8th Ed. Lizardmen End Times Rumor from Warseer

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by hdctambien, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Doesn't it say in the article tho' that we sealed up the deeper temple with boulders of massive massivity and that the mass of these massive boulders of massive massivity would be so massive that they couldn't be moved?

    Quite certain they used those exact words :O! :p
  2. Lord Tlaco
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Tlaco New Member

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    Ive read the text it just seems to act against lizardmen lore for a skink to live for such a long time, theres never been mention of golden crested skinks before so like i said PERSONALLY i believe it should be someone who has more of a longer life span as can you really imagine our skittish and hyper skinks waiting under our temples ready to buttom mash the consol, skinks are impatient they wouldnt wait around
  3. Lord Tlaco
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Tlaco New Member

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    Also since when do we "awaken" skinks, they dont lie dormant like the text sugests ill just wait for the WD to be released so theres clearer pictures
  4. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Slanns have sunk/moved entire mountain ranges.

    I don't think a few boulders would pose a problem for them.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    They either where just spawned or they had been on an Old One magic stasis pod or something like that. :meh:
  6. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    How old is Tehenhauin and Tetto'eko? Not too sure with Oxyotl 'cause time-ity time be weird in The Realm of Chaos and I'm not too sure about Tiq'tac'to's age. :pompus:
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Tetto is stated to be "over a century old", which is "ancient for a skink"

    Tehenhauin needs to be older than that IF its the same skink, which the fluff hints it either isnt, or that he is kept alive by Sotek, shredding his skin like a serpent.

    Oxyotl is theoretically thousand of years old by "normal" time-measure, but as he spend a lot of that in the chaos realm, he hasnt aged normally, so he cant really be said to be old per say.

    Neither of this has any argumentative value regarding the yellow crested skink though :p
    it could easily be that each generation spawns a pilot, or that he has been put to hibernated stasis as mentioned.
    And as Adohi-Tehga commands to "awaken" him, the later seems likely.
  8. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I got to read it yesterday in my local, it really does read as the Lizardmen are abandoning the planet, all the temple cities are giant space ships and as Mazdamundi has given the proclamation that they've failed the old ones plans, there is no longer any need or point to stay.

    Kind of a bit of a kick to be honest and looks very lazy, but I guess it's better than having most of your special characters killed (my commiserations go out to all elf players).
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I would be very surprised if the lizards just become no more. GW as invested too much to have them removed from the scoresheet.

    If they are removed, then I will definitely give WHFB away
  10. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Heck, if they bin their Lizard IP, it means I have complete free reign to sculpt whatever I want AND cast it.

    You hear that GW? Bin the lizards and I have tons of IP breaking sculpts I'm just itching to have cast up!!! :chicken:
  11. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    What the #@!# LOLLL :D
    GW stop it, ur killing me. Space lizards. For the Empe-hmh--MAZDAMUNDI.
    Whos up for Bolter-Skinks?!
  12. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    You and me both bro, and that is even after I just started a VC army.
    My love lies with the lizards!

    I dont fear it though, my guess is that a couple of the pyramids fails to get of the earth, and crashes/emergency lands different places on the planet.
  13. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    That's it! Lizardmen aren't going away, they're just joining the 40k universe. The Imperium needs someone to hold the Tyranids at bay, and anyways, the Ancient Enemy is still around! I'm sure the Saurus will adapt to boltguns just fine.
  14. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Here is my opinion on what is going on... And sorry for my English =)

    Games Workshop is a big and commercial company. Their goal is simple - make money.
    And let's face the fact, that they have a problems this year - their revenue fell. As we know, 40k universe is much more popular, then FB. There are several reasons about it, imo - cause they spent much more attention to 40k, such as tons of fiction books of a good writers. And they made 40k more adopted for the HUGE and funny battles of a several players.

    But still, i don't think that GW will remove FB. But they will try to reconstruct it for cost savings. It is much easier to support only few game systems/armies/etc , then tons of them. So, may be they will do something like "ok, if u play Elf - u can include any elf (DE, HE, WE) in elf army". And later may be even reduce the number of armies. But killing the hole FB lane? I don't think so.
    At this moment they make a huge End Times event, and the commercial result of it will show - what is really work, and what is not.

