8th Ed. War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [3k BatRep vsChaos]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by NexS1, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    So My next game I won't be playing this list (sorry CGPD!), but my 2500 Sweedish Tourney list:

    2498 Points
    Slann - Becalming, Convergence, Channel staff, Heavens
    Oldblood - Piranha Blade, Ench Shield, L/Armour, Tali Preservation

    Scar Vet - BSB, AoDestiny, Great Weapon
    Priest - Scroll, Beasts

    20 Saurus - Spears, Command (not enough saurus for my tastes :( )
    3x 10 Skirmishers - Champ, Javs
    15 Cohorts - Command, Poison

    2x 5 Chammos
    5 Cold Ones - Command, Spears
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Banner of Discipline

    Anc Steg - EotG

    I don't know what army he is going to take, but I can expect it to be a hard list, I always do. I tend to get a win:loss ratio of about 1:5 against my friend and his Chaos Warriors.

    Pre-Game Thoughts/Predictions:
    As chaos is light on shooting, I plan to play "castle in the corner" and pick off the inevitable monsters with poison and debuff his units enough to take them on in turn 3-4.
    I think the Steg may be able to pull up the flank on its own, but i've had some bad luck with stubborn LD 6 rolls outside the General's bubble so I may just protect him with a building or something until it's time for a shock charge...

    Any other thoughts would be most welcome!
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    Oh man... Just another reason Chaos are a filthy, filthy army. Ok, his list was:

    Chaos Lord (juggernaut, ASF helm, flail, dawnstone, 4++)
    Exalted Hero (juggernaut, don't know what else he had)
    Exalted Hero (juggernaut, BSB, don't know what else he had)
    2x 15 Chaos Warriors (halberd, shield, command)
    2x 3 juggernaut cav (command, ench weapons)
    6 Chaos Ogres (command)
    War Shrine
    5 Chosen Chaos Warriors (halberds, shield, rolled +1 armour for eye of gods)

    Everything had mark of Khorne

    Meeting Engagement. Skink Priest, 1x 10 Skirmishers and Chaos Lord are off the table.

    Comet, Harmonic, Midnight Wind, Chain Lightning

    Deployment (only pictures i got, unfortunately)

    He didn't roll a 6, so I got first turn.
    TURN1 LM

    I shuffled around a bit staying mainly back so as to give myself a few turns before dying to khorne's fury. Chammos moved up into the chosen's face, shot at them and did nothing, squared the cold ones up for a next turn charge.
    I moved the reserve skinks up into the flanking juggers face (which, in hindsight wasn't the best move i could have made, but didn't make a difference in the end).

    Magic was bleh. not much happened, i miss my bastiladon.

    Shooting was worse than bleh. Did nothing. Stupid cheesy WoC.

    TURN1 WoC

    Charges on the flank skinks (fled, not far enough, which was my mistake, i should have sent him off the board), chosen charge chammos, more juggers charge skinks down the centre (fled and failed charge), and ogres charge skinks who posted up in the jungle who get run over. The ogres overrun 2 inches from my temple guard. delicious!

    TURN2 LM

    Charge the ogres with TG and the steg, charge the chosen with coldies. All units rally on the command of the Slann - as they should.
    Magic sees a comet get dropped into the heart of his line, which looks very promising for some early devastation. Ger a few buffs off, nothing big. Shooting sees nothing again. Then combat - the best combat i've seen this Oldblood build accomplish.
    Impact hits did 6 wounds, Chaos BSB deals his damage, then the oldblood unleashes the piranha blade, dealing 10 wounds in total to the unit and the TG champ killed the ogre champ in challenge. The BSB pops and the steg reforms, whil the TG pursue 1 inch forward (due to the steg being in the way). Cold ones win combat and run down the chosen, but stop an inch from the building, remaining in front of the chaos lord....

    TURN2 WoC

    War Shrine charges steg, shooting pings off a wound. Juggers charge the backline skirmishers and overrun into cohorts, chaos lord charges coldies.
    Comet fails to hit and i shut down his bound spell.
    Cold one(muso left) flees through building and survives. He continues fleeing all game but remains on the board and the war shrine survives the steg.

