7th Ed. 2250 Magic Heavy vs Dwarfs

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Pinkus, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    I haven't had too much luck so far with my Slann. My friend who plays Dwarfs and goes magic defense heavy came over and last time I tried my OldBlood, but this time I figured what the hell let's go all in. Here's the list I made up. He had half his slayers left and a bolt thrower while killing around 700-800 of my stuff. I won by 1700. Not bad considering he has 8DD then steals 1 with +3 to dispel and magic resistance 1 on his hammers/longbeards. My magic choices were just phenominal too.

    2nd Gen, BSB, General
    Plague of Tepok
    Divine Plague of Protection
    Power Stone
    Sun Standard of Chotec

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Diadem of Power
    Talisman of Protection

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Power Stone

    Temple Guard x 20
    Shields, FC
    War Banner

    Skinks x 10
    Blow darts, Scout

    Skinks x 10
    Jav & Shield

    Krox x 3
    Krox x3

    Terr x 4

    Salamander x 3

    I freaking got for magic Pit of Shades, Run of Burning Iron, Distilation of Molten Steel, Creeping Death and Wind of Death. Are you kiding me? A temple damage spell, 2 2d6 str 4 nukes and a 3d6 str 1 nuke and a no armor save auto wound spell. My 2 priests both got forked lightning, the one got Uranon's Thunder Bolt and the other took Portent of fear. Now that is a machine gun magic phase if I ever saw one.

    He had combat heavy list with 2 bolt throwers, an anvil, a big unit of hammers/longbeards/slayers with 2 units of 10 warriors and 1 unit of 10 thunderers.

    My magic missiles were killing people left and right. Man I never knew the Lore of Heaven was so devastating. Picked apart his 2 small 10 man units and his thunderers on the hill. No range restricted nukes are awesome. Pit of shades was golden. First turn killed a bolt thrower, turn 3 I got it off on a 22 against his long beards, he threw like 5 dice at it and didn't stop it and I killed like 11 longbeards, then he remembered he had a scroll so I let him scroll it( :( ). Turn 4 pit of shades killed 9 hammerers. Crazy stuff. Between that, 10 close range blowpipes and my 2 priests that unit(who has magic resistance) went from about 21 models to 6. I forgot to have him roll a lookout sir before he did his initiative checks, so he rolled it afterwards and rolled a 1, so his runesmith SHOULD have died, but it was my mistake, not his so I let him live(for now) to kill another regular guy.

    He got within charge range of my temple guard so I charged his longbeards, but he had rune of determination and rolled a 1. His slayers and hammerer(what was left of the original 21, which was 6) got my flank. Then my salamanders got his rear and my krox got his flank and a blood bath ensued. He killed my temple guard to a man and I killed his BSB and all his longbeards except his champion who ended up fleeing by himself and my krox caught him since they were only in combat with the beards.

    My sallies charged back into combat vs his hammers and killed the unit off leaving his runesmith who no longer stubborn ran off the board with a 11" flee. The game ended with his 4 slayer left and my slann in combat. Slann ended with 2 wounds on it.

    His turn 6 he tried ancient power wrath & ruin and missfired and rolled a one to blow himself up. The ultimate kick in the junk.

    Temple guard once again, though expensive, held the line. Stubborn 8s until the krox can get in flank charges. Thats 2 games in a row that my Guard got killed to the man! I doubt I'll ever bring a Slann in just warriors again.

    I lost 1 unit of skinks who fled a charge and didn't rally, a unit of terradons because I was dumb and flew them within 12" of his slayers, so he moved and then anviled them in, halved 1 krox, killed a priest with wrath and ruin(put freaking 5 wounds on him with D6 str 4 hits) and lost all my temple guard.

    Was a fun game. What do you guys think of the army list?
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Looks like a good list to me, and you definatly grabbed the right spells to fight dwarves with :)
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    lol....yeah I'm suprised you even tried magic heavy against such a beastly anti-magic list. That said, your spell choice has to be one of the sexiest combinations I have seen in a while.

    Your list seemed to be pretty standard for a 2250 magic heavy so no comments there...my only really big question is why you let your opponent use a dispel scroll after he already threw dice at the spell ;) . Was the awesome magic firepower giving you a god-complex :D .
  4. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Well its my friend and its a friendly game and as you saw the dice were NOT going his way. So he used the scroll and lost the 4 dice he threw at the spell which left his hammerers open to my other magic.

    As to why I chose it, well I played a slann only army vs the new dark elves and let me tell you they have this 25 point item a champion can wear that makes any spell cast within 12in or targetted within 12 inches to miscast on doubles. I miscasted about 12 times that game, so I want to really test the power of the slann, but added priests. If I failed miserably against those dwarfs I might have gone oldblood combat heavy for awhile.

    I was thinking about it today. My 20 temple guard held up like 17 longbeards 10 slayers and 6 hammerers long enough for my krox to get in the flanks. Kind of funny though, he started with like 25 hammerers 25 longbeards and 15 or so slayers. Damn my magic phases were fun.

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