Dear Friends, I´m building a Lizzardmen pyramid, it´s not finished yet and because i don´t have much time lately this project is going very slow... But below you can see the steps that I´ve taken..... I´ve put a legend in each pic, but as I have a bad english i hope you understand... Follows: First I´ve got a lot of Styrofoam (i think this is the correct name in english) cubes, them i´ve take off the tips to look more like a pyramid stone... I´ve maded a mistures of white glue + water + gray, pass on each cube than i´ve putt a sheet of napkin on each stone.... This way will be easier to "prime" the pyramid, and take of the appearence of the Styrofoam and look more like a stone texture Then i´ve started to glued the rocks Here is the first floor of the pyramid, already with some rocks broken another shoot here is the structure to the second floor, I don´t know if you can see, but this is a solid structure for the second floor the second floor another shoot Here we have the third floor and the top of the pyramid another shoot!!! Aqui já tem a escada, que fiz da mesma forma, montei a esturura com isopor e palitos e depois cobri com papel higienico molhadasso na cola+agua+tinta cinza.. Here we have the stairs, i´ve maded the stairs with Dycell and woodsticks, them i´ve cover it the same way i´ve maded with each stone.. same step, another shot Here i´ve glued with water+glue a green sand, then ivé started to make a wash of brown another shoot The nexts steps are do 2 or 3 washes of brown in the sand, them 2 drybushes of differents greens on this sands... them i´ll make te color of the stones, then I´ll put static grass in some points, and then i´ll put some plants climbing the pyramid....... I´ll be putting the nexts steps as soon as i´ve done it... Hope you enjoy it... Cheers... Marcos
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Pretty good! I think you may have gone overboard with the flock though. Try adding some Static Grass and clump Foliage to break it up.
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Yeah it looks pretty cool so far, good idea to use foam and round off the edges. I look forward to seeing more of it.
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Firstly I want to say that it is really an impressive piece of work, always a pleasure to see people actually making their own scenery, I for one have little to no creative skills beyond painting so stay away from big projects like this. The most I've ever done is make a little scenic base for the 3 goblin fanatics I had kicking around, and one goblin musician, just because I like those models but have no real use for them. Thanks for taking the time to give us a stop-by-step of your process. It actually helps and encourages people like myself who get dumbfounded by tackling big projects like this, I might actually give it a shot one of these days. The only not-so-prositive comment I can come up with, is that the top block looks like it is sort of floating or only held up by the two rocks on either side and so in my mind, doesn't seem right...obviously just my opinion though, not a structual engineering fact lol Am looking forward to seeing the completed piece -Eagle-
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Yeah, i´ve realy had trouble on the looks of this top block, but I´ll post later a photo of the pyramid from behind, which shows that the top block is held by the two blocks from behind... still that construction leaves an area about 5 inches x 6 inches... which gives a good space to put a slann there, or somenthing else... I´ll probably continue the construction on this weekend, than I´ll put the next steps.... Still, my desire is to make more scenarios to fill a table only with lizardmen theme... Therefore, after the pyramid I´ll try to make a spawning pool, and them about 3 stone sculptures (one intact, and the other 2 semi destroyed)... everything maded with this Styrofoam Cubes covered by the gray misture and paper... I´ll put some static grass (around the pyramid and in some floors to) and some field grass (around and in the stairs). I bought today some aquarium plants, which I plan to put climbing the floors of the pymarid... and put some snakes in different places.... Well, your comments really cheer me up to continue my construction... Hopely on monday I´ll put the next steps that I can do in the weekend.... Hope it cheer you guys up to, to made scenarios... Cheers, Marcos
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) The title didn't lie... it IS a stepped pyramid after all.
Friends, A long time has pass since I make my last post of this step by step pyramid... therefore here follows the nexts steps, as you can see now there iss little things to do... Hope you like it cheers Marcos
Nice update, its looking great now. I do think the headdress looks a bit Egyptian rather than Mayan, as the LM are. LM sculptures seem to be more exaggerated and less realistic, but that is a small picky thing.
Looking very nice friend. In your next post, it would be great to see a model in a picture or two to get an idea of the scale we're looking at here. Keep up the good work!
Each of this blocks has 5cmx5cm... As son as i finish the pyramid I´ll take some pictures with miniatures on it to show the size. In my other post there is a pictures with my scratch buil Tettoeko on it, you can have a minor idea of it. Some friens has accompanied me in this building and I say that the pictures doesn´t gives the impressive looks that it really has... cheers
I almost forgot of this post... In order to finish it, here follows some (not good) pictures of the pyramid finished and also photos of my table with all lizard terrain. This photos was taken in a game against dwarves (in the old 7th, when I could use 2 engine of the gods... ohhh, good times)... Now I´ve started to build a Samurai Castle, because I bought a hole army from Samurais, from perry miniatures, using the rule for empire... When I take pictures I post here... Cheers marcos