
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Qulcoatl, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Qulcoatl
    Jungle Swarm

    Qulcoatl New Member

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    Hi, I'm a Dark Elf and Dwarf player from Québec Canada. I'm in the hobby since I'm 7 and I'm still playing with my toys now at 21 years old.
    I'm disgruntled by the look my DE army has gotten with the new book. In that book, what is naked is usually the best choice. I'm a practical kind of guy, not the kind who likes the approach "Let's just bring 2 daggers as battle field weapons and see how it goes...", neither do I like "Let's launch a military campaign! Since we live in the Land of Chill, let's all get naked and see if we can get back before we all die from hypothermia in a couple of hours."
    So I'm looking for a replacement army that is versatile (to compensate dwarf play style) and that I can identify as being effective in a realistic setting (meaning by that... would dinosaur-riding cavalry be effective? yes. Would a bunch of religious zealots on drugs be effective on a battle field? yes. Would they still be effective if completely naked and armed with 2 daggers? no... you get the idea).

    I got interested by lizards after borrowing them for a battle royale. The game was great fun (God! I love Cold Blooded), but it was during the army list building that I began having interest in that book. No choice is overly impressive (beside Cowboys! Slann are also great, but you're paying for what you get), but a lot of decent and interesting one. I also like the apparent synergy between each unit.

    Since that Battle Royale, I've got 2 games in with lizards with 2 wins (1 of which is undeserved). I have a good feeling about this army: they seem very fun and satisfying to play, the army looks great and the book is quite balanced.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    You have good choice choosing Aztec dinosaurs.

    Given that you have mentioned mocking the unrealism of half naked Dark Elves living in a cold climate. You might find our fluff subforum interesting. We try to tell interesting stories while filling in the unrealstic holes GW writers leave or sometimes mocking them.

    For unit by unit analysis and synergy analysis, I would suggest giving the Tactica Index a look and browsing articles on units you find interesting.

    Let us know if you have any questions about painting, fluff, rules, tactics or whatever.
  3. Qulcoatl
    Jungle Swarm

    Qulcoatl New Member

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    Thanks! The tactica forum has already helped me a lot in working on my list.
    I'll take a look at the fluff sub forum.
  4. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Welcome to the forum! It seems like you have a great start to your Lizardmen army. I look forward to seeing them and hearing battle reports!

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