    TURN3 LM

    Oldblood charges out of the unit into the warshrine, hoping to decimate it and chase into a more favourable position. The saurus charge the flank of the juggernauts, which gives me a static res of 5 above his 1, and the TG reform across a bit.
    The comet STILL doesn't come down, which is disappointing because his units keep moving away. I get my buffs and debuffs off, and kill some warriors with chain lightning (didn't jump units all game)

    The fricken warshrine survives both the oldblood and the stegadon and doesn't break!! My silly mistake happened next - I accepted his unit champ challenge with my BSB. I can't remember why, but he still rolled well (as usual) and killed my BSB (averages say i should have only really taken 1 wound...) Though, looking back, it wouldn't have made a difference because his hero would have killed him.
    The saurus are steadfast.

    TURN3 WoC

    Juggernauts charge my steg, right-hand warriors charge my temple guard, and everything else of his moves up.

    Comet *STILL* doesn't arrive.

    Combat sees a dead warshrine and a dead stegadon. The combat here was really messy and we weren't sure how combat res is supposed to work...Oldblood and steg were in B2B with warshrine (dead) and juggers were in B2B with steg (dead). As both units were taken out of combat, we weren't sure if we are meant to do the combat res or not. In the end, I rolled a break and failed, then fled through his chaos lord, ending up on the rear-side (thanks be to the old ones), and he stopped an inch away from the warriors.
    The Juggers destroy a few of my saurus and take a further 0 wounds, despite buffs and debuffs. Lucky for me, they are still steadfast. The chaos warriors inflict an outrageous amount of wounds on my TG. I kill off 4, leaving 5.

    TURN4 LM

    Rallied oldblood, didn't rally coldie - he happily trundles along the grass sniffing the daisies (I imagine Bob could do an accurate drawing of the un-ralliable stupid cold ones). Rebuffed my units and debuffed the juggers, miscast and lost 2 levels... AAAAAANNNDDDDD.....

    Comet didn't arrive.

    I kill the rest of the warriors, but am left with only 6 TG. Again, despite buffs and debuffs.Saurus suffer another obnoxious defeat and the 2 remaining warriors flee and the juggers fail to catch, but overrun into the TG.

    TURN4/5? WoC

    Warriors move up, chaos lord faces oldblood, middle field juggers turn to face TG. It's a bit hazy in mind on what turn the juggers turned, because I remember moving my chammos to block the charge, and i moved the oldblood out of charge arc of the chaos lord. It didn't matter in the end.

    The comet STILL DOESN'T ARRIVE!!

    The back line juggernauts kill and overrun the TG unit and slann. I call the game.

    Now i'm pretty sure we hit turn 5 before I called the game, but i'm not sure what i've missed... It mustn't have been important haha!



    A couple of things come to mind... One, i should have pushed the juggernauts (that ended up winning the game) off the board as often as i could, but i wasn't thinking properly.
    The other thing that comes to mind is the BSB iin the challenge, but he would have died anyway. If i didn't charge into the flank with the saurus warriors and instead let the juggernauts overrun off the board, I would have bought myself another turn without them. It might have made a difference, but we still finished at turn 5. I'm not confident it would have mattered.

    And the biggest let down of the entire game.... COMET OF CASSANDORA!

    Was there anything you guys can see that i could have done better?


    The utter decimation of the ogres unit with the impact hits and piranha blade. It was beautiful, almost artistic.

    Was there anything you guys can see that seemed to work well?


    Warriors of Chaos, man.. Anyone who see's my posts or knows me, knows how much I hate Warriors of Chaos. They're so cheesy and have very few mediocre choices in their book (like marauder infantry, so no-one uses them, therefore every game i play against WoC are cheesy powerlists). My problem is that Chaos seem to be better at everything that Lizardmen are supposed to be good at, except shooting (which means nothing when 80% army has 1+ armour saves). It's simply a bad match up for my LM army (which is a tournament keyed list).

    It's also worth noting that this morning i started writing his list out, in order to work out its Sweedish comp score, there were a few item choices on heroes that were illegal (like multiple item type choices, etc) and the list was at least 85 points over the 2500 limit, not to mention the items i couldn't account for.
    It wasn't deliberate, and I have a feeling that it may have made a difference.

    Any other thoughts, friends?? I'd love to hear them!
  3. LawGnome
    Chameleon Skink

    LawGnome Active Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    I definitely agree with you about WoC: I'm something like 0-10 against them with both Lizzies and Ogres. I'm getting closer with ogres (double cannon and a tyrant with str 7), but I still have no clue how to deal with them as lizzies.

