8th Ed. Blot Toad and characters

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Jinxed Mojo, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Jinxed Mojo

    Jinxed Mojo New Member

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    If I place a blot toad marker on a unit containing a character (e.g. a wizard bunker), what happens if the character leaves the unit later in the game? Do both the character and the unit keep the toad, effectively splitting it in two? Or can the character just move out of harms way?
    I guess this is about the same situation as with Fiery Convocation and characters leaving affected units.

    My friend plays Dark Elves, and he always bunkers his sorceress in a 10-15 darkshards unit, which makes this a big deal for me.

    Thanks for any help!
  2. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    You have to decide who is toaded. If the character is toaded, it moves with the character. Otherwise not.

    I wouldn't worry about it though - a lone sorceress doesn't need a toad marker to get killed pretty damn fast by a decent unit of rippers. Though honestly, Rippers are pretty bad against elves to begin with.

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