8th Ed. 20+ Drops and skink clouds

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Thatguyoverthere12, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    Hey Lustria,

    I recently watch a battle report from the sustainable center on Youtube which featured a lizardmen player with over 20 drops. There really was nothing the Dwarf player could do as the lizardmen ran circles around him. The player claimed to have come in 3rd at the tournament and won all his games. Do you think this list is viable? This is the rough list.

    Slann with FoM
    Beast lvl 1 priest

    6x10 skink skirmishers
    15 saurus warriors

    3x5 chameleon skinks
    5x saurus cav
    3x3 rippers
    3x2 terradons
    15x Templeguard

    2x1 Salamanders
    2x1 Razordons

    Link for video report:

    Would it be worth building/painting this list? I've got it all already but is it worth the time I'd have to put into it?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I find Skink Cloud lists to be unsatisfying games, even if I'm winning though this is kind of a hybrid Skink Cloud list since you have some heavy hitters. Along those lines, I would boost the Temple Guard to 20, maybe a little more than that. The Slann bunker is likely to attract a lot of artillery and spells.
  3. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Funny game. Def need to try that. Never been so over the top with skink cloud. Wonder how this army would do against woc for example.
  4. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Fight cheese with cheese. In that particular game, I have no remorse for the dwarf player, who fielded such an amount of warmachines.

    I bet the list was more fun than a regular list against dwarves. Dwarves generally kill off all the monsters before they get to fight, so giving them no targets at all seems appropriate.

    Against Warriors of Chaos, I imagine the goal is point denial, while scoring just a few points here and there to either force a draw, or a minor victory.
  5. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    I imagine the way this list would work is that you'd use your chaff as 'gates' to allow certain units from your opponent's army into you 'cloud.' This would particularly work well against aggressive opponents like WoC or some Empire builds. Once a unit is sectioned away, erect your chaff walls to keep other units from coming to support it while you hit it with your combat blocks. Though weak, they would be able to take out isolated, whittled-down units.

    Double flee from chaos warriors, redirect some skull crushers towards the table edge and away from the action but let the chimera make it's charge. Once it kills whatever it charged, charge in your saurus warriors into the flank and envelop the combat with your cloud. Presumably, you'd win the combat and if you failed to catch the chimera, your skink cloud prevents your saurus from pursuing past the cloud into 'no-mans-land.'

    Just my thoughts. The amount of chaff makes this list seem really tactical while you're trying to sneak your small combat blocks into combat. More tactical than say a deathstar cowboy bus or relying on some purple sun equivalent to win.

    Against passive armies like the dwarves in the video, you're trying to find the crack in the line and exploit it. The lizardmen player does a really good job of cleaning up a flank and then getting into the backfield. Dwarf crews are notoriously difficult for even my rippers to take but the amount of flyers and poison shots available you should be able to pick up dwarf war machines.

    Play testing will be required but I like the look and feel of the army. I've set out my collection and it looks like an actual army as opposed to a big block of something plus extras. At least I've got a diverse list I feel. Heck, I've been trying to glue my old metal terra dons together all morning and I swore to myself years ago that I'd never touch those guys again!
  6. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    I've been playing around with points today as I glued together my 6 metal terra dons (pro-tip, super glue both metal pieces, put a drop of elmer's glue on one piece, and then mash the two together. I'm using gel loc-tite and elmer's glue. It takes maybe 30 seconds and then it's like a rock.)

    Here's what I've come to so far.

    Slann, Focus of Mystery

    15 Saurus Warriors, muso, standard
    4x10 Skink Skirmishers
    2x12 Skink Cohorts, muso, standard

    3x3 Ripperdactyls
    3x2 Terradons
    2x Bastiladons
    12x Templeguard, standard
    3x5 Chameleon Skinks

    2x Razordons
    2x Salamanders

    21 drops (not counting chameleon skinks). You read correctly, no dispel scrolls and no bsb. I figure that the bsb isn't too important when I don't particularly need any one unit to stick around. I also wanted to fit my two bastiladons in the list for their magic missiles. Between swaps and the bound spells, I've added a lot of offense to the list.

    The idea is that between the 5 vanguard units and 3 chameleon units that I'll be mixing it up behind enemy lines turn 1/2. Skink clouds and my hunting packs will form up to the front and let through units to be mulched by temple guard and saurus warriors. Any unit too dangerous to let through will be chaffed by terra dons and the like.

    I only worry about cavalry armies and 2+ armor save walls like bretonnia, empire, and WoC.

    Thanks for the feedback and Merry Christmas to you!
  7. Skinkinitup
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinkinitup New Member

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    Hello guys, I am the creator of this list.

    I would like to give some credit to Thatguyoverhtere12 who literally figured out how this list works in a matter of seconds.

    He is right in everything. There are effectively 6 threats in this army. 3 ripper units, 1 t guard of 14, 1 saurus of 15 and 1 cold one squad of 5. Assuming any one of these units hit a flank, almost all magic goes towards buffing or debuffing into that combat (unless its really early and its a light combat).