    Here's my thought, though: If you are taking a slann, why not try a metal slann? Only 1 spell is useless for us (glittering robes). If you get final transmutation, you can use that on the warrior block and use a high level searing doom to start knocking out skullcrushers. Everything except the ogres will have a 3+ armor save minimum, so you may as well give it a shot. The only problem with taking metal is that the two characters you want to kill most (demon prince and sorceror) will most likely have a 2+ save vs flaming attacks, so you will need to find some alternate way of taking them out.

    WD and high work well against them too. Maybe consider taking the AP banner to help your TG cut through them a bit easier.

    This is a matchup that I've been considering taking the blade of realities in. Keep your oldblood in a unit to make up for his less stellar defenses when he's carrying this thing, and you can take out the unkillable bsb, and have a pretty good chance against anything else, too.
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    Thanks for the comments LawGnome :)

    The thing is, I'd definitely take lore of metal if this was a pitched game, preorganised and I knew i was playing against WoC. But seeing that it's a tournament army that I'm playing in a few weeks, I had my lore of heavens.
    I decided on heavens because , most of the time, the buffs available at Lv4 are more beneficial to the useless pointhogs we call Saurus Warriors, but i love them! Also, the three damage spells are formidable enough to scare most armies into dispel dice reservation.

    If i take loremaster or WD, then i'd have to drop the channel combo to make room for the discipline. I won't put less points into the oldblood as he needs to stay as-is, and anything outside of that will put me over the percentages.

    My list was originally going to have the blade of realities and he is VERY fun. VERY VERY fun. Alongside a Slann of Light, of course, it is undoable otherwise. The main reason i went with this list is because I didn't want to convert another oldblood to the same standard as the piranha blade. The piranha blade saurus is so purdy. lol
  5. heuningby

    heuningby Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    WoC is definitely one of our toughest match ups. WD with the channel 3 on 5's will help a lot and it's a good TAC build. You then have searing doom, spirit leech, iceshard and wyssans to help you out. A priest with iceshard or harmonic will help further to push combats into your favour.

    As you already realised, against Khorne you should just make them overrun into unfavourable positions and then get good charges with magic help. Against Nurgle it's a lot harder. Try using deployment to make sure you only fight parts of his army at any given time. We can't go one on one with them so you need to figure out how to isolate and gang up on his units.

    It's the one army I struggle with as well. They are so fast and tough but, at least locally, WE help a lot in changing the meta.

    Good luck bro!
  6. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    Thanks for the points raised :)

    As I mentioned, my list is already written for a tournament and build changes aren't an option.

    Even having set up for a flank charge, the juggernauts were impossible to do anything to.. I think I needed wyssans wildform :/

    I think there will be only a one chaos warrior army at this tournament, I'll need all the luck I can get! Thanks!!
  7. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC]

    Next game is using the same list against vampire counts. I've not played against them beforez but I'm expecting a zombie dragon, horde of skellies, zombies.

    I'll definitely post something up about this one. Before I go, does anyone have some general advice for thenz knowing my list?

  8. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Advice vs. VC?]

    The title for this one is:
    It's Always Lovely When A Plan Comes Together

    No pictures, sorry :( His army was very nicely painted, Kudos to him!

    His list (roughly):

    Vampire Lord - Lv1 Vamps, ASF, Free attacks on unsaved wounds, Lance, Zombie Dragon
    Necromancer - Lv2 Vamps, Book of Random Spells
    Vampire Hero - Lv1 Vamps, nightmare, lance, ASF

    Horde of Skeleton Spearmen
    2x 20ish Zombies
    2x 10 wolves
    2x 5 wolves

    9 Black knights
    5 hexwraiths
    3 vargheists
    5 Blood Knights

    Mission: The Watchtower
    My Spells: Comet, Iceshard, Convergance, Thunderbolt

    tower in centre. hill on my left of tower, forest between me and tower, forest on my right flank.

    I held the tower with my 20 Saurus Warriors and he got first turn. Deployment as follows:

    VC (my left to right)
    Blood knights, 10 dire wolves, 5 dire worlves (3 vargheists behind), zombies (zombies behind with nercromancer), skeletons, hexwraiths, 5 dire wolves (dragon behind), 10 dire wolves, black knights with vamp.

