7th Ed. 1K game Stunties vs Lizzies

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by freakndell, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    battle report Stunties VS Lizzies

    Stunties: play the home field.
    Lizzies: Attack
    scenery: 1 Hill with impassable terrein in the front and back and difficult ground on the sides.
    2 Pine forest.

    My list:

    Scar Veteran: @ 174 pts
    Sacred Spawning of Tepok
    Sacred spawning of Quetzl
    Enchanted shield
    Sword of might
    Charm of the jaguar warrior
    Light Armour

    Scar-veteran: @ 200 pts
    Sacred Spawning of tepok
    Sacred spawning of Itzl
    Cold One
    Light Armour
    huanci's banner

    Skink Skirmishers:
    1 x 11 @ 66 pts
    1 x 13 @ 78 pts

    Special: @ 348 pts
    1 x 3 @ 174 pts
    1 x 3 @ 174 pts

    Salamander hunting pack
    1 x 2 @ 130 pts

    His List:

    Thane 142
    Hand Weapon & Shield
    Gromril Armor
    Master Rune of Swiftness
    Rune of Fury
    Rune of Cleaving
    Rune of Stone

    15 Dwarf Warriors 160
    Hand Weapon & Shield
    Heavy Armor

    19 Longbeards 303
    Hand Weapon & Shield
    Heavy Armor
    Rune of Stoicism
    Rune of Battle

    10 Thunderers 150
    Dwarf Handgun
    Hand Weapon & Shield
    Light Armour

    1 Cannon 125
    Gunner’s Pride
    Rune of Forging

    1 Organ Gun 120
    Gunner’s Pride

    Stunties have turn 1.


    Stunties from my left to right.
    Warrior block, Canon with Thane, thunderers, Organ Gun and the block of Long beard

    Lizzies from left to right:
    Skinks creen, with behind it a unit of kroxes on the left side and in the middle a unit Sallies. Then another units of skinks wth Scar vet in them. Behind them the other unit of kroxes and the BSB.

    The scenery was placed in the middle of the table with 5 inch between them.

    Stunties turn 1

    Movement: Warriors move 2 inch forward. Everything else stays put!
    Shooting: Canon aims at the skink in front of the Sallies...Shoots.....and misfires...Stunties work there asses of to keep the gunpowder dry and reroll...misfire again.......Rolls a 4 and that means that those little guys fix the gun this turn. It will be able to shoot the next turn.
    Magic: Well taken we both do not wield magic of any kind. i'll skip this phase......
    Close Combat: duh...there dwarfs...there not that fast!

    Lizzies turn 1

    Movement: The complete army speeds forward. The skinks joined with the scar-Vet moves between the scenery. ready for a jump start next turn...The Sallies move behind the forest. Afraid of the canon. The Kroxigors make the famous pincer movement around the hill.......
    Shooting: Nope, everything marched, so no shooting for the Lizzies.
    Close Combat: We are faster then Dwarfs, but not that fast...

    Stunties turn 2

    Movement: Warriors move 2 inch BACK. The long Beards walk in front of the organ gun, to prevent Scar-vet from charging, but he still has LOS on that gun.!
    Shooting: Canon aims at the skink in front of the kroxes...Shoots.....and it lands 1 inch in front of the skink, it bounces........another 2, so it stops just in front of the Krox. The brave little skinks dives to safety and evades the ball. The Organ gun shoots at the same skinks. The die roll gives 10 hits. Killing 9 in the process....the 2 skinks left run for there lives. Never to be seen again. The thunderers, now having a clear shot at some kroxie-meat shoot and wound 1.
    Close Combat: neh...not yet!

    Lizzies turn 2

    Movement: The Scar-Vet thinks he can make the charge and starts running........Only to find out the hard way, that he will NOT make it.....The skinks surround him again to protect the famous nike-saurus. Sallies decide that it is good to join the show and come out of hiding, but still are wary of the canon. The left Krox unit get's ready for a charge on the thunderers next turn. The other Kroxigor unit continues to make the famous pincer movement around the hill (and it looks like it's gonna be a long walk!).......The bsb decides to stay behind the forest.
    Shooting: Nope, almost everything marched, so again, no shooting for the Lizzies. Not even the sallies...
    Close Combat: Sorry (for me that is...) Stunties like this......

    Stunties turn 3

    Movement: Warriors move in front of the kroxigors, preventing the charge on the thunderers. The long Beards walk in front of the skink units, ready to minsmeat the skinks....!
    Shooting: Canon aims at the skink....Shoots.....and still does diddly. The Organ gun shoots at the left kroxigor unit. Killing 2! The last one make a run for it.....
    The tunderers decide to shoot the other skink unit and kill 6. The are brave enough to keep standing. The dying skinks open LOS for the Scar-vet. Whoe sees an opening. a risky one, but still
    Close Combat: Sorry.....

    Lizzies turn 3

    Movement: The Scar-Vet thinks he can make the charge for those thunderers and starts running........The tunderers are so scared that they forget to shoot and just hold. .... Sallies decide that now is a good time to crips some litle fellows. The left Krox unit leftover runs of the board.. The other Kroxigor unit continues to make the famous pincer movement around the hill (almost there!).......The bsb creeps behind the skink unit ready to join the pincered kroxes.
    Shooting: Yes finally the skinks AND Sallies can shoot. The are so build up and eager to shoot that the skinks failed reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyy bad. 14 shots fired (5x1, 5x2, 3x3 and 1x4). Luckely the Sallies can make more the up the misses. The first one inhales and burns 3 skinks handelers.....(pesky little brats). The other one burns for 4 and finally wounds a midget.
    Close Combat: Yes finally...The general is ready to bash some skulls.....This is fantasy. The reality was that here his name of fluncky saurus was beginning to form.
    He swings for the kill, overswings and just kills one. The stunties fail to wound back, so that's a tie.

