8th Ed. 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awesome

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Sobeks_Fist, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Sobeks_Fist

    Sobeks_Fist New Member

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    Hey again guys,

    Still trying to decide my proper list for Lizardmen so bear with me. This list is interesting as it features mounted units and monsters.


    - Egg of Quango, Armour of Destiny, Sword of Might, Shield. General

    - Pihrana Blade, Dawn Stone, Potion of Strength, Charmed Shield, Cold One


    Skink Priest
    - Dispel scroll, lvl 2 Heavens

    Skink priest
    - Cube of darkness, lvl 2 Beasts

    Saurus Scar veteran
    - Sacred Stegadon Helm, Potion of Foolhardiness, Pidgeon Plucker Pendant, Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, BSB


    26 Saurus
    - Full command, HW & Shields

    25 Skink Cohort w/4 Kroxigor

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    - Javelins, Shields

    10 Skinks


    23 Temple Guard
    - full command, Banner of swiftness

    - Solar engine

    6 Cold one riders
    - Spears
    - Standard

    3 Terradons

    Total: 2494 Pts

    So yeah, Please rate i really need the help. Thank you
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    I would be inclined to drop the cold ones or the temple guard for an ancient stegadon, with 2 carnosaurs, you'll need target saturation, and what better cannon target than a steg!
  3. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    Spears on 10 Cold Ones seems useless unless I'm missing something.
    Isn't that just paying like 50 points to lose your parry save? You are ranking them 3v3 +1?
    And if you do have points left over, why not give one of the scarvets charmed shield for some cannon protection. I wouldn't spend points on spears for the scarvets either. Put some great weps on there. Spears just let you attack in a 3d rank. So they are pretty useless unless you got 3 ranks. So spears on them sauras might be worth it. Extra chances to get predatory fighter attacks, but they lose their 6+ parry save. Free is a cheap rate for spears though.
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    No, they're mounted so can never get a parry. It gives them +1 Str on the charge.

    I never leave home without spears
  5. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    +1 str on the charge!? Sounds like I don't know my Calvary rules. Did I mention I hate CoC. XP
  6. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    Sounds like you're right. Which is why it's entirely useful to give an oldblood on a carno a spear. Perhaps not as good as a great weapon(who cares if rank and file attack him first!), but still not too bad because you get a shield in combat
  7. Sobeks_Fist

    Sobeks_Fist New Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    I'm Sorry but i'm not sure what i'm getting from this XD. What exactly do you want me to change?
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    I think he is recomending that you bunker your slann on the saurus and trade in the temple guard for a Steg.
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    or get rid of the cold ones for a steg. if you're going for monsters... really go for it!
  10. Sobeks_Fist

    Sobeks_Fist New Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    So are the Scar-vets on carnosaurs competitive? And the rest of the list? I will want to use this in tournaments and the like. Modified to fit the points limit of course
  11. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    you have no movement control what so ever. The 2 Magic Missiles of the Slann is not enough to clear re-directors. This is doubly so since you have no skink characters to prevent forced overruns due to PF.

    I think you will find the three blocks of infantry are ignored while your opponent scores the Carno's and Cold ones. If he does it fast enough, he will then single out a suaurus block and take those as well.

    my suggestion is to exchange one of the saurus blocks for several skink skirmisher units. This will keep the character/theme of your list while providing some support units of your own.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    Hmm this is an interesting army. At first I was like WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOUR CARNO GUYS DIE??!?!

    ANd then I remembered.. Slann + templeguards will always be awesome and feared by others. 2 units of saurur warriors can be alright as well.

    Can it work? Perhaps, but you lack redirectors. I'd switch out one of the saurus blocks for skinks. At 2500pts you can have a single block of 30 saurus warriors with full command and 4 units of skinks skirmishers. It's a decent bunch.

    One of the bigger issue with your carnosaurs is that they're quite squishy as it. If you can lure your opponents into playing with End Time rules you get 1+ armour saves on both.

    Also both the mount and the rider will hit last in a lot of circumstances. Just be mindful of that.

    Otherwise it's an interesting idea. It's no competitive at all, but on the other hand both your carnosaurs are basically the same price as 2 fully kitted ancient stegadon. It's not THAT unreasonable, as long as you know what you're getting.

    One deployment setup could be to have all the heavy hitters on one flank. ANybody taking a charge by an ancient stegadon and two carnosaurs is in for a stomping treat. Just imagine the carnage with 3D6 S6/7 stomps, D6+1 impact hits. ALl those auto hits would be wonderful against infantry.