    LM(my left to right)
    Coldies on far flank, skirmishers with BSB (skirmishers behind), cohorts(steg behind), skirmishers (TG behind). Chammos blocked the vanguard on my right, but allowed room for one unit of wolves (strategic "come hither" purposes).

    VC TURN1:
    Skeletons charge tower and vargheists charge chameleons (who flee). Dragon moves up toward the TG along with the black knights. The rest of the army moves up slowly. He gets off one zombie raising spell, but I dispel the rest.
    1 Saurus warriors is speared, and 8 skeletons are killed in return. he loses an extra 7 for unstable. Half the unit down.

    LM TURN1:
    Coldies charge small unit of wolves. I reform the cohorts wide and move them across, then shuffle the TG left, preventing the dragon from being placed in b2b with the TG. I didn't want to fight it in his next turn... I surround the dragon with skinks and steg and jump the BSB into the reformed chammos.
    I cast a comet, placing it behind the zombies and forget to roll for it in the VC magic phase! D'oh!
    With all my shooting, i ping 3 wounds off the dragon. Then the cold ones proceed to rip through the dire wolves and overrun 4", d'oh!

    VC TURN2:
    Dragon and knights charge my cohorts, i shoot at the dragon and ping another wound. Zombies and vargheist charge coldies (bye, guys!) and the hexwraiths charge the tower. The wolves fail a charge against a fleeing unit of skirmishers.
    I shut down his magic phase.
    Vargheists overrun after I roll all 2's and 3's for cold one armour (apart from one 5!), the dragon and knights overrun into the TG.
    At least i've bought myself a turn! Hexwraiths do a wound but i push them back an inch.

    LM TURN2 (The Gamechanger):
    Steg charges some direwolves who had moved up the board to block a charge into the dragon's flank. But luckily the Slann had other ways to deal with it! The BSB moved closer to the tower and the skirmishers moved up to threaten the vargheis on my left and the wolves on my right.

    The Slann makes his points with this magic phase.
    The comet comes down and hits the two zombie units (no biggie). The steg's spell is stopped, but I cast iceshard on the zombie dragon, which the dispel fails. Because it flies, i do D6 str4 hits. 1 on the vamp (no wound), and 5 on the dragon (2 wound, no saves). The dragon dies before combat. I top it off with a harmonic convergance and proceed to decimate the black knights with TG and pop 2 wounds on the Lance-less Vamp lord. Both pop to unstable rule.
    Steg eats the puppies like it would never be fed again.

    VC TURN3:
    Hex's charge again, vargheists charge skirmishers. Flee. Failed charge. Blood knights keep moving up.
    Some zombie raising and a random spell does off, which i dispel scroll.
    Hex's kill another, are pushed back.

    LM TURN3:
    Steg charges skeletons, did some charge blocking manoeuvres around the vargheists and blood knights, and the BSB joins the saurus unit in the building.
    Magic sees wyssans cast on the tower and everything else dispelled. Then the chammos kill off one vargheist, the skirmishers kill all but one right-flank wolves and the steg destroys the skeletons in combat.

    VC TURN4:
    Hex's charge again, blood knights charge chammos who attempt to flee through building, but can't make it and get caught. The vargheists chase down my skirmishers.
    His magic casts a random spell which is the opposite of wyssans on my tower guys. And the Hex's cause no wounds, leaving it a draw, meaning they lose by one due to my musician. They're now down to two models! (they lost 2 from crumbling after the lord died)

    LM TURN4:
    TG fail a charge into the hexwraiths (only the oldblood can kill ethereals). Failed, Needed double 6's, haha.
    Magic mostly uneventful, we were powering through because we ran out of time at the shop.

    We rolled for the "6+ to end the game" but rolled a 4 or something. We stopped the game there.

    I don't think there's anything he could have done to come back from that. The zombie dragon dying from iceshard was a bit lucky, but I also out-magicked him every turn. So i suppose something good coming from magic was inevitable.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Ah, so an unsuccessful weekend of warhammering. I'll give a brief rundown of battles later.

    But, it was all around under average rolls where it mattered. I had some really good rolls, but where it mattered it flopped :(

    Quapacoco, I need LM dice NAO!!! haha
  10. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [BatRep vs. VC]

    I guess I'd better give you a rundown of the tournament.... No time for reports though :/

    Game 1 - Wood Elves
    Lots of Wild Riders, Archers with trueflight, Eagle and a couple of treemen and kin. Spellweaver and lv2.

