Just back form the Chaos Wastes....

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Dancing with Saurus2, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Hi Caprasauridae, thanks for the kind words. Please do try something similar - it’s basically a rip-off of the GW paint scheme anyway. The markings are made from a combination of bugman’s glow (probably with some brown) and agrax earthshade wash. The darker strands are a mixture of agrax earthshade and some black to make is darker (it still needs to be fairly watery though). I think the lighter spots (which are made by dabbing paint using the end of a paint brush) are un-altered bugman’s glow. If you want to know the other colours I’m happy to share them.

    I think you were right about the Wych Flesh. I’ve started with a base of Rakarth Flesh highlighting up to Wych Flesh. I’m pleased with the outcome so far. I don’t think I even need to paint the red details as the contrast between the black carapace and the rakarth flesh body looks quite smart imo. I’ll share the outcome soon.

  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the tips, especially on how you painted the patterns. I'll probably use different colours, but this really helps! Cheers!
  3. MangoPunch
    Jungle Swarm

    MangoPunch New Member

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    These are great looking! Well done!
  4. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Hello everyone,

    It's been a massive 6 months since I last updated my plog and despite thinking "I'll just finish
    painting X and i'll update my plog" the wait continued. Until now! A quiet moment in the office has

    given me the opportunity to upload all my photos onto photobucket and away we go. Don't tell the boss!

    It's actually been a really busy 6 months hobby-wise. I'm really pleased with how my painting
    style has developed and it's now less stark and more naturalistic. Also I'm getting through things
    at a quicker rate particularly the bigger models. A couple of hobby deadlines along the way helped
    as well.

    I'm also playing Warhammer a lot more and I'm confident that my gaming ability has improved. I've
    gone from mainly losing to mainly drawing but my results are increasing draws on my terms ... more
    like 'draw-wins' rather than 'draw-losses' if that means anything to anyone. I also mangled a very
    dirty Dwarf list in my last game so I'm writing this on a high! :D
  5. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Before I start posting photos of my individual models, a buddy and I went to Battle Brothers at
    Warhammer World last May and had a great time. We won 2 and lost 3 which was pretty satisfactory seeing as

    it was the first time we'd not played against each other. Plus the game is very different at these
    sorts of events ... against some opponents anyway.

    Some highlights include:

    1) Being either the first or second (I can't quite remember) most enjoyable opponents. This could
    be because some of our losses were huge and they felt sorry for us though. Either way it's nice to
    know that people enjoyed our company for a few hours. I'm not sure whether 'enjoyable' is the right

    word but everyone gets a vote on their favourite game and we got quite a few.

    2) Being nominated for Best Painted Army. Ours was a joint Lizardmen/Dwarf list and we were 1 of
    the 8 nominated. I think we were probably the 8th team to be nominated (so we had a very small
    chance to win) but the nomination was great. This was especially lucky because the WW team missed
    our army in the initial sweep but it was down to our first opponents who told them to take a second
    look at our army that led us to be nominated. Thanks guys and thanks for 1 or our 2 wins wins!! ;-)

    Here's a Picture of our armies in the cabinet.


    If you're really keen you can also see some Pictures and read an overview of the event here:
  6. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Ok here's what you're really interested in. The models themselves. Meet Basil the Bastilodon.
    Most of these photos don't show the painted crystal however the last one does.

    I think at 150points the Bastilodon is a steal and in small games it's quite a multi-faceted unit.





    The crystal was painted segment by segment. I loaded a segment with water then dipped a paint brush
    with a coloured wash into the water. The wash would then bleed throughout the water created a muted
    mottled effect. While it was still wet I used a little bit of bleach in the same manner which would
    ... well ... bleach some of the colour from areas. It looks a bit like rock crystal. Finally I
    varnished the crystal.

    Note: Clearly bleach is dangerous and the utmost care should be taken to making sure it's kept out
    of harms way - especially around children. Do NOT clean the brush with your mouth if it's got bleach
    on it!!!
    n810 likes this.
  7. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    I think in my last post (6 months a go) there was 1 or 2 incomplete photos of the new Skink priest model that I was
    painting. Well he's done how and here he is. I love this model!


  8. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    My next project was my second unit of Saurus warriors. I've painted over 50 of these guys and it
    has been a lesson in patience. Either way I'm pleased with how these turned out. They're
    nearly all wielding axes because (perhaps controversially) I don't like the Saurus warrior swords:



    There's also a fair few Temple Guard bits dotted about the unit.
    n810 likes this.
  9. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    In the last post you might have noticed 1 of my unit fillers. I've made a couple of these from
    resin components from a website called Base X of War. Just google them. The products are good,
    their delivery was timely the quality of the moulds was high. Unit fillers are the future as far as

    I'm concerned and meant I had 7 less Saurus to paint.



    The statue is just a Temple Guard model on top of the base part of the resin sculpture (bought from
    Base X of War). The base does come with another part which is missing from this photo - I'm going
    to use it as part of a skink cohort unit.
    n810 likes this.
  10. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    OK ... so how about a bit of light relief. "Catching those bloat toads is hard work!!! *Ribbet*"


    Additional captions/Comments welcome! :D
  11. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Here's a photo of 1 of my 2 new Scar Vets. This guy really started to hurt my eyes during painting.

