7th Ed. Saurus Oldblood builds

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Pinkus, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    I just played my first game without a slann. I have to admit the Oldblood is a tough guy. Unfortunetely the HE guy only had a scroll caddy so the slann probably would have been better off, but the game was fun and he beat me by 1 point, or I should say it was a draw in his favor by 1 point...

    Anyways, this is the oldblood I brought
    Light armor
    Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent
    The Maiming Shield
    Charm of the jaugur warrior

    8 attacks at WS5 Str5 with a 18" charge and 2+ armor save. I wish he had more strength, but he didn't do bad.

    I charged him out of my unit into some shadow warriors that fled leaving him in an awkward position and then tried to flank charge some pheonix guard but failed the freaking fear test.... Basically he didn't get into combat except on my last turn. The game was a blood bath, I had 600 points left and he had 500, but it looked bad for me so I charged his BSB who was solo because all his silver helms were killed. It was a risk because the BSB had the banner that gave +D6 combat rez. Meaning he'd out number, have a standard and D6 more combat res, so I pretty much needed to kill him. 2 wounds with a 2+ armor save. I think I rolled above average. 8 attacks hitting on 4s, hit with 5. Wounding on 2s, wounded with 4. He saved 1(4+ AS). Killed his BSB and captured the banner. Not bad. Turned out if I didn't do that we'd still have drawn. Oh well it was fun.

    How do you guys outfit your Oldbloods when you bring him?
  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    This one's still in the planning stages, but I'm hoping it'll end up being a big force on the field:

    Old Blood:
    Spear, Light Armor, Shield
    Spawnings: Itzl, Quetzl, Sotek
    Aura of Quetzl, Burning Blade of Chotec
    (stats in parentheses for on charge)

    WS5, S5 (6), A5 (6), Armor: 2+, 4+ ward vs Str 5+ enemy attacks, -4 (-5) enemy armor save
    Plus all carnosaur goodness.

    I was also thinking of swapping out the Burning Blade of Chotec with the Blade of Realities, but I'm not sure how many armies factor in heavy numbers of ward saves.

    cost: expensive
    Feedback welcome since I'm still working the fine tuning on this one.
  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Unless the burning blade is destroyed, you have to use it over the spear (as it's a magic weapon), so usually you won't get the S6 on the charge.

    However I relly like the setup, not too expensive and able to deal a good amount of damage.

    What do people think of the blade of revered tzunki? It seems most people seem to favour the scimitar over it, but I really like the blade myself. Scimitar is good for rank and file and the blade is better against more elite foes.
  4. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Well, I can still keep the spear as a standby... I'm expecting the morningstar that breaks magic weapons from my opponent, so the extra six points might be well spent later. And I think the Blade of Revered Tzunki could prove well, but it seems kind of situational. The extra strength is a universal bonus, but the no armor saves seems a bit more situational. The Sword of Might gets you the same thing against most opponents for a third of the price.
  5. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    The Oldblood build that I currently use is this:

    Oldblood - GW, Shield, LA, BSo Sotek, BSo Tepok, BSo The Old Ones, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior, Aura of Quetzl
    252 points

    I am currently really liking him (despite his high points cost). He floats forward in a skink unit, then charges out (sometimes through the enemies line before charging next turn to prevent fleeing as a charge reaction). He picks on small elite fast units crucial to the opponent and ensures their destruction with his 3+ to hit 2+ to wound (with rerolls :D ) 6 attacks. He also goes after mages, shooting units (you'd be suprised to see how many people stand and shoot S3 weapons against a T5 character :rolleyes: ) and small infantry units (swordmasters come to mind, especially if the sword masters where foolish enough to but in a champion for me to challenge, halving their attacks).
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    But how can you justify the point increase given by the BSoOO? At 252 pts I can see the desire to protect him, but by simply dropping some of the Spawnings and addings a BSoQ, you could increase his survivability without relying upon a d3 reroll for 35 pts.
  7. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    It is a decnt build, but imho his defense is not that great....
    If i am counting correct: 3+ AS (A 5+ Scaly, (1) La and (1) Sh) and a ward....
    I think this is kinda risky being it is your general and str.4 already makes it 50-50.....(not even talking vs other Lords)

    How about this build:
    Oldblood: Spawnings of Quetzl, Tlazcotl (ITP, but this kan change of course to MoTOO) and Tepok (or something).
    Light Armour, Sword of Might, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior,
    Aura of Quetzl, Enchanted Shield. 283
    This gives him a 1+ AS and a ward.....

    Or is you wanna go nuts on your save:
    Give him SSoQ, Ench shield, La and mount him on a cold one...yes that's a -1+ AS. Even str. 6 means not rolling a one! Oke, oke the CO has its disadvantages, but still it IS an option....

    If you want him on a killing spree, then maybe:
    SSoS, scimitar of the sun resplendent, maiming shield (maybe bane head), other goodies...that's 8 atks on the charge!

    Just some brainfarts... hope it helps.....

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