    What I needed: Magic to work.


    Game 2 - Empire
    Huge unit of IC Knights (15 or so), 40+ Halberds+20 Free company, 2 units of Pistoliers, about 8 Demigryphs, 2 Cannons and a Hellblaster, Luthor Huss, General and BSB.
    Close game. I needed the last 2 turns to get the win but we ran out of time

    Minor loss

    Game 3 - Vampire Counts
    Lots of Hexwraiths, 3x3 Black Knights with Blender and friends, 40 Ghouls, 2 units of 3 Vargheists, 2 units of 10 Wolves.
    We called a draw after 3 turns because we were already overtime. My TG bunker hadn't gotten into combat yet. Sad.


    Game 4 - Lizardmen
    6 Krox, 2 units of Cohorts, 3 units of Skirmishers, 5 Chammos, Basty 2 Saurus cav characters, tetto, slann, chief on terra.
    Actually my favourite game. Rolls were average had some good and bad luck. Came out with a minor win.


    Game 5 - Dark Elves
    Medusa Chariot in spears, 10 Knights, 20 crossbows, 15 sisters of slaughter, 6-7 Dark riders, 5 shades, manticore hero, lv 4 Metal, Lv 1 something, Hydra.
    He had a lucky game. i didn't have enough skinks and he turned my slann into a golden statue. D'oh! Loss


    Game 6 - Nurgle Daemons of Chaos
    Great Unclean One, Herald, 2 units of 3 drones, 2 units of plaguebearers, 2 units of furies, soulgrinder and 5 Beasts of nurgle.
    A filthy list. But the guy who bore the least was a really nice bloke, so it was ok. 3 plague drones is the best use of 180 points that the warhammer world has ever seen. At turn 4 I'd only killed 2 units of drones and was preparing to solar cannon the beasts and square my two combat units to combo charge the great unclean one and/or soul grinder.
    With another 2 turns, I may have been able to pull out a win, but ran out of time.

    Minor Loss

    Things I learned:
    Heavens is a nice lore, but situational and didn't really do what I wanted. Comet always flopped. Bastiladon was a giant waste of 150 points, never rolling over a 3 on the chart. The egg of quango did the same. The Piranha Blade was similar also.
    All in all, the great rolls I ended up getting were always at useless points in the game. Maybe I need some new dice. Or a cleaner soul for the dice gods to feed upon...
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Ahoy therr!

    I have a mini tourney coming up! Here is my list (subpar as it is):

    Slann - BSB (Standard of Discipline), Becalming Cogitations, Harmonic Convergence, Channel Staff, Egg of Quango, Obsidian Amulet, Lore of Life


    20 Saurus Warriors - Spears, Command
    12 Skink Skirmishers - Champ
    2x 10 Skink Skirmishers - Champ

    6 Chameleon Skinks
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Banner of Swiftness

    Ancient Stegadon - Engine of the Gods


    The saurus are there because I can only make up to 20 Skink in a cohort and only have 2 kroxigor... unfortunately.

    I will post up some stuff when i get back! It's only a 1-dayer, so should be nice and easy!
  12. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    OK, results!

    I had to forfeit the first game due to me not being able to arrive in time, but the 3 games i did get to play were against the following armies:
    Game 2 - Undead Legions
    Game 3 - Dwarfs
    Game 4 - Tomb Kings

    Game 1:
    The TO played my first game, and lost (hard) giving me a 20-0 loss. Oh well!

    Game 2: Meeting Engagement
    The only thing you need to know about this list was Nagash. He triples everything in the lore of undeath (except the casting value.......) He summoned a few ethereal units and Chakax performed superbly uselessly. If the raised hex wraiths didn't luck their attacks on him (needing 4's to hit and 6's to wound. He only dedicated one attack in 2 phases against him...) he'd not have lost his 270 points and i'd have scored a very lucky 10-10.
    However, everything i had sucked all game and i snuck through with a 11-9 loss.

    Game 3: Battle for the pass
    The army I faced consisted of (roughly):
    Rune Lord
    Thane BSB
    20 ish Ironbreakers
    20-25 Hammerers
    2x 18 Thunderers
    10 drakes
    Gyrocopter w/vanguard
    Organ Gun

    He deployed in a straight line across his edge with his cannon in the rear (I mostly ignored the cannon's LOS mostly due to relaxed nature of the event and the fact he was getting used to the rules). The iron breaker character bus and two gyros were on my left, which i blocked vanguard with the chammos. I deployed everything but my skirmishers on the right flank (as there was a building in the centre of the field).
    It took every single unit of skinks to take out the copters and the ironbreakers chased them around for a few turns. My steg hid behind the TG for a few turns while the TG failed charges in 2 consecutive turns.

