8th Ed. 2500 vs WOC

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by TheGreatBeard, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. TheGreatBeard

    TheGreatBeard New Member

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    This battle was actually last Friday and I did not take pictures so most of this is from memory.

    My List:
    Oldblood, Carnosaur, GW, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone

    Scar-Vet, CO, GW, Glittering Scales, Talisman of Protection
    Gor-Rok (Unit of TG)
    Lvl 2 Beasts Priest w/ Ruby Ring

    18 x Saurus (hw+s)
    11 x Skirmishers
    11 x Skirmishers
    11 x Skirmishers
    11 x Skirmishers
    11 x Skirmishers

    23 x TG
    AP Banner & ASF Sword (for challenges)
    5 x Cham Skinks
    Bastiladon w/Solar Engine

    Ancient Steg w/Engine
    Sharpened Horns

    Archaon (Mounted)
    2 x Exalted Heroes (each in a Warriors unit)
    2 Units of 11 Warriors
    2 Units of 5 Kinights
    2 Units of 5 Hounds
    (Not sure what upgrades or items he had but nearly everything was tooled up)

    It was a standard Battleline Scenario and this is only our second game so we are still learning rules.

    Deployment: He deployed his army very central in his zone. Hounds up the front with Archaon and Chimera in the centre. Behind those two he had his unit of warriors and they were flanked by his knights.
    I deployed my army in a big spread with the Steg and skinks on the front line. I wanted him to separate his forces. Due to his close deployment, I also deployed my Chameleon Skinks on his right flank (my left).
    He vanguarded one unit of hounds directly forward and the other towards my Chameleon skinks.

    Turn 1:
    He got first turn and moved everything forward. As he couldn't charge with his Hounds due to Vanguard (is that right?) he moved them way too close to my chameleon skinks. The Power Dice did not favor him and he failed to cast a basic spell with 4 dice. No shooting or combat so my turn.
    I moved up a little a bit just so I could get some shooting and magic closer. In magic I got Engine of the Gods off which caused his Knights and Hounds to flee (from the flammable attacks....we think now they shouldn't have because they cause fear or something?). I also did a wound to the Chimera with my bastiladon. Shooting caused a few wounds here and there and caused his other unit of hounds on his right flank to flee from my Chameleons. No combat.

    Turn 2:
    He was very angry at my skinks and for the rest of the game he made tactical errors about engaging them. He charged Archaon in to one of my skirmisher units which I S&S because otherwise he could redirect into my scar-vet. He tried to charge his Chimera into another skirmisher unit but the Old Ones did not like this and blessed my skinks. They killed it from S&S. His Knights rallied, his hounds continued to flee and he failed a charge on my skinks with his warriors who lost another from S&S (he really hates my skinks). Magic again favored the mighty lizards and nothing was cast. In combat, due to his hatred of the skinks, Archaon unleashed his sword and killed 8 in one go and as they were out of the generals leadership they fled before anything else could happen. Archaon did not chase as that would have put him out of position.
    In my turn, I charged Archaon with my Scar-Vet hoping to tie him up for a few turns. I charged a unit of his warriors with my Ancient Stegadon who with Impact Hits and Multiple Wounds killed 5 which caused them to turn and flee his might. They outran his attempt to chase them down. Magic saw the Bastiladon fail to wound his rallied knights and the Engine caused a few more wounds to some of his units. My Scar-Vet, attempting to gain glory, stood up to the devil Archaon is. Archaon rolled good....bad.....good.....depends on how you look at it. He rolled six hits which killed my Scar-Vet outright but he also rolled four ones...this ended up causing a wound on himself. After killing my Scar-Vet he repositioned himself. He had the TG unit with Gor-Rok ready to attack and a unit of Skirmishers close by...he faced the skinks. Poor deluded Archaon.

    Turn 3:
    His frightened burning hounds ran off the table. He charged both units of knights. One into my Saurus Warriors and the other into my General atop his mighty Carnosaur. His warriors rallied and his other unit of warriors charged my Stegadon. Archaon, silly Archaon, charged a unit of Skirmishers. Magic wounded one skink and no shooting. In combat with some mighty rolls saw me only lose two Warriors to his Knights and I killed one in return. Archaon and his mount slaughtered my entire unit of skinks and turned to face......the fleeing three skinks. His Knights failed to wound my general or his mount but in return they killed two more knights. The evil false-gods whispered encouragement to them and they held. He wounded my stegadon but he delivered a few causalities in return.
    In my turn I charged the Bastiladon into the flank of the Knights assailing my warriors. My 3 skinks rallied....snake eyes! My TG charged the flank of Archaon while some brave skinks charged his front. We weren't sure of the rules here but because the skinks were in the front I thought they would bare the brunt of Archaons attacks?? My last unit of skirmishers charged the flank of his knights attacking my general. Just for some support and combat resolution. I also moved my Chameleons towards the Knights/Warriors/Basty combat to offer support next turn. In magic I got Wyssans on the Warriors. In combat, those warrirors and Bastiladon received no wounds and took the knights down to one model. The single knight fled and was chased down by blood thirsty lizards who were hungry for man and horse flesh. Archaon took out many skinks who fled but wounded himself again. (Why did he unleash his sword against my skinks?? They do so well to enrage those feeble Chaos minds). The TG and mighty Gor-Rok had enough of his insolence and decided it was the end. Archaon fell under their might but his steed shook its head and stood to fight another round. The general took a wound from his knights but returned the favour and put them to just two models left. The stegadon did not take a wound (thank you dice gods) and caused his unit to flee which they managed to outrun the chasing dinosaur.

    Turn 4:
    He rallied his warriors and his other unit marched to help the carnosaur combat. In combat Archaons steed fell under Gor-Roks mace and his last knights were killed. One to the Oldblood who was not currently satisfied with the amount of blood on his GW yet and the other was a meal for his mighty beast.

    At this stage my brother called it. He only had his unit of warriors with the exalted Heroes and I had only lost my Scar-Vet and two full units of skinks (from some great rolling the few mangled units managed to survive at the end of the game)
    It was a crushing victory. Something like 1030-298 in favour of the lizards.

    As I said, the battle was on Friday and that happened to be my birthday (maybe that is why the dice favored me) but many beers were consumed between now and then so the memory is a little hazy....in case something doesn't make sense.
    Thanks for reading!
  2. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Fun read! It's always nice to have those soft headed chaos worshipers put in their place. ;)
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    That sounded a great game. I've never played against WOC but will take some pointers from this.

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