    Mostly though I'd consider your list a fun and fluffy list. It's pretty straight forward alright, but that's fair.


    I agree with others. Remove the CORs and get the ancient steg intead.

    EDIT 2

    I'd consider getting loremaster of high magic.

    If you can move your templeguard unit up the board with walk between world you'll put off the stress from your monsters. I wouldn't recommend to use the spell on a single monster though. At least not in this case. You'll want those 3 to hit simultaniously.
    Besides high magic also have a decent heal spell and you can up the initiative and WS of a single monsters. Maybe consider to switch out spells with lore of life spells. Improved toughness or regen on the templeguards is nasty. So is Dwllers Bellow. Not to mention how the lore attribute really works wonderfully with your monsters if you're within range.
  13. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, Scarnosaurs are competitive. It was the best part of the list I took to a big tournament last month and caught everyone by surprise. However, they need support just like most lizardmen things. I like them with high magic. Walk between worlds will help them move up and avoid cannons and anything they take from shooting can be healed with apotheosis. Just remember they are cruise missiles. Pure offense. Dont expect them to survive if the whole enemy army wants them dead. Oh and Loping stride and blood roar are both +1 upgrades. Never leave home without them.
  14. Sobeks_Fist

    Sobeks_Fist New Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    Hey again guys,

    Still trying to decide my proper list for Lizardmen so bear with me. This list is interesting as it features mounted units and monsters.


    - Egg of Quango, Armour of Destiny, Sword of Might, Shield. General

    - Pihrana Blade, Dawn Stone, Potion of Strength, Charmed Shield, Cold One


    Skink Priest
    - Dispel scroll, lvl 2 Heavens

    Skink priest
    - Cube of darkness, lvl 2 Beasts

    Saurus Scar veteran
    - Sacred Stegadon Helm, Potion of Foolhardiness, Pidgeon Plucker Pendant, Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, BSB


    26 Saurus
    - Full command, HW & Shields

    25 Skink Cohort w/4 Kroxigor

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    - Javelins, Shields

    10 Skinks


    23 Temple Guard
    - full command, Banner of swiftness

    - Solar engine

    6 Cold one riders
    - Spears
    - Standard

    3 Terradons

    Total: 2494 Pts

    So yeah, Please rate i really need the help. Thank you
  15. Sobeks_Fist

    Sobeks_Fist New Member

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    Sorry this is so new but i think its better
  16. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes

    Ok - Positives:

    You're taking saurus characters - they are great solid combat characters and good at their job - not hardcore lord killers but solid hard characters. They will pay you back in combat just focus their attention on gaining combat res by squishing rank and file troops and dont get lured into challenges.

    The Solar Engine on the batilidon is the right choice - swarms are just not worth it any more

    Your skink priests are a good solid magical defense, although they wont be too effective against magic uber armies.

    Now for the critique part -

    You cant have 4 Kroxigors in a unit of 25 skinks - its one krox per 8 skinks so you need to up this to 32 skinks

    Terradons are not really worth it in my opinion - the drop rocks is nice but needs to be on a squishy unit to be effective, plus the wont last in combat. I only really see terradons as a chaff redirect unit - but for the points i'd rather take skinks to do that job

    Speaking of skinks - I can understand the want to give them a better armour save but they are T2 and you really should not be looking to rely on them surviving - i would stick with blowpipes and go for the multiple shot poison everytime - also get another unit of them - high toughness armies like dwarves, chaos, ogres are very scared of poison - so use it to your advantage and keep their fire of your monsters.

    Cold One Cavalry - unfortunately you have 8 cold one riders, (assuming both characters join the unit) - this makes it very hard on the charge BUT 8 wide cavalry is going to have so many problems, namely: fitting around terrain, and not being able to get all of your guys into any 1 combat. Putting them into two ranks is pointless unless you go for a unit of 10. But even then onceyou've lost one guy, you've lost the rank bonus.

    So what would I change -

    drop the kroxigor down to three in the skink unit.

    take the oldblood off his cold one

    if you really want to keep the cold on cavalry - drop them to 5 and stick the scar vet in the unit. You'll have a hard hitting cavalry unit, but you're enemy will know that losing it will not kill your game as you still have your saurus, temple guard and kroxigors.

    I would remove the dawnstone and the armour of destiny and replace with talisman of preservation on your general - its cheaper.

    add another 2 units of 10 skinks

    strongly consider dropping the terradons for ripperdactyls or chameleon skinks

    see if you can squeeze a skink chief into the list for a nasty surprise - dont kit him out too much and stick him with the kroxigor unit.

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