    At the end of the battle, the TG wiped out a unit of thunderers, the slann killed the war machines with magic, the skirmishers killed the gyros, the TG killed the drakes and the steg was killed in combat (rolling pitiful impact hits).

    I think i pulled out a 12-8 win

    Game 4: Battle line
    Tomb Kings fielded:
    40+ Skeletons sword&board
    ~30 Tomb Guard w/ halberds
    3 chariots
    20 archers
    Tomb king (in tomb guard)
    Tomb prince (skellies)
    undeath lv3(skellies)
    TK lv 4 (guard)
    necrotept (tomb guard)

    in short:
    I deployed in segments to limit the casket. on left - steg, skirmishers, warriors, skirmishers, skirmishers, TG. on my left - skellies archers, casket, tomb guard, skellies, chariots.
    TG smashed the chariots in turn 2, then halved the tomb guard unit (and bsb and necrotept) with dwellers below and took a few turns to grind out the skellies. Chakax turned a raised unit of vargheists into a squishy mess. I lost the skinks to them not being able to rally (they were still +25%).
    I ended up with an 11-9 win at the end because i charged the steg into the dimished tomb guard and failed to impact hit/thunderstomp, then it died in his remaining turn. I'm thinking that I should have charge the skellie archers instead and overrun into the casket. I was greedy and paid for it.

    It was a fun mini tourney, but i might have to give chakax a rest for a while as i'm busy rebuilding my HE army phoenixly themed. You will see them in the Nexs Files soon enough.
    Conversions, conversions, conversions.

    Then i'll build some saurus dinohorse riders! Lots and lots in the making!!!!
  13. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [mini batrep up!]

    I'll be putting a new report up this week with a 2250 point battle against either Empire or High Elves (not sure which one yet).
    This is in prep for a tounament next year.
    My list will be:
    Pre-game thought:
    Saurus Warriors are going to be the target sponge and bunker for the Slann. and i'll try and run a refused flank where possible.
    I may end up droping a unit of skirmishers to make the saurus unit bigger if 20 warriors just isn't enough. I may also drop eldritch energy and the bane gem to get focus of mystery. I'm thinking that those Saurus Cavalry need to get across the board and WBW will definitely get them there.

    Thoughts, friends?
  14. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    What kind of comp does the tournament use?
    As is I'd go with life. Lets you heal any wounds that may make it through to the steg and regrowth on both the CO and Saurus will be a huge difference in your ability to grind. I'd also take flaming banner over stnd of disc. Trolls are to often a thing and I don't think the bolas are enough on their own.
    I feel the scroll is unneeded with becalming cog, but not sure where I'd spend the 25 points anyway.

    Oldblood - Coldone, Charmed Shield, Sword of Bloodshed, Dawnstone
    Slann - BSB +1 LD, Cogitations, Convergence, Eldritch Energy, Channel Staff, Lore of Life

    Scar Vet - Coldone, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny
    Skink Priest - Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    27 Saurus Warriors - HW&S, Command (I pref the parry save, but it's unlikely to make any real dif)
    3x 10 Skirmishers - Javelins, Champion
    9 Coldone Riders - Spears, Command
    3 Terradon Riders - Fireleeches, Champion
    Ancient Steg - EotG Sharpened horns
  15. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 point list u

    Thanks for the reply Madrck.
    I'm not sure on the comp yet. It's still early days, but last year it was a panel comp.

    re the flaming banner - I've actually never faced trolls in anything but friendly games. Looking at the new releases we've seen, I reckon there will be lots of nurgle, and Throgg will be such a hard comp hit that I'd be unlikely to see him.
    I get a bit nervous when not taking the standard of discipline as the skinks tend to make lots of LD tests. Also, With the sharpened horns, the impact hits won't benefit from the flaming removal of the regen, so i'll have to give it a miss. I just see the +1 LD to play more of a part in the game in all phases.

