8th Ed. Predatory Fighter & Supporting Attacks

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by hardyworld, Aug 5, 2013.

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  1. mortetvie

    mortetvie New Member

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    Hooray for constructive comments and posts!
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    There is nothing more that can be said, yet you all continue to argue, now we get to eat popcorn with Hermes. Don't be the Fun Police.
  3. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    1. to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash: This is from a dictionary as regards to the word conflict .I define PF and SA as a conflict as SA stops part of the rule working .PF is WHENEVER a model rolls a six (that's all the time , anytime however you want to put it)

    2. I am defining it that way as that's the way it appears. Why should SA stop PF working to its fullest? I don't agree that there can only be conflict if it stops the whole rule from working.

    3. No , there will be a conflict aslong as SA stops Pf working partly .

    4. for most it is preferable as it give us a slight boost to certain units. To me it is preferable as it makes a neat little package. You don't get silly things like Kroxigor in skinks giving the drawback of PF without the bonus
  4. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    => Ok, so reconcile _that_ definition with the multiple ways for dwarfs to re-roll something and say why we cannot re-roll a re-roll. And explain why Smiting does not allow more attacks in Support.

    => Context. As Mort has pointed out, if you don't go that way, then lots of things can be trumped up to be called conflicts and the whole game breaks down and is unplayable.
  5. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    => Ok, so reconcile _that_ definition with the multiple ways for dwarfs to re-roll something and say why we cannot re-roll a re-roll. And explain why Smiting does not allow more attacks in Support.

    I've said my piece and have joined the popcorn eaters, but I'm wondering if I could get some clarification on the Smiting? (I feel like I stepped out during the movie to take a leak and need a quick catch up) I'm a Dwarf player as well and am curious if you're talking about the Master Ruin of Smiting which causes d6 wounds on a target or something I'm unaware of...?
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Seriously you have been arguing since January. :D
  7. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Can I have PF in second/third rank?
  8. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    If you can provide me with the exact wording of the rules in question I will try and get an answer for those.
  9. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    Imagine you are playing against someone who have never played Warhammer before.

    You are introducing him to the game, and you are the only one of you who know the rules. You are playing Lizardmen and he is playing something else.

    Will you let supporting attacks benefit from Predatory Fighter?
  10. mortetvie

    mortetvie New Member

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    Regarding (1), you actually just copied and pasted a dictionary definition and more than one to boot... Pick one of those ways to define "conflict." Semantics aside, you say you define the conflict where PF is stopped from working part of the time, when making SA... But if we use your definition, Frenzy and other like rules are prevented in a similar way resulting in what can be defined as a "contradiction" and therefore they should work with SA and the SA restriction can just be thrown out the window, right?

    Regarding (2), I specifically wanted to know what the basis for your chosen definition and application of that definition was. For example, why use any definition that seems right rather than use and apply the context of what is given to us on pg. 11? That doesn't make sense from a logical perspective-we shouldn't go outside of the rule unless we HAVE to and here we don't have to.

    Also, you say "why should SA stop PF working to its fullest" and my answer is because the rule expressly says it does... while PF does not expressly says it works with SA, Therefore, to resolve that conflict and have both rules operative/functional, you must have PF function all of the time except when making SA attacks, then both rules work. Really, it isn't a problem to have one rule limited by another in such a way.

    Indeed, just because a rule is limited or prevented from functioning in a specific instance does not break the game. Such rule interactions appear all of the time. Do you or anyone else really mean to say rules must always work or never work? Do you think that a rule can't be prevented from functioning in certain limited situations?

    In Warhammer, if a rule says you can do x, you can always do x unless specifically stated otherwise by another rule-this is one such example.

    Regarding (3), There is a difference between a conflict that prevents a rule from working at all, and a conflict that prevents a rule from functioning in a specific instance. There doesn't HAVE to be a conflict between the two rules if you read and apply them as I have said to many many times before...

    Regarding (4), those are terrible reasons to play a rule a certain way... I can play Frenzy and Devastating Charge working in SA because it gives me a boost and a neat package too but that doesn't mean it is RIGHT.

    Overall, you are focusing on the language of HOW PF works rather than WHAT it does. It doesn't matter how PF is written unless it actually and expressly says it works regardless of any limitations or mentions the SA rule. You have to assume because PF says "whenever" that it means it overcomes the SA restrictions but that isn't necessarily the case...

    So I ask you and everyone else to explain why PF works where Frenzy/Devastating Charge doesn't? And if you say that Frenzy and Devastating Charge work with SA then, you basically break the SA rule and want us to adopt an absurd result so you can roll some extra dice out of convenience?
  11. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Telegram to all:

    XXX Argument going on too long STOP Some view one way STOP Some view other STOP Please just STOP XXX

    :rolleyes: :D
  12. mortetvie

    mortetvie New Member

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    I would but...

