupidity (BRB-76)), Great Weapon
    Magic Items
    BRB - Armour of Fortune

    Saurus Scar Veteran (149pts)
    Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (5+) (BRB-75)
    Cold One (20pts) (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned (5+) (AB-34), Stupidity (BRB-76)), Light Armour (4pts)
    Magic Items
    BRB - Talisman of Preservation

    Saurus Scar Veteran (158pts)
    Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (5+) (BRB-75)
    Cold One (20pts) (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned (5+) (AB-34), Stupidity (BRB-76)), Great Weapon (4pts), Light Armour (4pts)
    Magic Items
    BRB - Trickster's Helm

    These are the builts of my scarvwts and oldblood for a dethstar cold one unit, they are really hard to kill and with PF and strenght 8 they can kill anything. Aldo if you play this with beast magig they become crazy good ( savage best of horros) y have seen this unit take a 40 witch elf horde with calderon in one turn.
  6. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    This build is my favourite as well, no downsides to it really... High mobility, insane durability, and hits like a truck :D

    Here is a good build for a old blood on foot:

    Light armour

    Pirhana Blade

    Potion of Strength

    Enchanted Shield

    Dawn Stone
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Here's a bunch Ideas I had saved.

    Saurus Oldblood (#1)
    . . Light Armour
    . . . . Fencer's Blades
    . . . . Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza (Impact Hits)
    . . . . Dawnstone

    Saurus Oldblood (#2)
    . . Light Armour; Shield)
    . . . . Sword of Bloodshed
    . . . . Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza (Impact Hits)

    Saurus Oldblood (#3)
    . . Shield
    . . . . Sword of Striking
    . . . . Glittering Scales
    . . . . Dawnstone
    . . . . Crown of Command

    Saurus Oldblood (#4)
    . . Light Armour; Shield)
    . . . . Sword of Swift Slaying
    . . . . Trickster's Helm
    . . . . Dawnstone

    Saurus Oldblood (#4)
    . . Light Armour
    . . . . Piranha Blade
    . . . . Enchanted Shield
    . . . . Talisman of Preservation

    Saurus Oldblood (#5)
    . . Light Armour; Great Weapon
    . . . . Carnosaur
    . . . . Trickster's Helm
    . . . . Talisman of Preservation
  8. rd4

    rd4 New Member

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    Thanks for all of the rresponses guys, some really great builds there!
    n810, how are carnosaurs on the table? I've been itching to get one for ages, but is it just a glass cannon, or does he have some staying ability?
    Thanks all!
  9. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    The mount itself is somewhat of a glass canon. WS3, T5 and a 4+ armor save? White Lions will cut through that before it even gets to swing. Same with halberd warriors of chaos.

    If you can get the charge on a bunch of knights (who aren't blood knights or chaos knights) you can tear them apart. Should you get yourself in a combat with a character who's not a monster you can probably kill him in a single round of combat with a little luck. Those S7 D3 multiple wound attacks really do hurt. All you need is for a single one of those to actually wound and you can potentially take down any 3 wound lords.

    One way to keep the thing alive is to just use a scar vet on a carnosaur. This way you can still keep a slann and pick lore master of high magic. It comes with a healing spell and should you really need it you can switch out a spell for any lore of life spells to give it wounds back.

    Alternatively you can use priests to pop wyssan's wild form on it so it'll be T6. OR you can hit your opponent with Iceshard Blizzard to lower their chances to hit AND lower their leadership. IF you can get off fear in close combat along with iceshard you're looking at them hitting even the beast on 6+. That's hilarious.
  10. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    If you want to run carno's, I'm pretty sure the consensus on lustria is target saturation. There's almost no case where being mounted on a CO isn't better. But we all love taking them and most people are more scared of ancient stegs or flanking sallies. I like them for blood roar and if (big if) he lives against +1 armour saves that unit goes away

    TLDR 1 is not enough, 4 is good and 6 is better (dinos that is)
  11. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Actually we have a tactics that doesn't really use target saturation. Instead a lot of flying units are used to distract the opponent. It's a combination of rippers and terradons. If I'm not mistaking 2 blocks of saurus warriors are also used and maybe a single bastiladon.

    If one decides to go dual carno along with a couple of priests one also have to accept that quite a lot of points will be invested in characters - more than what usually are - which means that after the core tax there isn't a whole lot of points to toy around with.

    The idea do, however, IMO sound as if it's something that require a certain knowledge of how to use our units to their best. One could argue that a herd of stegadons would be easier to use. I might be wrong, but I think a dual carnosaur list would require something like 1100pts used in characters in a 2500pts game, couple that with 625pts core and you only have roughly 700pts to spend on rare/special.

    The good thing about a dual carnosaur list is the boosted range of Ld/BSB. When dealing with skinks and especially ripper dactyls it easily becomes very important.

    Otherwise I do agree. The go-to tactic when you spend a lot of points on a carnosaur is target saturation. Alternatively one could also heavily invest in anti-canon units such as terradons and chameleons. The biggest issue here is if they don't do their job you've lost points for nothing. On the other hand losing just a single stegadon to a cannon is roughly 200pts which in return is quite a lot more points than even 10 chameleons or 3 terradons (models, not units).

    Monster mounted characters are easily one of the bigger risk/reward scenarios the game has to offer. If you can pull it off you've got something great in wait, if not it'll be a quick game.
  12. Kor-Lot-Ko

    Kor-Lot-Ko Member

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    This build has worked really well for me in smaller games. Guy once killed 5 black knights in one round of combat. He works best when fielded on his own.

    Great weapon
    Sacred Stegadon Helm
    Light armour
    Talasmain of preservation
    Cold One

    Strength 7, Toughness 6, D3 impact hits, 0+ armour, 4+ ward.

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