    Taking some of your suggestions in..
    I see the terradons as a more effective version of a skirmish unit, so I should be safe to drop the 4th unit of skinks :)
  16. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 point list u

    If it's panel comp, LD10 cold blooded will certainly be a hit. I see droves of trolls in my area, plus one of my regular opponents normally fields a unit. So.... lucky you :)

    The sharpened horns are there for other monsters, 1+ cav, ogres and stupid things like DP's. Even if it never gets to use those beautiful horns they create negative space that your opponents will normally be terrified of entering.
  17. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I'm willing to take that hit! Haha
    Yeah, I count myself lucky. Last tournament I was at, there were about 7 other LM armies!
  18. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Game tonight. Will see how it performs!
  19. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 point list u

    Battle line. There were trees scattered across the table, but only came into play once

    Slann: Earth Blood, Regrowth, Throne of Vines, Flesh to Stone
    Skink Priest: Wyssan's Wildform
    Wizard Lord: Birona's Timewarp, Net of Amyntok, Shem's Burning Gaze, Pha's Protection

    Deployment (my left to my right)
    Empire: He deployed mostly central
    IC knights w/ Grand Master, steam tank, swordsmen, greatswords w/ characters, great weapon knights

    Lizardmen: I deployed on the right mostly
    skinks, skinks (skinks behind), terradons, saurus block w/ slann, stegadon, cavalry bus

    I vanguarded my terras into the middle, far enough away from the steam tank because it's a scary machine! Then I won the roll-off for first turn, YAY!

    LM Turn 1:
    I ummed and arred about flying over the swordsmen or greatswords to drop rocks on them but decided against it because i'd have been far too close to units and inside charge arc... So I opted to bait the great weapon knights with them. I pushed the flank with the cavalry and pivotted inward, then moved the skirmishers around the saurus unit, who'd just moved up a little, for protection. The steg followed suit and prepared to bring the pain.

    Magic was a little boring. I got Throne and earthblood and that was it. Life is boring early-game. Shooting was equally exciting.

    EMPIRE Turn 1:
    First big hit to the empire. Stank generated 5 points and misfired, then rolled a 6 to blow up. Ouch! But he still had 2 units of knights and greatswords. All three equally as scary.
    The great weapon knights charged the terras, I flee. he redirects into some skirmishers, needing 11 to reach. I choose to shoot, as it's a long shot for him to reach. Then he proceeds to roll double 6's, those knights were angry.

    Magic saw the great weapon knights have Birona's Timewarp. Goodbye skinks.... And Net on the saurus cavalry.

    The knights overran into the saurus block.

    LM Turn 2:
    THe cavalry passed their strength test and charged the flank of the knightly order. I shuffled skinks around again and rallied the terras and returned them to block charges. The steg moved forward and threatened a charge for next turn.
    I didn't need magic again this round, which was lucky because he dispelled almost everything!
    He did one wound on my slann and killed 2 saurus warriors and a cold one rider, then the Oldblood with the Sword of bloodshed lit up the battlefield with the sparks and blood. He hit with 7 attacks, PF gave me 2 more, and one failed to wound. He dropped 4 knights. Scar vet dropped 3 and the rest of my attacks brought him down to a single unit champion. He fled and my cold ones failed their strength test! Bummer!

    EMPIRE Turn 2:
    The swordsmen charged my skinks (in a forest), hoping to flee me, then cascade more flee's across my terras and skirmishers. I threw javelins at them instead, knowing that they'd be steadfast. I think one died to panic fire. Having seen the bravery of the skinks, the rest of his army reformed for a better position next turn (as the net of amyntok had spoiled my army's formation).
    Magic saw it to be my turn to dispe like a bowss.
    The swordsmen did well, and the skinks failed their stubborn test and were run down (or killed outright.. i can't remember), but the swordsmen overran into the terradons. Ooops!

    LM Turn 3:
    Cold ones charged the swordsmen (overkill?? haha), and the steg charged the greatswords. The skinks blocked the IC knights and the Priest joined the saurus block as it moved up into a better BSB/LD bubble position.
    I regrew my cold one and regenned the lost wound back on the slann and flesh to stone'ed the blocking skinks. Was a nice defensive magic phase!
    The Oldblood (who, after this battle report, will acquire a name due to his Stirling performance!) wrecked face once more, killing almost the entire unit before any other saurus could attack. They overran, hoping to clip the greatswords for another round of combat, but were out on an angle. They ended up out of arc, which was almost as good.
    The stegadon killed about 7 greatswords before, he himself was killed outright. Bam. It was only fair though, as the steam tank blew up as well. I took the loss as the equilibrium loss for the stank. Fair is fair.
    Greatswords reformed on the flank of the cold ones.

