8th Ed. Best way to use Saurus

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Wise Kroxigor, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Wise Kroxigor

    Wise Kroxigor New Member

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    I was wondering what is the best way to equip Saurus in an army. I've heard that 6 wide is good, but I do not understand why because they only need 5 for rank bonus. I was also wondering what optimal unit size was, 24 seems popular, as does 36+. Also, is it ever worth fielding more than one unit of these guys? They seem like they require a lot of buffs to be very successful, so is it better to keep them on one unit so they all benefit from the buff? Thanks for the feedback!
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    It depends on what you want to use them for. 6 wide with spears mean that you can potentially hit with 13 + 2,08 attacks from front row and 12 additional attacks, so a total of 27,08 attacks (the ,08 is useless though haha).

    Comparably the sword and board guys will do 11 + 1,76 attacks from the front row and an additional 5 attacks from the second rank so a total of 17,76 attacks.

    The issue is here that the spear guys are situational (spears doesn't work when they charge, only while being charged) and the sword and board guys have an additional save (parry save). This can worth it in the long run is why you usually have the S&B guys deeper so they can soak up attacks (more ranks = steadfast for longer).

    Normally I go 30. That's either 6 wide and 5 deep or 5 wide and 6 deep. You can easily go 24 models, but at 2500pts I find them to die too quickly. Remember that they almost always hit last and doesn't have a good WS.

    I actually think you can make a decent unit out of spear saurus wide a scar vet. He'll be able to chop up the tougher targets and the saurus will tear through anything else. But that's just me though..
  3. MHK Pathfinder
    Cold One

    MHK Pathfinder Member

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    The theory behind 6-wide is that it allows maximum attacks back vs 5-wide units on 20mm bases.

    Saurus are on 25mm bases, so 6-wide gets you 150mm of frontage.

    Lots of infantry are on 20mm bases (skinks, for example), so 5-wide formations (the preferred width for getting lots of ranks) presents 100mm of frontage.

    In a front charge scenario, when you maximize frontage, your middle 4 saurus (4x25mm) will span the width of the enemy front (5x20mm). The two saurus on either side are in corner-to-corner contact, and also get to attack.

    This is important for saurus because they almost always hit last and have poor WS, so maximizing the number of attacks back is vital.

    This is also why magical buffs are pretty key (see Wyssans, Iceshard on enemy, or Lore or Light buffs), and why saurus blocks under 24 generally aren't very effective. They die too fast to make use of the extra attacks.
  4. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    That's why I never leave home without my Engine of the Gods! All the benefits of parry and spears at the same time. Plus it still works when charged to the flank/rear and against warmachines and shooting. Truly a gift from the Old Ones.
  5. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    I like to run units of 30 as well or a bit less if there is a character or two in them; gives them versatility. I generally always run spears, but I have had a lot of success with a 20 man sword and board. With the right buff or clever positioning they can remain steadfast for a while and can start in the watchtower. The best thing they have going for them is their toughness and cold-blooded. If they can tie up a unit for some monsters or cold ones to get in even better. I like having units that your opponent has to kill to a man.
  6. Wise Kroxigor

    Wise Kroxigor New Member

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    How many units is good for a 2000 point army? Is 2 squads better than 1 big squad in this case?
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    At 2000 points I normally take one Saurus Warriors block if I'm also taking Temple Guard or a large Skroxigor block. I take two Saurus blocks if I am playing with no other strong infantry blocks. A solo deathstar of infantry is liable to get surrounded and triple teamed to death, unless you have lots of redirectors and know how to use them (in which case you probably want a big Temple Guard block and all Skink Core).

    I usually take 25 Saurus Warriors then adjust the number up and down at the end of my list creation depending on whether I have 2022 points or 1978 points.

    In general, if you are stronger than the enemy, you want your Saurus (or Temple Guard) to want to maximize frontage for more killing power (6 wide most of the time). If your Saurus units are fighting something stronger than than them then you want to five wide to get maximum ranks.

    I usually use hand weapon Saurus most of the time because my HW Sauri are painted and my spear Sauri are not.

    Spear Sauri need three full ranks to maximize attacks, and they die slightly faster in close combat so you generally do not need to field them six wide, unless you have enough models to still have 18 Spear Sauri after casualties. For that reason I generally go with a base of 30 Spear Sauri rather than 25 so I can keep my third rank intact longer.

    Saurus Warriors of either build are dependent on buff spells (or the enemy being hexed). Spear Sauri like support magic even more because they have no automatic parry saves and more attacks to potentially strengthen.
  8. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    In my meta, I encounter a lot of horde formations for different warriors. I have taken to running a block of 30 Saurus with spears in 8 wide formation with three ranks. I add a Scar Vet to the unit and when fighting the hordes, and not charging, I end up getting a lot of attacks to cut the horde down to size. Buffs from magic help the unit survive the first round of attacks from the enemy.
  9. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    I hate parry saves.

    35 Saurus, Spears, kitted Oldblood.

    It's worked out pretty well, though it's pricy and I prefer TG instead.
  10. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    This is how Saurus *SHOULD* be played....

    But I play them in large blocks because they're so crap and die too easily. There needs to be enough of them to stay steadfast.
    A couple of characters makes it fairly viable - characters even out the combat res and the 2 or 3 kills the unit makes might win the combat. Haha.

    I love them, but I hate them so bad.

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  11. Wise Kroxigor

    Wise Kroxigor New Member

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    In what squad sizes is it better to have HW and shield vs. spears and shields? It seems like its a matter of +5 or 6 attacks some of the time vs. 1/6 save opportunity all the time. Against a T3 enemy, the 6 extra attacks will do 2 wounds before saves. Seems pretty good, but also situational... If you lose the 3rd rank, you lose all benefits.
  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I usually go with 24 Saurus Warriors if I'm running with Hand Weapons and around 30 if I take spears.
  13. Avak786

    Avak786 Active Member

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    I tend to run a 34-man spears unit with characters in (5 ranks of 7) and use it as a deathstar and around the 24 mark if i'm running S&B
  14. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    about sword and board: I prefer 25 models. That'll make a nice 5 x 5 unit, to maxmize steadfast :)

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