8th Ed. Ûber Hero for Lizzies - Start you wishes

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Yeah, I know...I just got a laugh out of the idea when I read that.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    That's my wish.
  3. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    A LM Ûber Hero? Hmm..

    As stated above, I think this is the perfect time for Nakai to come back. However, with the next book speculated to be Skaven, in which I imagine they'll either pit them against LM (which is pretty likely considering the artwork in the Nagash book) or Dwarves, or both, it's likely we'll get new Skaven models rather than any LM ones. If a model doesn't already exist, I doubt they'll create a new rules profile for Nakai.

    However, End Times: Khaine does suggest something about what we should expect if we get an 'ascended' character:

    *spoilers for End Times: Khaine below*

    Teclis's plan is to unravel the magic Vortex, and bequeath eight mortals with the status of avatars for each of the Winds of Magic in order to create beings powerful enough to fight The Four. Already confirmed is:

    Malekith - Shadow
    Alarielle - Life
    Nagash - Death (partially at any rate)

    If all goes to plan, then the Winds of Metal, Fire, Heavens, Light and Beasts are all still up for grabs.
    This may also explain Karl Franz's ascension, being possibly an avatar of Light or Heavens.

    I can see LM benefiting from this, and the options I see are:

    Mazdamundi - Avatar of Light ( Mazdamundi = "Light of the World"; ruling Slann of Hexoatl, City of the Sun;and Light magic seems related to geomancy (see: Assault of Stone)), or Avatar of Heavens (being the LM's apparent main lore).

    Tenehauin - Avatar of Beasts (this would tie-in nicely with the reappearance of the twin-tailed comet, and the Skaven incursion as well as his solidified Beasts mage status, and tessellates nicely with the monster-heavy LM army generally).

    Tetto'ekko - Avatar of Heavens (being the master of Heavens already in the fluff, he seems a powerful candidate for an avatar).

    I also quite like the idea of Lord Kroak stealing some of the Death magic, although somehow I doubt this will happen..
  4. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Ascended Tetto would be epic, but difficult to handle. He'd be fragile as all hell still, and how do you make him more powerful, without making him outright broken, in comparison to someone like Nagash? He is already a powerful spellcaster, and even giving him level 5, 5 channel dice at 4+, the ability to outright choose whether or not the comet arrives, maybe even move it d6 inches every turn, etc. it would never be good enough to be worthy of standing next to things like Karl Franz, Glottkin or Nagash.

    I'd rather see someone who isn't a spellcaster. Krog'gar, as much as i dislike the guy, is still our best candidate.

    Though a buffed up Tehenhauin capable of transforming into an epic Coatl with a ward save and immunity to poisons, while still being able to cast spells, would be pretty interesting, if a bit situational. Though I guess that fits right into the "no model" problem.
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Is "Ascended" the new black?
  6. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    I asked in one thread, but I'll ask again: who is Lord Huaxhini, and what is he doing?

    He's got a bit of fluff in the Summary of our book (the last page). Anyway, I've never heard of him before. Any thoughts? He sounds pretty important already.
  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Other than a Slann character, I feel a Skink is the most likely candidate for an 'incarnate' for one of the Winds of Magic, even with their squishy-ness. GW appears to be buffing up core characters with pivotal positions and interesting history - the Skinks have always been the most dynamic and characterised LM caste, whilst the Saurus are usually just represented as impassive, objective warriors. Sure, characters like Gor-Rok and Kroq-Gar have interesting backstories, but their characterisation is fairly shallow.

    Other than Mazdamundi I think Tehenhauin is probably the most likely, considering his relation with the twin-tailed comet, his history with the (now upsurging) Skaven, and being the prophet of the LM's most active God (each End Times book has focused to at least some degree on the fate of the Gods, so a focus on Sotek seems to natural in the book with the LM, which would implicate Tenehauin).
    They just better do something about that toughness...I'm all for him turning into a Coatl xp

    I'm very meh about Tetto'ekko, although I can see Kroq-Gar having a chance to be some sort of 'ascended' tbh. I just don't think he'd make an interesting one, nor viable as an 'incarnate' for one of the Winds of Magic.

    Lord Huaxhini, as far as I remember, hasn't had any previous mentions in the fluff. I think his existence, and his awakening from lethargy (which I remember is hinted at being the consequence of some machination of Chaos), is symbolic of the Slann as a whole becoming more active and responding to the call of Mazdamundi to spring into action.

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