8th Ed. Stegadon tribute list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by DanBot, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I normally don't post my lists. But I am particularly unhappy with this one. It's not exactly what I was hoping for. I am a bit lost of what to do with it. I am pretty sure I know the answer to the problem, but I am very reluctant to what needs to be done.

    Well here is the list. I'll post my issues after if you can't figure them out just by looking at it.

    LORDS (465)
    Party Slann
    Mystery, Higher state, Harmonic, soul of stone, channeling staff

    HEROES (624)
    Opal Amulet
    additional hand wep, light armor

    Skink Chief
    Ancient Stegadon, BSB
    Charmed Shield

    CORE (665)
    30x Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    25x Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    SPECIAL (480)
    Sharpened Horns

    Sharpened Horns
    Unstoppable Stampede

    RARE (260)
    Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns
    Unstoppable Stampede

    Total 2494

    1. It's mostly made for flavor focused on Stegadons. That being said, I wasn't able to fit an Engine.
    2. The kit on the Scarvet is very poor, missing a permanent ward save, heavy armor, AND a great wep.
    3. The kit on the Skink Chief is pretty poor only taking a charmed shield.
    4. Core blocks are empty. No heroes or magic buffs lacking life, beast, and heaven lores.
    5. Monster Mash with next to no defenses for war machines.

    I'm pretty sure I have to drop the scarvet completely to make room for a better kit and a skink priest or two. My Slann doesn't even have becalming. The Scarvet isn't on a stegadon, I'm not lacking high str hits, and he can't even bring a great wep; BUT I really like him.

    Option two, I could drop the slann and promote my vet to an old blood. Kick my BSB off the ancient for an Engine with priest, and put my BSB on one of the regular stegs. Maybe make room for another priest as well.

    Thoughts? Can anyone think of a way to fix some of my 1-4 without either of my fixes? I don't really like my solutions. I'd like it as close to this as possible. But that may just me liking the look of the current version and being too stubborn to switch despite possibly liking it more. I open to hearing complete overhaul changes as well.
  2. cashzombie

    cashzombie New Member

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    I'd suggest you a cheap slann, 5++ and OTS scarnosaur and two ancients with horns. This is the most competitive build you can have that way.

    A saurus block surrounded by skirmishers and full flyers for special.

    If I'm not wrong I found points for a OB cowboy when runned something similar.

    Hope I can help you.
  3. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    You need to pick if you want the carno or steg in your hero points, you just don't have enough for both. After that choice I think it frees you up enough todo just about whatever you feel like
  4. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Oh gosh, I didn't even realize I didn't fit sharpened horns on my BSB, or the roar on my scarvet. Totally right, I'm not going to be able to fit both, nuts. Not that I need sharpened horns on every steg, but I would like the roar for sure.

    I don't post lists often and I don't look at them much online. So I don't think I know what "5++" means. I thought that it meant a 5+ armor 5+ ward. But those numbers don't make sense when talking about a scarvet. Also, OTS (other trickster shard I think...) does that affect parry saves and regeneration? Always liked it, but didn't know that it was competitive at all.
  5. Darkneo89

    Darkneo89 New Member

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    The "++" means ward save ;). I would drop the slann and the 25 Saurus block. The Saurus drop would be to make room for a scroxigor unit where to fit your bsb chief. If you drop the slann you can evolve your scarves into an oldblood too, and you can get 2 priest + solarodon + engine of the gods for your magic phase. Here you are an example of this list (I made it really fast and there is room for changes but my idea of a monster/steg list is like this).

    + Lords + (416pts)

    * Saurus Oldblood (416pts)
    (Cold-Blooded, Predatory Fighter, Scaly Skin (*))
    Great Weapon
    * Carnosaur
    Carnosaur (Blood Frenzy, Cold-Blooded, Large Target, Multiple Wounds (D3), Scaly Skin (*), Terror, Thunderstomp)
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Glittering Scales

    + Heroes + (280pts)

    * Skink Chief (95pts)
    (Aquatic, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*))
    Battle Standard Bearer
    * Magic Items
    AB - The Egg of Quango

    * Skink Priest (90pts)
    (Aquatic, Arcane Vassal, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*))
    Lore of Heavens, Wizard Level 1
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Dispel Scroll

    * Skink Priest (95pts)
    (Aquatic, Arcane Vassal, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*))
    Lore of Heavens, Wizard Level 1
    * Magic Items
    AB - Cube of Darkness

    + Core + (660pts)

    * Saurus Warriors (360pts)
    Champion, Musician, 30x Saurus Warrior (Cold-Blooded, Predatory Fighter, Scaly Skin (*)), Standard Bearer

    * Skink Cohort (300pts)
    Champion, 3x Kroxigor (Aquatic, Cold-Blooded, Fear, Predatory Fighter, Scaly Skin (*), Stomp), Musician, 24x Skink (Aquatic, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*), Spawn-kin), Standard Bearer

    + Special + (593pts)

    * Bastiladon (150pts)
    Bastiladon (Always Strikes Last, Cold-Blooded, Howdah Crew, Impervious Defense, Large Target, Scaly Skin (*), Terror, Thunderous Bludgeon, Thunderstomp)
    * Crew with Solar Engine

    4x Crew

    * Chameleon Skinks (104pts)
    8x Chameleon Skink (Aquatic, Chameleon, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*), Scouts, Skirmishers (FAQ'ed))

    * Chameleon Skinks (104pts)
    8x Chameleon Skink (Aquatic, Chameleon, Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (*), Scouts, Skirmishers (FAQ'ed))

    * Stegadon (235pts)
    5x Crew
    * Stegadon
    (Cold-Blooded, Howdah Crew, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1) (FAQ'ed), Large Target, Scaly Skin (*), Stubborn, Terror, Thunderstomp)
    Sharpened Horns (*)

    + Rare + (550pts)

    * Ancient Stegadon (300pts)
    5x Crew, Engine of the Gods (Arcane Configuration, Burning Alignment, Portent of Warding)
    * Ancient Stegadon
    (Cold-Blooded, Howdah Crew, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1) (FAQ'ed), Large Target, Scaly Skin (*), Stubborn, Terror, Thunderstomp)
    Sharpened Horns (*)

    * Ancient Stegadon (250pts)
    5x Crew, Two Giant Blowpipes
    * Ancient Stegadon
    (Cold-Blooded, Howdah Crew, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1) (FAQ'ed), Large Target, Scaly Skin (*), Stubborn, Terror, Thunderstomp)
    Sharpened Horns (*)

    That also bring decent magic phase with bound spells + some answer to war machines (with chameleon and heaven spells).

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