Tutorial Woodland Senics Water Effects

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by DanBot, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Using the woodland scenic products?

    I was asked for tips on how to use this product via mail after someone had seen and liked my carno's base.
    I tried to reply with this large brick/wall of a reply and it errored and said "Post doesn't contain enough characters" I lol'd and decided I would make my short tutorial public since I love the product and the only thread about it is negative.

    Excuse my poor picture taking ability and know your actual results should look far better!

    Pretty simple stuff. The easiest way to use it is to fill a pool or lake.

    Easiest way to use it:
    1. make a base with green stuff or clay. Add a grove/pool to it, about 1/4 inch deep. Add gravel/fine sand and prime.

    2. Paint it. You must paint where the water is going to be with very sharp contrast. The regular dry brushing methods that normally look great, disappear when looking through even clear "realistic water". Optional, add a fine-moderate dry brush of light blue.
    Example: Hard to see. Ill try and get a better picture if anyone is really interested in this. The blue is there. Just look real hard.

    3. Pour the water effects. What you pour it in has to be water tight. It will find the holes! I put it on a paper plate while drying just in case there is a hole. Make sure while drying it stays level. If you change the tilt while drying it will create unrepairable bubbles. I don't pour more than 1/4 inch layers at a time. Should dry over night. Or be dry enough for another pour. For deep pools, I like to mix the first layer or layers with a few drops of dark blue paint. stir well and pour slow. Pop bubbles. Then the middle layers with a bit of light blue. Top layers clear. (most of the time I skip adding paint to the "realistic water" because water on the bases tend to be shallow, and thus clear. I have to go out of my way to make something that shouldn't be clear).

    4. Optional. Add "water effects" This stuff is great. The realistic water looks good on its own, but water effects creates the motion, ripples, waves, etc. Not for every base, but it's awesome. Just add a few drops of white paint and go to town. Use an old dry brush as a stippling brush and add waves! It will ruin the brush. A toothpick also does well. Just apply the water effects directly on the dry realistic water and push up on the pudding like product into peaks. You can paint/dry brush the water effects once it dries instead of mixing it. But I have had much more success mixing. Dry times vary depending on how thick the ripples are, but generally, water effects drys faster than realistic water.
    Example of water effects: Here you can see it being used in two ways. Clear just to add texture, and with paint mixed in to create ripples. Another thing I have done in the past is just used my finger. Apply the water effect directly on the realistic water and quickly dab or tap it into peaks.


    Other methods not covered, free floating water like my carno/steg bases | painting a surface and adding water effects for a deeper/animated look | Adding paint while drying for streaky swampy water.

    If you're interested in these let me know and I'll add some tips for doing these.

    I don't have the terrain with me that I used the streaky water on. I'll try and get it soon. It looks great! But here is the "animated look".
    Another poor picture. surprise?
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the tutorial danbot :)
    Great schtuff!
  3. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    Fantastic! Thanks for the tutorial, I'll use it later for sure :D
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Excellent work. I encourage Danbot (or anyone else) to continue making tutorials. I will continue to sticky them till we get to a half dozen, in which case I'll create a model tutorial index because I like indexes like Skinks like mashed potatoes potatoes and grubs.
  5. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    That would be great! Hand full of them I've found useful here already. One on eyes floating around. And freehand scales(not that i can actually do that)
  6. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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