Hello and hi to everyone After ages of just buying random minies from time to time, i though id play warhammer again (havent played since sixth). After some time spent contemplating, it was clear that the old ones wanted me to lead the lizzies into glorious victories! That, or being rather sentimental and remembering how i stumbled across warhammer for the first time, almost 20 years ago, seeing a stegadon in my local gaming club and falling inlove with it cause i was a dino crazed kid. Today i own some random minies, nothing much, most notable being my 50ish skink archers, which iplan to convert soon (just got a bunch of javekins, shields and hand weapons today). The amount of articles on this forum is amazing and i can wait to start reading them, since i consider myself a novice in all fields of the hobby (my painting used to be terrybad, but as a kid i wanted quick paintjobs, today i wanna spend more time modeling and making my minnies worth looking at, and id love to learn some sculpting). Rule/tactics wise, i ever played such an interesting army as lizzies, but ill learn as i play so a big hi to everybody, and have a nice start of the week (unless you are like me and hate mondays, in that case, my condolences)
Welcome, Cresty! If you have any queries, there are subforums to ask away. We're pretty friendly for cold blooded's, so feel no fear!
Welcome to the Jungle! Glad you decided to build an army of Lizardmen. I look forward to seeing your army and your contributions to the forum!
Thank you both for the welcome hopefully i will contribute in a meaningful way after i cover my basics and get some battles under my belt. Also, I wanted to add a collective "wow" for the sculptors and amazing painters on this page. Found the painting blog of t'hinkerer very helpful on deciding what to do with my old skinks
Welcome to the forums! Let us know if you have any questions about tactics, rules, fluff, or whatever.