    This army is LOADS of fun but like I told the maker of this thread... This list is not a user friendly list. I played 10-20 games where everything fled and dropped like dominoes. You will need a lot of practice to make this list as effective as it can be
  8. Skinkinitup
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinkinitup New Member

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    For those of you who are looking to mess around with this list, I am the creator and here is the break down.

    becalming cog
    focus of mystery
    bsb (working to change it)
    dispell scroll

    Sk Priest lv 1 beasts

    30 Skink blowpipe
    20 Sk javelin

    10 cohort
    10 cohort

    15 saurus

    5 cold one
    5 spears

    14 temple guard
    full command

    3 Terradon
    3 Terradon

    3 Ripper
    3 Ripper
    3 Ripper

    5 chameo
    5 chameo

    1 sally
    1 sally
    1 razordon
    1 razordon
  9. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    If you look back to my post where I posted my variant, could you maybe shed some light on the effects of the changes I've made? It doesn't have to be anything earth shattering but if it saves me some play testing I'm down for any criticism.

    Notably, I stripped down the slann, lost the skink priest, lost the saurus cavalry, took out 3 temple guard, added 5 chameleons and 2 bastiladons. I also anticipate having fortitude type scenarios so I added some standards into my skink cohorts.

    I was trying to give myself some more magic missiles and a few more pieces of chaff. However, I feel like I've taken a hit to my close combat power. Would that seriously hurt the list? How effective do you find your 3 combat units and can the list survive with an even more ranged focus?
  10. Skinkinitup
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinkinitup New Member

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  11. Skinkinitup
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinkinitup New Member

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    Ok for starters, before getting to your variant I wnt to ask you a few things about some things in your list. Why do you think the 2 razordons are there? Why are the cohorts there?

    you dropped the cold ones and sk priest and strippped the slann down... For what exactly? 5 chameleons, and 2 bastiiladons which are just going to be the first things you remove from the table? They blow in combat, they arent reliable to stick unless you baby sit them and they are not mobile. Not only that this list does not need magic missiles anywhere else, you have a slann on high magic... able to get any magic missiile he wants from other lores. Your changes don't fit the list.

    The 12 guard is stretching them too thin. They are at 14 only as it is. At most I would remove 1 (As I am currently doing in a tweak of mine, gettinig bare bone skink bsb out there). Also, why 12 cohorts and why give them ANYTHING? Go through the list and think about what job each unit performs.

    The way I see those 2 cohort blocks is my first guarenteed redirect. They are the cheapest, least important, and a guarenteed 10 shots (javelins) when they get charged, unit I have. Giving more points to it gives my opponent. I start the game off -100 because of those 2 unit (is how I see the game).

    You have severely weakend the list. The bastiiladons will net out nothing becasue they are a guarenteed kill compared to the other stuff. No offense, you took away many of the key strengths the list had with your changes.

    Looking at your changes I'd advise you to play more games with your lizards before you tackle this list.
  12. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    Here's another video with a skink cloud list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrGgWgkIcbs

    This list is less focussed on drops and more focussed on counter charges. The list has two units of 8 kroxigors with cowboy support to clean up units that get too close.

    I appreciate the combat power in this second list and it was able to beat Oncebitten's brettonians at the masters' qualifier but I think I like the look of skinkitup's list better. I do have 10 kroxigors at the moment so I'm just three boxes away from the list but... that's a lot to ask of me to paint by april lol.

    Slann, BSB, Wandering Deliberations
    Oldblood, Coldone, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, Glittering Scales, GW

    Scarvet, Coldone, Armor of Destiny, GW
    Scarvet, Coldone, Light Armor, GW, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Ironcurse Icon
    Skink Priest, LVL 1, Heavens, Dispel Scroll

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    18 Skink Cohorts
    18 Skink Cohorts
    18 Skink Cohorts
    10 Skink Cohorts

    8 Kroxigor
    8 Kroxigor
  13. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    I thought the razor dons were there to assist clearing chaff as well as another redirector. They're also fast and mobile enough to move where you need them. As a skirmisher and aquatic, they're hard as gel to hit especially when it water features. They are also decent in combat versus fast cavalry units or war machines. They would be perfect targets (just after the salamanders) for walk between worlds due to their small foot print. Is that close? I am interested to hear your answer.

    The cohorts are there for you as cheap redirectors. For me, I anticipate needing fortitude which, though it makes them worth more points for my opponent, I need it in my list.

    Can you talk through your changes perhaps? You mentioned getting a skink bsb which I think is an awesome idea. Are you going to break away the bsb to the other half of the table to give you two shots at LD 5 while your slann holds down the other flank with LD 9?
  14. Thatguyoverthere12
    Jungle Swarm

    Thatguyoverthere12 New Member

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    And, tell me honestly, is this not the list to take to a GT with very little practice? I don't have much of a fantasy group here anymore as most folks have been deployed. The first high level games will probably either be at FLGS tournaments or at the GT itself. I don't have anyone to play test with.

    Should I instead focus on getting my Coldone Bus deathstar list ready instead?

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