  13. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I laughed
  14. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Lets....keep to the subject at hand.

    So.....the, uh, Predatory Fighter special rule's interaction with the Supporting Attacks special rule is unclear upon cursory review. I guess...how they interact requires a deeper understanding of the overall rule set rather than just the wording of those two rules independent of everything else. That is what I've learned.

    EDIT: I see that the post(s) that derailed to be off topic have been removed by Admin. This post now serves no purpose. Will yours?
  15. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    will reply more in depth when I get home but a couple of things.

    Im not saying pf works with SA . I am saying there is a conflict so why are we not using the pg11 rule. You have decided that for the conflict rule to work SA would need to completely stop PF from working. Why? If my way frenzy and DC get extra attacks so be it (havn't look at those rules yet)

    As for number 4 I ment neat little package as in the krox reference . Why should Skinks and Krox get the downside to PF if they don't get the bonus. It would be ok if the krox couldn't be attacked as thats a small bonus.
  16. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Ha! I needed that laugh before I went to bed :)
  17. mortetvie

    mortetvie New Member

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    Happy thanksgiving everyone, regardless of what you believe, roll lotsa 6s when eating your yummy foods :). To those that don't celebrate, you're missing out on lotsa diet destroying yumminess!
  18. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    Even though I live in the Uk. Happy thanksgiving everyone. Lets put this to bed , it is clear both sides are not going to agree until an faq is released. regardless of who is right and who is wrong
  19. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Pushing for the 300 post mark!

    The following is mainly for those of you who doesn't agree that the rule is a bit... unclear.

    And I choose to quote the rules (again) for this very purpose.

    1. SA "To represent this, he can ever only make a single Attack, regardless of the number of attacks on his profile, or any bonus Attacks he might otherwise be entitled to because of special rules or other unusual effect"

    Notice wherever the word attack is used it's used with a capital A. As in the characteristic Attack.

    2. PF: Whenever a model ... rolls a 6 to hit in close combat ... makes another Attack.

    Note that they also use a capital A in this instance.

    There's 2 ways to interpret this:

    1. No PF on supporting attacks, as PF is a special rule and therefor does not apply. Bam, end of discussion.


    2. PF does work, since even the supporting Saurus is in close combat, and PF applies to ALL models (with this special rule) in close combat. To avoid the conflict, the PF rule should not say "in close combat", it should say "in base to base in close combat".

    Frenzy DOES work in second rank (giving ITP), but Extra attack does not since it only increases the Attacks value of the model. Additional handweapon and some magic swords does the same, increases Attacks.
    Red fury from Vampire counts works just as PF, however you choose to interpret the rules.

    Quite a few of the "is it or is it not a conflict"-discussions is caused by the use of terms like "any, whenever, every, all" and such.
    It's just the same with Deliverance of Itza, Burnig alignment, Ark of sotek and Flamestorm.
    Do they hit targets in 360 degrees or forward arc only?
    Do they hit enemies in close combat, or can't they since Direct damage and shooting can't target units in CC?

    The last 2 questions are of topic and should not be answered here...
  20. mortetvie

    mortetvie New Member

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    some interesting points raised that highlight what is at issue here. Specifically, the difference between 1 and 2 is how the rule is chosen to be read/interpreted. As I have pointed out many times, you HAVE to read a conflict into the rules for there to even be an AB>BRB argument at all, hence, you have to assume there is a conflict and an assumption is no basis to hang your hat on when you want to overcome a restriction in the game.

    You see, there is a threshold that needs to be reached for an AB>BRB argument to even be considered to be viable for PF working with SA whereas there is no such threshold for the argument contrary to PF not working with SA. This is because those that say no PF with SA are simply letting the rules speak for themselves whereas those that say PF with SA are telling everyone what they see in the rules, what is not necessarily there.

    Absent something clearer in the language of the PF rule that clearly shows that it is supposed to work with SA, you have nothing to work with when arguing AB>BRB and the words "whenever" are not enough. Just because there is an arguable ambiguity in the rule does not mean you can choose to interpret one rule to break another.

    In terms of Frenzy and increasing attacks characteristics/value, that is an irrelevant consideration to make and one of the logical fallacies I keep pointing out that people can't seem to let go of... It doesn't matter HOW a special rule or effect provides another attack, it only matters that the source of the additional attack(s) is from a special rule. Therefore, by saying "Frenzy increases attacks value while PF simply says another attack" ad nauseam, the only thing being perpetuated is a logical fallacy being repeated over and over again... I ask again, why does PF work where Frenzy does not? Both provide a means of getting an additional attack. How they do that doesn't matter in terms of SA.
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