    I don't have a photo of my other scar-vet which is a shame because he's quite extravagant. I'll
    post a photo of him in April 2015.


  12. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Last but not least Charlie the Carnosaur. I haven't started painting the rider yet but I'm really
    pleased with it. I was quite brave choosing a bright colour scheme especially compared to my other
    dinos which are quite muted really. I think there's less to hide behind when it's a brightly
    painted model because the mistakes are more obvious. I'm happy with the inside of the mouth
    which is varnished to make is shine like it's moist.


  13. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Oops ... I missed out my Camo Skinks. TyPical. Even the jpg hides itself.

    I'd started to become a bit bored with painting blue and brown and didn't really want to paint a
    typical unit of green camo skinks. So I decided to paint them white - because that's the obvious
    next destination :jawdrop: . A few things were going through my mind:

    a) What does a Camo skink look like when it gets home to the burrow? (tree? spawning pool?) and
    switches on the TV and relaxes. What does it look like when it's not changing colour? I decided
    that it would be a kind of 'magical' white (because their skin changes ability is magical? I don't
    know if it is). I sprayed them white then washed the skin with nihilakh oxide paint and rubbed off
    some of the excess. I then highlighted them in white. It gives them this quite cool magical white
    look. I think something in on one of the new treeman paint jobs inspired me.

    b) I also thought that if painted them white BUT painted all the accessories brightly and put quite
    a lot of scenery on the base (that was also bright) that the eye might instinctively be drawn to the
    colours rather than the absence of colour creating the illusion of camouflage. Debatable.

    c) Finally, I liked the thought of a camo skink running through scenery and instantly taking on the
    colour do the scenery around them. It's not particularly clear on the photos but I've painted them
    in such a way that if the camo skink has a plant on one side that on its other side the skin in
    painted the same colour as the plant. On one of the bases there is a spotty red and yellow snake so
    the trailing leg of one of the skins is painted with red and yellow spots. Now, I didn't take this
    approach and apply it 360 degrees because it just gets a bit silly (and it's a lot of effort) but it
    was a fun painting exercise.

    After reading this if you're thinking 'he spends too long thinking about these things' then I'll
    point you to this post I created on Lustria in March 2013.

    This is the link:


    These are the models:


    Please note the use of one of the spare Terradon/Ripper riders where the riding pose looks a little but like he's stalking.
    n810 likes this.
  14. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Apologies for the mass posting :rage:
  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Whew, You did have a lot to catch up on,
    Congrats in geting nominated, and great job on
    all the natural looking models, and kool
    technique for painting the crystal. :D

    Ps. you now you can just edit your post, right ? :D
  16. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    @n810 Thanks for your kind words. Erm .. yeah I could use the 'edit' functionality couldn't I :D

    I pre-write all my posts in Notepad to make it less conspicuous. "I'm doing work honestly boss" ;)

    I've been working on an Armies of Parade entry for my local GW this week so I'll post pictures of the finished article soon hopefully. I've been busy making cliffs and ruining my house with expanding foam :jawdrop:
  17. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Nice work all around. I like the idea of "relaxed" Chamo Skinks, and the use of Nihil Oxide was a good idea and looks great. Very much like the Spirit Hosts on GWs webpages.

    The problem with mass posts, I think, is that people have less time to study and take in everything in the model. Now, many will forget how the Carnosaur looked like or what amazing details caught their attention in the... umm, er, what was it that came before the Carnosaur again?
  18. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    I know it's been said, but that steg is just freaking awesome mate. The face kinda reminds me of bleach, just a really sweet effect.
  19. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    @Caprasauridae: Yes, just like the Spirit Hosts. You're also correct that bulk uploading six month's of progress so lessen the impact somewhat. Better late than never though :D . With this in mind I'm going to drip feed my latest updates (which aren't as numerous).

    @Madrck: Thanks buddy. It may have been said before re: my stegadon but thanks for taking the time to write your commment. It's really appreciated. I can't remember what inspired me to make the face white - I suppose it was just the contrast. I was really looking forward to painting the face though because it's quite dramatic. Thanks again.
  20. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    So it was Armies on Parade a little while a go and I took my army down to my local GW. I was one of only 2 fantasy armies the other fantasy army being the store's other Lizardmen player (you can see his small force just behind mine in the photo).

    I did attempt to make some scenery for my army but it was just too awful to display it on. So I opted for the wooden table instead. If i start it earlier next year I might be able to do a better job.

    This photo shows the majority of my force. Only few of my skinks and no razordons are on display but it gives you an idea of what the whole army looks like and its scale after 2 gradual progress. One thing I was very aware of when I compared my army to the others is how dark it is. I remember thinking the brown bases were a bad idea quite early on but I'd kind of committed to them. So I've started an effort to brighten up the army. Reworking a lot of bases and repainting details that 'zing' a little. I'll show some photos soon but a little effort has really made a big difference.

    As you can see I got silver was was really nice. Not many people created boards but the guy who came first had done so and he had a lovely Blood Angels 40k army displayed on it. A worthy winner.

    n810 likes this.

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