    EMPIRE Turn 3:
    No surprises, Greatswords slam into the cold ones' flank and the knights reform away from the skink blockers. Good work Skinks.
    The wizard lord managed to get pha's protection off, but i had to burn my scroll on timewarp!
    I made way with the oldblood, Then challenged with the scar vet, which was the only way to minimise the great weapon attacks from the unit. The priest accepted the challenge and caused a wound on my scarvet, but died shortly afterward from a great weapon to the face. The Oldblood managed another massacre, killing cabout 5 or 6 greatswords. I win combat and reform .

    LM Turn 4:
    I set up a double flee on the knights and move the saurus block into a more favourable position.
    I stone the skinks' flesh again and regen the scarvet's lost wound and move onto shooting where the skinks knock off one knight.
    Combat sees the greatswords lose another rank, and the witch hunter dies to the scar vet. I reform wider.

    EMPIRE Turn 4:
    I think the knights ignore the double flee and reforms again, this time facing the rear of the cold ones.
    The wizard casts net of amyntok on the terras and I dispel the rest! Slann refuses to see his spawning defeated!

    This round of combat the unit of greatswords is killed to the last man and the general of the empire is killed in the challenge. The BSB pops for breaking and the wizard escapes the pursuers (I rolled a hefty 5).

    LM Turn 5:
    Oldblood charges out of the unit and flees the wizard off the table. Cold ones Reform to the knights and the skinks setup the start of another double flee. BUT the terras fail their strength test! Now it's up to the slann to protect the army!
    With Throne of Vines still in place, I IF flesh to stone and make the skinks T6. I proceed to then IF regrowth and rebuild the whole unit of terras! Then he rolls all dice to dispel throne.

    EMPIRE Turn 5:
    If the oldblood wasn't such a monster, then the last unit of skinks would have earned themselves a Name of Reknown for their next play! The knights charged them, they held and lost only 3 skinks! They hold.

    LM Turn 6:
    It must have been the way the units were positioned, but charging the cold ones in would have only given me one guy in b2b, so i opted to block the knights future charge with the terras.
    With no inclination to waste dice on throne, i try a wildform and draw out the dispel dice, then flesh to stone the skinks for T4.
    The skinks were boss again this turn and lost every man in their unit bar 1, killed a knight and snake eyes'ed a break test! Boss indeed!

    EMPIRE Turn 6:
    The knights kill the last skink. The End.

    Taking advantage of the first turn and pushing up the flank forced the empire units to act individually, which allowed me to take them out one at a time.
    The skinks and terradon's gave me time to deal with the greatswords comfortably. Without them, the IC knights will have rear charged the cold ones and it'd have been game over.

    Stegadon died way too easily. But again, I marked that down to karma.
    Net of amyntok was a pain in this game as is stopped me in the ideal positions for my opponent.
    Lore of Life was crucial at times, which was great, but in all other times it was near useless and I ended up casting spells for the hell of it (which makes me feel like something was wrong). I'm thinking that perhaps Beasts wasn't the best choice for skink due to the fact that Life has good Toughness buffs..... But then I remember that +3A and +3S is freaking amazing and would turn my oldblood into something of a monster that makes Carnossaurs look like a pet lizard.

    I'd like to hear any thoughts you may have! :)

    Thanks for reading.

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot to add that I had forgotten to use my Potion of speed (swapped the foolhardy pot for it), charmed shield and to drop rocks.
    I shouldn't forget things like that...... oops
  20. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 BatRep vsEmp

    Are you just trying out different lores? or is Heavens something I'm missing when your not lore master.
    As to becalming and soul, I'd take soul but only because I went void walking 3 out of 5 games this past weekend. But I'd drop the scroll for becalming and just have both. Does something far more often then a scroll and makes your priest a little more sacrificial.
    While I like the piranha blade, I find that without a str pot it just doesn't quiet have the kick your looking for when trying to take down something very very nasty.
    On foot I really want to try OB LA sword of bloodshed Enchanted shield Opal amulet Str Pot. Against anything normal you have 8PF attacks. Against something scary you have 8PF STR8 attacks. natural 1+ and a once off 4++. Something I will have to try soon I think

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