    So, imo they made that 50% of army points can be spent to Lord/Heroes with a single purpose - now people can buy huge and the most expensive models (such as carnosaurs, etc) and include them to their armies.
    Btw, this new combined profiles (such as Glottkin, etc) - imo it's a test of a single model rule. May be cause of it they killed all the dragons of Elves in Kain book? Elves on dragons with a single profile are too OP...
    Still it looks like they will try to make lizardmen a monster mash army. And it's nice imo. It will be different from other armies.

    GW will try to make as much rumours and discussions within community as possible. They will see what rules and events will give them more money. So, don't fear the changes.
  15. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Well said (your english is fine, by the way). I agree with you in most of your points. GW is trying to be lazy and do the least amount of support as possible so they can achieve their goal of "the leading model development and distribution company".

    I agree, they've invested too much to write them out. There are 'unsoiled' temple cities in the southlands, so it would make logical sense to dump the entire LM army in there. That's my prediction(or at least the best of a bad situation)
  16. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    This is where it gets tricky,

    I've had a word with a mate who has been creepily on the ball with all the end time rumours and books so far, even though he doesn't work for GW (and never has). I did ask him about the two page LM section in the white Dwarf and threw in the proverbial "What's up with that?"

    He said that from what he understands of 9th ed, there are some major changes, one of which being that characters, races, etc will still be usable, but more like the War of the beard campaign GW did years ago over a few white dwarf magazines, you're using characters/units/races that are no longer in the Warhammer world, but you're recreating/replaying old battles and events.

    So for example although the Elves are now a unified race, you'll still be able to run just a wood elf one.

    Could be guess work or pure speculation, I dislike posting any rumours unless I know I'm right, but even if Lizards no longer inhabit the warhammer world, I won't be binning my Lizards, or ebaying them. I will however be churning out sculpts for myself and for other companies, otherwise it means you'll potentially never (or very rarely) see any new Lizardman sculpts.
  17. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    This was in the opening salvo description of that passage about Mazdamundi declaring Exodus:

    "Even .. ..... sacrifices cannot now save the world from the fate that .... it; the ancient and wise open their minds eyes and set into motion a plan even more ancient then the world."

    Nobody in my gaming group has bought any of these End of Times books, because we're kinda hoping 9th will sort out some problems we have with the game. Could someone give a brief Current Events statement here for whats happening lorewise? All I know is the descriptions of the new models on the GW home site. Thanks!
  18. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I will be very very disappointed if Lizzies up and leave. They're the army that got me into miniature wargaming (despite I've only played 3 games with them ever) and are the only army I have ever looked at and thought "I want one unit of everything".

    I find it hard to believe that GW would abandon a range that they gave so many new kits to over the past few years. I mean hell, Sisters of Battle (or Adeptus Sororitas as they go by now) for 40k have received no new kits in AGES and still have current (albeit digital/White Dwarf only) rules.

    Heres to hoping the Lizards stay.
  19. Andrinor

    Andrinor Member

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    I just can't believe they would remove the army from WFB. First, the army has been very well supported with a new book and models. Even with an "exodus" of Lustria one would assume that there would still be some who stayed either cause they missed the boat....er...Temple or because they are on different continents, lost in the jungles. etc. It would be a very cool way to introduce Lizardmen to 40K but I doubt that'll happen either. It is probably just a way to get the Lizardmen involved in the big epic and inevitable battle that will take place to beat back the chaos.

    At lest that's my hope.
  20. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    Well, whatever happens, I play only one army for one GW game: Lizardmen in WHFB. If they were, for some unknown reason, to move my dinosaurs into space (WH4K) or dump the army altogether, I'd simply sell my army and start playing Flames of War; the only other miniatures wargame played with great regularity in my area.

    That's not a rage quit or anything, I simply do not care for the other stock races in Fantasy and if I want to play a sci-fi game, I have Robotech RPG Tactics and X-Wing.

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