    Stunties turn 4

    Movement: The long Beards charge at the leftover skinks. They stand and shoot, to die as a brave little lizard. Again a hail of 14 shots rain down on the dwarves. Again all the darts miss target. The warriors turn left, to be the cavalry for the long beards. (And knowing they are still dwarfs, they will probably be to late...)
    Shooting: Canon aims at the skink handeler and 2 sallies....Shoots.....and only wounds the skink. But then again. Knowing they only have one wound.....R.I.P.
    The Organ gun shoots at the last kroxigor unit. again 10 hits Again Killing 2! The last one is brave enough to fight another day.........
    Close Combat: The Fluncky saurus, still feeling that ache from it's overstreched arm only wounds one. They strike back but can't even hit a limping lizard. Stiull making this a tie. The Long Beards really pound the skinks. They are starting there overrun to the Sallies, but the look on those firebreathing lizards make them think again and they stop running.....

    Lizzies turn 4

    Movement: Sallies decide to charge that pesky block of LB. They are brave though and are ready to fight back. The last Kroxigor completes it's pincer move and calmly walk to the flank of those long bearded little guys.The bsb joins the kroxigor. he's "humming". "Who want's to live forever" from Queen.
    Shooting: Nope
    Magic: Oke, oke i have a little magic.....The banner kicks in and the bsb and the krox stop "humming" and charge! Still brave, some lb turn to face them in battle.
    Close Combat: Ready to unmake it's given name of fluncky saurus he attacks...Hitting them all and wounding 3! At Last he is doing his job...goddamnit....i mean allahdamnit. The thunderers hold. (Thank tht same god otherwise a canonball would be bouncing on the scar-vets face)
    The Sallies wound, The BSB wounds, causing 4 wounds. They kick back for 2 (making that 4 as well (standerd and warbanner) With his musician (now drumming who want's to live forever) he pulls out a win. But, thanks to the great aura of my fluncky saurus, they all safe!

    Stunties turn 5

    Movement: Thane the pain moves away from the canon to creep up behind the fluncky saurus. The warriors continue there walk. (full throttle, but that's still like standing still with movement 3)The Organ Guns crew pulls it's gun 3 inch to the left.
    Shooting: nope
    Close Combat: The Fluncky saurus, back on the job. Swings and hits one (rolling 3 one's and a three) and wounds that one....Damn muscle ache. The thunderers strike back and wounds the saurus (throwing it's fourth one for the save). Fight continues...... The Long Beards receive wounds from all sides and decide to run to the hills (Que "Iron Maiden track" here!). The Bsb and krox run after them and catching them........

    Lizzies turn 5

    Movement: Sallies decide to charge that Organ gun. They are brave though and are ready to fight back. The bsb and kroxigor charge the lonely Thane.
    Shooting: Nope
    Magic: Nope this time i'm really out of tricks.
    Close Combat: To make a long story short. The combat with the Scar Vet --> Tie! The Sallies wound and with outnumber and fear it's game over for that gun. The BSB get's challanged. He neither receives nor deals any wounds but outnumber and fear seals the deal yet again. They persue him off the table.

    Stunties final turn

    Movement: The warriors continue there walk into never neverland.
    Shooting: nope
    Close Combat: Scar-vet and thunderers....Yes a tie yet again.

    Lizzies final turn

    Movement: Sallies decide to charge those thunderers. Helping out that poor poor General. The Krox and Bsb empty there noses.....
    Shooting: Nope
    Close Combat: To make a long story short. The combat with the Scar Vet --> Finally over...Yes the Scar vet did all the wounds.Off course....

    Final standings:

    Result: Solid victory for the Lizzies!
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like a good game, but why did you put the BSoTepok on your heroes? Dwarves can never cast magic. The anvil isn't even magic you can't dispel it, it works in the shooting phase and is counted as a warmachine.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Nice battle report. It looks like you pulled that one out of the bag despite having your army moving in piecemeal. I really like the msu approach of your list (more in line with my style of play), but I still wonder if the large points cost of your heroes is warranted.

    And, as Craken mentioned, the 4 dispel dice seem rather unnecessary. I would add further to this that with the speed of your list you could go with only one Tepok spawning and just mage-hunt against your regular opponents.

    And, as a Muslim, I regret to inform you that Allah is simply god in Arabic ;) , meaning that your Scar-Vet was going to survive that Cannon-ball either way.
  4. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Thanks guys!

    The reason for my two Tepok spawning is actually quite simple. We had to build a list for the competition. I play with this same unmodified list vs Tomb Kings (see the battle report Lizzies vs Skellies), and Orc's and Goblins.
    I know that stunties do not use magic, but Khemrie does and O&G can do that very well. (He chose to field an all Orc army, so it was not needed after all) We were not allowed to alter our lists, that's why....

    I am very happy with my list and it does a good job at hurting opponents at this pts lvl. There is no real "soft spot" in there.
    I know my heroes are expensive. The Nike Saurus is almost an auto-include. I i took the BSB out for a spin. Must say ....i like it! Cold Blooded gives us very, very good leadership, but sometimes that second roll saved my units from disaster.. You have to protect the BSB with your life, but the "banner trick" although known to all my opponents still works like a charm. Nothing spells "Your a$$ is grass and i'm the lawnmower" better the a unit of kroxes and the bsb "sneaking" in the flank of a unit!

    @ SohCahToa: The quote you refered to comes from Jeff Dunham's "Achmed the dead terrorist". I love that act and it kills me everytime i watch it (pun intended). So it was not ment to be offending or something.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Right on dude, I figured there was a reason for it.

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