8th Ed. 2500 vs Empire

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gary_M, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Firstly, apologies that this is not in a narrative style, I didn't write much down/take any pics. This is a bit rambling...

    From what I can remember, my oppo had 2 units of 5 knights, 7 demi gryphs, a steam tank, 2 cannon, c30 halbardiers, a hurricanum(?), 10 xbow men, 10 skirmishing archers, 3 or 4 characters (who all went with the halbardiers) - 2 of which were mages (I think they were both level 4, light and life).

    I took the slann, 25 TG, 2 x 10 skirmishers, 25 saurus, 16 Skinks + 2 Krox, 2 cowboys (1+/4++) with GW, 6 cold ones, 3 terradons, 2 sallies and a Razordon

    My deployment was poor, although I was waiting for him to deploy the demigryphs, having been told they were nasty, and meant that I left my cold ones and cowboys way out on a flank - They never got into the game (my bad).

    That said I was able to redirect a lot, but not quite enough to keep his demi gryphs out of combat, although they only got going in T5. If I had managed to get the cold ones in then maybe it would have been closer.

    Anyway, back to the game, my deployment (L to R) Saurus, Skrox, Skirmishers, skirmishers, Sallie, sallie, razordon, TG bunker Cold ones.

    His deployment (again my L to R) cannon in far left corner, 5 knights, halbardiers, hurricanum, skrimish archers, demi gryphs in the middle, steam tank, xbows, large gap then another cannon and last unit of 5 knights.

    Terrain: Hill at back left, two woods in middle with large gap in between, building in his mid deployment zone, hill in his deployment zone (my right) and a building in my right deployment zone.

    Over a full 6 turns, it went something like this:

    I went first - And made my first mistake - Didn't move the terradons or cold ones up far enough. With benefit of hindsight I should have moved both up max and then WBW on terradons to threaten the cannon on my right. Rest of line moved up, skirmishers and sallies/razordon moving furthest.

    His movement was forward, apart from the Xbows who went into the building in his deployment zone. His shooting knocked off a couple of TG and saurus.

    His steam tank rumbled forward to the edge of the wood, just short of my sallie/krox units.

    I moved these round the tank, giving the sallies an excellent shot at the building with the xbows in. They proceed to kill a few who then fail their panic test and flee of the board.

    I moved the infantry further up next turn, and was able to get the terradons into postion to go for the cannon next turn. I was again indecisive with the Cold ones.

    He charged with demi gryphs (I fled with skinks, he then redirected to Skrox - I thought I'd have to stand but he said I could flee - Which I did!)

    The tank moved forward to take on the TG, but this meant going through the wood. Dangerous terrain check roll - 1 (yes!). Roll for number of wounds taken - 6 :jawdrop: The steam tank was now down to 4 wounds and I'd done none of them :oops:

    It took out a number of TG but I was also able to get another couple of wounds on it. Eventually the TG did take it out but were down to about 2/3rds of their number.

    Most of my fleeing units rallied. I charged the cannon and got rid of that. However on his turn he charged the terradons with the knights and despite trying to flee, rolled poorly and was caught.

    At some point I decided to charge the skrox into the demigryphs, hoping to hold them up for a turn. If I hadn't charged, they would have charged me. They were close and I had almost no where left to flee to (other than off board). Suffice to say, it didn't go well!

    He charged my saurus block with his halbardiers, who were boosted with various life spells, inc throne of vines, and were know T8. Again, this didn't go well.

    Towards the end, the remaining TG lasted 2 full turns against the demigryphs, being killed to a man (lizardman). The slann (my BSB) did manage to survive.

    You'll probably have noticed that I haven't said much about magic. It happened throughout the game, biggest winner from magic was the halbardiers with ToV and ? to Stone combo.

    MVP - The wood for dealing 6 wounds to the steam tank :D
    Proper MVP - Probably the sallies/razordon combo.

    Definitely regret not doing more on my right flank. I could probably have dealt with the cannon in 2 turns and taken out one unit of knights. Maybe I was too worried about my oppo.

    Result - Loss 14 - 6

    Biggest lesson learnt - Damn those Demi-gryphs are tough!
  2. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Against empire the very first thing you do is cast as many spells as possible, you're not going for effect (unless 6dice WBW on your sallies puts him in a really really bad spot) you're going for searing doom. It eats stanks and demi for breakfast. If his stank isn't near his general grab a spirit leech, does enough wounds to take the heat? steam out of the stank.
    As for the block, never fight it (was what 1200 points?) with wards rerolls and god knows what else. If you can break it's ranks with a double charge it's not as bad as an ogre deathstar but you still normally don't want to fight tough 8 anything with a 5++. Fiery on the flesh star will also net you results if you get a chance to cast it, but searing or ghennas is definitely the plan against empire.

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