8th Ed. 2000 Lizardmen CO bus vs Empire

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by JamJar, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    With the 50% Lord and hero choice, I wanted to see how a Cold One bus would do...

    Lizardmen (1997 points):
    Oldblood - CO, Sword of Striking, Glittering Scales, Tal of Preservation, OTS; (1+ 4++)

    Scarvet - CO, BSB, Armour of Fortune, Luckstone, Iron Curse Icon; (1+ 5++)
    Scarvet - CO, la, shld, Potion of Foolhardiness; (1+)
    Scarvet - CO, la, Egg of Quango; (2+)
    Sk Beasts Priest - Scroll; (Amber Spear);
    Sk Chief - Cloak of feathers;

    22 Cohorts
    14 Jav Skirmishers (1)
    14 Jav Skirmishers (2)
    14 Jav Skirmishers (3)
    14 Jav Skirmishers (4)

    8 Chamo Skinks
    11 CoR - Std, champ

    Empire: (Have not got the list, please excuse me for slightly incorrect numbers and spelling of names):
    General of the Empire - Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, full plate, shield
    Lvl 4 Shadow Wizard (Withering, Pendulum, Pit of Shades & Mindrazor) :shamefullyembarrased:

    Arc Lector - (Warrior Priest on Buff-Wagon chariot that buffs in a 6" bubble); (5+? 4++)
    Master Engineer

    35-40 swordmen (6 wide)(General in here) - 10 Handgunner det., 10 Handgunner det.
    35-40 Halberdiers (6 wide) - 10 Handgunner det., 15 Militia det.
    10 Archers

    Great Cannon


    Deployment(from my left to right) (pics might have been more helpful, sorry)
    Empire: Great Cannon, Handgunners (the house in front in no man's land), Hellblaster w/ Master Engineer, Swordsmen, Shadow Wizard, Handgunners, Buff-Wagon (behind hand gunners, close for bubble for both mother units), Handgunners, halberdiers(centre of his deployment area), Militia (Hill in front), Archers (Forest in front of)

    Lizardmen: Skirmishers(1) (Chief inside)(in front is side of the house), Sk Priest behind house, Skirmishers(2) (in Regen-Marsh, aligned with other side of the house, facing most left handgunners), empty spot in centre(in front is both mother units), skirmishers(3) (behind Forest, facing Militia, Cohorts & Tetto (facing Archers), Skirmishers(4), CO bus (right edge of board)

    Chamos facing great cannon (next to left side of board), Vanguarded Chief skirmishers(1) towards Cannon, Marsh Skirmishers(2) in Marsh near house, and CO bus to move through the 2 forests

    Empire was surprised seeing nothing in the centre. Most of his army was to my left, mine was to my right.

    The Battle
    Empire turn 1
    Archers move into forest (have stupidity)
    Militia move towards CO bus next to archers' forest

    No magic

    Cannon could just shoot CO bus, but misfired and cannot shoot this turn of next
    Hellblaster shoots Chief Skirmishers(1)– flee almost off the board
    Handgunners shoot Skirmishers(2) in Marsh – 1 Skink dies

    No combat

    Lizardmen turn 1
    Chief Skirmishers(1) fail to rally and flee off board
    Chamos move right up to cannon
    Sk Priest moves right up behind house
    Marsh Skirmishers(2) garrison house
    Skirmishers (3) move up into... Blood forest
    Skirmishers(4) and Tetto’s unit move up towards Archers, following CO bus
    CO bus marches towards Militia (now 7” away)

    4 dice Comet – irresistible force! Placed next to Arc Lector – goes off and hits him, kills Shadow wizard, half of the 2 Handgunners and some of the swordsmen. Tetto survives the miscast, but Skink Priest takes a wound from the miscast.

    Chamos pick off 2 cannon crew (Hellblaster was in hard cover next to Handgunners)

    No combat

    Empire turn 2
    Archers charge CO bus in flank (they still is forest)
    Militia move into forest to face front-side of CO bus
    Halberdiers and Handgunners detachment face CO bus but stay near Warrior-Priest-Buff-Wagon
    Halberd Handgunners facing Chamos
    Halberdiers and other Handgunners move a bit forward and face CO bus

    Buff-Wagon Banishment bound spell hits CO bus – no kills

    Hellblaster kills half of skirmishers(2) in building – past panic

    Combat with Archers and CO bus – attacking Quango-Scar-Vet and Oldblood, no wounds. I kill all but one archer and he passes his stubborn break test :rolleyes:

    Lizardmen turn 2
    Charge Skirmishers(4) into Archer in forest
    Move up other Skirmisher(3) next to CO bus

    Cast comet next to Buff-Wagon again – doesn’t go off

    House-Skirmishers(2) pick off last cannon crew
    Chamos kill some Handgunners facing them

    Skirmishers kill archers and overrun into front of Militia, but stop 1” short.

    Empire turn 3
    Halberdiers move slightly away from Comet token, keeping very defensive set up

    Comet does not land, even with the re-roll. I have a bad feeling now
    Banishment fails on CO bus

    Handgunners shooting at Chamos but miss
    Hellblaster kills the rest of skirmishers(2) in building
    Two other Handgunner units shoot at Skirmishers(3) left of CO bus, but only kill a few

    No combat

    Lizardmen Turn 3
    Skirmishers(4) right of CO bus charge Militia
    CO bus makes an 11” roll and charges the Halberdiers! – it's 3 Handgunners stand and shoot, no kills
    Skirmishers(3) Left of CO bus move up next to it (Swordsmen unit is now about 8” from these skinks)

    Comet Lands!!! :D But hits the CO bus too. Kills Master Engineer, both units of Handgunners, rank of Halberdiers, rank of Swordsmen, wounds Buff-Wagon, 6 Skirmishers(3), and 8 CoR :depressed:
    Cast Harmonic Convergence on CO bus

    Chamos kill of the rest of the Handgunners

    No wounds on Saurus characters, they wipe out unit before CoR get a chance to attack. CO bus overruns right into the Buff-Wagon

    ---Empire conceded defeat and the Game ended---

    Left on the board at this point were:
    Hellblaster, Arc Lector, 20ish swordsmen, 10ish Militia still in combat with Skirmishers(4)
    Sk Priest, 8 Skirmishers(3), All Saurus characters with 3 CoR, Tetto and 22 Cohorts, 14 Skirmishers(4)

    Having deployed in the centre certainly would have given Empire an advantage. Even with 2 blocks of Saurus, I would have run into some trouble with magic and shooting from the enemy, then getting in combat. Plopping a Saurus bus on the side really gave my opponent a shock and realised he had to slowly adjust his army to the incoming bus and skirmishers at his other side.

    Killing that Shadow Wizard really helped. Those spells were getting me nervous as they could have badly hurt my CO bus. I think they could have even changed the battle completely with Withering and Banishment. The Chief and other skirmishers were originally going after him. Since he died, I was able to cast the Comet again then weaken his army before the bus arrived.

    I was really expecting more damage at the CO bus, but deploying at the side really helped, especially with the warmachines far away (or disabled). Usually I'm used to losing a bunch of Saurus before I get into combat, which is why I was a bit uncertain for the CO bus, but I guess that's why I got hit by my comet :D . I'm happy it worked out though and very glad they didn't get hit by Lore of Shadow. With the 50% choice I really thought my opponent would have an Character bus (train?) and smack right though me.

    Tetto is an awesome character for his point cost and ability. Vanguard helps so much with this as we all know.

    The CO bus did so much more than I expected - I don't think at first I grasped how much damage 4 Saurus characters would do. Thankyou Harmonic Convergece - why do I roll so many 1's!?!

    In all honesty, I think the game should have come a little more even, but the luck must have been a little more on my side this time round :D A good game nonetheless!
    Thanks for reading
  2. heuningby

    heuningby Member

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    Well done!

    Yeah harmonic + saurus CO characters = win!

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